Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
LOL. I think Brawl is the only one I have. Oh wait there's GH3. But that's it. I have No More Heroes, Okami, Sports, Brawl, and Gh3. That's it. And I've been doing nothing but chilling around my place. Don't really feel like going out cause there's nothing to do here in this small town. lol. Oh yeah, you have MSN?
lol. Well, you got a lot of nice gifts. I didn't ask for anything really, so I got some deodorant, cologne, money, candy, some Coca cola, and an MP3 player. I already had an MP3 player, lol. But the person who gave me it didn't know that.
Yeah, you know it. xP I've been pretty good. Not posting anything like usual. lulz. Hey, you have SSBB and WiFi? Cause I'd like to try to kick your butt. =D
I doubled up last year and this year so I could, strangley I'm a smaart idoit. Now I can skateboard all I want, I'm gonna be going to vist my family in NYC for christmas soon so I'm pretty hyped