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  • hahaha. that's always fun right?? i don't tend to argue with people so i wouldn't know..... :/
    lol that was two days ago.:) i feel better now. thanks though!! :-D though you don't want to go to school do you? :/
    Of course I remember you. ^_^ I remember everybody I talk to, so it's totally not that you're any special. ;D Yeah, but you're commanderbunbuns' friend, right? The one from dA? And if you're not, wow, way to insert my foot into my mouth. :D Yeah, I'm still alive and well. I haven't completely dropped off the face of the earth. I've just been really busy, especially now that I've been getting into making gmvs and amvs. They take up some time, too.
    Yes, an update. I wanna finish it by my birthday and upload it then, so that's only about a month I have left. And I want to finish it by its second anniversary, so hopefully not too long before it's done.
    oh i didn't go to school today. i woke up not feeling very well. :( though just today i will go to school tomorrow. though i have to go this year. if i do very good then i can graduate early if i want. :)
    you seem, like you are very smart and studious. :) how is your school and stuff? have you ever ditched school before?
    lol my past few years of school have been okay... not wonderful.. okay.....
    sometimes i left school and ditched but, that was only a few times he hehe.... my grades were A's, B's and C's.
    i know right. :) let's just say maybe i should have gone to school more. lol:) hahahaha
    ughh... no!!!!! :( whatever i will probably go to city collge two years and then maybe a uc school. whatver takes me. :)
    OMG, hi! Wow, it has been so long. No, I'm so not dead. Not even on FFNet. After all, I did update just a few months ago. For me, that's a record. ^_^ No, I've just been really busy with a lot of things, and they're all kind of tugging me in different directions, so I've barely had any time to really just sit down and write. However, I have been writing for HTLAS recently, so hopefully that'll be updated soon. I really want to finish it before its second anniversary.
    really that's cool. are you a junior?.. i'm guessing.....hahahaha for a little while... college next year... i can't believe it. if i go that is. :)
    really?? were do you go to school? or where are you from?? this is my second week of school already.... ughhh... senior year..... :(
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