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  • haahahaha. cool. very cool. you know what else is giving me headaches? ughhh.... school..... :(
    hey! cool song i can see why your addicted to it. :) though i'm having a major headache right now.... :(ughh..... what's good to take advil? i don't know......
    still i hate fires!!!!! oh well hopefully it simmers down and no one else dies... :(
    there isn't even a wildfire season anymore..... they consider it all year now.
    i don't know they just make me nervous... :( when there is fires here we don't usually get evacuated because i live kind of in the downtwon area.... though there is a pretty riviera that have houses, and the fires are always close to it...... seen the flames.... oh sorry i guess i am rambling on too much.... :(
    yes.. very scary :( though were a little far away so that's good. we just had a big fire here in sb in may which burned like 80 homes.....then last november too.... which burned over like 200 homes.... it's so sad. :(
    well i live here in santa barbara, ca, and everything is burning right now.... which i hate... it's burning by LA and other places, i hate that santa barbara is right in the middle of all this. like always. :(
    lol. seems like you have your guard up. :) but true you just never know nowadays.... ughhh i don't know if that's spelled right..... wow it's hot right now..... hate fires..... :(
    yeah i seen some of those threads..... well.... i would just say stay clear of them i guess. though i was welcomed too. very rare thing indeed..... other people being friendly and helpful.... :)
    really..... have you met some not so friendly people on here? :/everyone i talked to so far seem nice. :)
    lol yeah. i was new and stuff. :) wanted to make friends. love talking to random people. if youre ever on and need someone to talk to then you can talk to me. :)
    Welcome to KHInsider Kitsune_XIII
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