I'm okay just being my lazy self and on a Minecrafting splurge on Luap's [vondervul] server
:3 I built my third house after departing my second and wanted a quick easy way to go from the main village (where everyone else built their houses well-distanced from each other) to my house. So after digging my stair-shafts, a corner shaft on level 16, and establishing my wheat and mushroom farms, I started building a subway that runs from a cave area I fixed up with lots of cobblestone, to perfectly inside the village-ish area. (after dying many times from drowning (built practically a mini Chunnel D
and monsters, I proceeded to landscape. Long story short, I placed gravel around the dirt tunnel, to warn of water, and then started laying cobblestone and am now probably in phase 2 of my project after building a mine/house, a small hovel, and my general store of awesome.
And a delicious bridge and near-finished lighthouse - just need more lava for the light since for me it's easier to get lava than fapping glowstone is (damn you ghasts).
But that's me.. ;D
If you have the money/time/enjoyment I do out of Minecraft, I'd honestly recommend buying it. Though try before you buy D: