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X-Men [RP]

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Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.

New powers.
New mutants.
New troubles.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the worldwide headquarters of the X-Corporation, is also known as the X-Mansion. It is the base of operations and training site of the X-Men and the location of a school for mutant teenagers. In the present day, mutants have been kept secret from the rest of the world, but not for much longer. The truth is close to being exposed and there is little that Professor Charles Xavier can do from stopping this. The new generation of mutants will decide the fate of the world in the upcoming years. Heroes and villains will rise, deciding their actions on the morality that they follow - good or evil ...

What does it all mean? Every story has a beginning. Those wishing to rule the world - they are the Brotherhood. Ruthless and unpredictable, they will not stop at anything to get what they want. But there are those that fight so hard for Professor Xavier's vision of humans and mutants living together in harmony. They are the X-Men. Although the fight for that vision has been ongoing for many years, there is still a piece of the puzzle that must be slotted into place: the new generation. The new generation will influence everything. The new generation possess the cards of fate. The new generation's story begins now.

* * *​

Faith Crest pressed stop on her iPod Nano after listening to "Untouchable" for the fifth time in a row. It should've been her classic theme song by now, considering she'd been unable to listen to anything else as of lately. She yawned loudly and sat up on the sunbed, glancing down at the swimming pool. It was a lazy afternoon in the summer and there wasn't really much to do. However, that didn't mean to say that she was trouble free. Faith had been experiencing nightmares of the future, one that involved the world finding out that mutants existed. She didn't like what she saw, but had been able to keep the secret under wraps from everyone else.

Maybe I should call Patricia in England, she thought to herself. Yeah ... maybe that'll keep my mind off things.

So she jumped to her feet and started walking back to the X-Mansion, unaware of the dangers that were about to occur ...


Mar 2, 2009
Hopefully Upward Bound
"Training program initiated," said the synthetic computer voice of the training room at X-Mansion. "Program, Bejil Avet."

Leora smiled faintly, and tied her golden blonde hair back into a bun so that if wouldn't get in her way as she trained. The first test was simple enough: run through a line of solid steel walls, each placed fifteen feet apart. She had managed to phase through ten the las time she did it, and was out to break her record. She counted down: "3... 2... 1... GO." She darted forward, and got through twelve walls, but as she went for the 13th, she slammed against it, and fell to the ground. At least I broke my record. She decided that, as she had been training all morning, it would be best to call it a day.

She exited the training room in her usual fashion of walking straight through the wall into the hall way. Fancying a walk outside, she walked through another wall, and out onto the lawn. Along the way, she passed by Faith Crest, walking towards the mansion. "Faith," she said, in a mono tone voice, nodding as as she passed.

Xander could here birds chirpping and singing all around him. He had been napping under a tree outside of the brotherhood hangout since about 7 that morning, and figured it was about time he woke up. He wasn't entirely sure why he was at the hang out. There was no one else there at the moment but himself. He felt like he was the only brother.

Number XIV

New member
Apr 4, 2007
Back after a year or so
In a dark alley in the Temple Bar district of Dublin Ireland, Sarah Redmond, alias Trace, was dreaming. It was a strange, surreal dream, a dream of her, wandering through a world of smoke and fire, with swords stabbed into the ground randomly as far as the eye could see. She kept getting lost, but there was no fear- just wonderment and interest. There was no sun in the sky, but light seemed to permeate anyway, as though the sky itself was glowing gently. She took in a deep breath, and tasted the smoke and ash, and smiled gently.

For any other human, it would just be a strange dream, nothing more. But Trace was not the same as other people, and her dream not just contained to her mind. As she slept, the endless array of swords in her dream began to slowly manifest in the real world, encircling her like a ring as they appeared, one by one. By the time she awoke, they lined the entire alleyway.

She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes and trying to hold onto her memories of the dream. She blinked, and then froze as she saw the vast array of weapons jammed into the ground all around her. "Son of a- not again!" she moaned, and jumped to her feet. She spun on her heels, and bolted for the exit of the alleyway.

"Where's the fire, lass?" asked a bystander in astonishment as she nearly ran into him. Trace made no reply, but just kept running down the street. The man shook his head, and turned to enter the alley. "What the hell?!" he yelled as he saw the swords. But Trace did not hesitate- indeed, she only began to run faster. Please, please, please don't call for the- she thought desperately, but it was too late. "POLICE! Stop that girl!" he yelled, pointing at her.

There were no police nearby, of course, and all she had to do was round the corner, and-

"Dublin Metropolitan Police, freeze!" shouted a man, whipping a gun and badge out from under his coat. Undercover? What the hell?! thought Trace angrily. She ran toward another alley, and the cop ran after. As she ran, she closed her eyes, and focused. Concept... composition... structure! She spun around, and threw up a hand, and from it sprang a brick wall. It wasn't too wide, a little less so than the alley- it would seem she'd guessed the width wrong- but it was thick enough not to budge when the cop slammed bodily into it, and tall enough that once his head stopped spinning, he wouldn't be able to climb it. She smiled, and then kept running. Just the start of another beautiful Dublin day.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Mark took long strides towards his bedroom. He was going through his mental calendar to try and remember what he had to do today. Oh yeah, he had a training session with the younger mutants later on. He was going to take them into the forest around the Institute. He was then going to tell them the importance of teamwork and tell them they had a certain amount of time to get back to the Mansion. He would give them about an hour. For training sessions like these Professor X had all sorts of traps installed. It would be interesting to see how they had improved since their last training session. Mark entered his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Walking to the back of his room, he entered a few numbers on a pad on the wall.

A door on the wall slid open and Mark stepped into a grey-room. All sorts of exercise equipment was lying around the room. He got down on the floor and began to do push-ups. He always had to be on his toes and in shape, ready to face any threat that came up. After he finished working out he took a quick shower and got into a white tank-top and black pants. He then went downstairs and grabbed an apple from a small plate on one of the counters. He sighed and looked outside into the enormous yard. It looked like a nice day. Lets hope the session went well..


Bronze Member
Oct 7, 2008
Ardri stood amongst the shopping mall, in New York City her eyes glancing at the wanders. Silent tears slid down her face, as she never knew why she was sad all the time but she knew she lacked something. Friendships? Love? Freedom? Her mind whirled as she collapsed into the pit of rubbish around her. Then as she closed her eyes, he came. A fateful force that was constant in the child’s mind. He looked upon her his eyes matching the intensity of her own his name was Deleinthix.

He was everything she had, and she was nothing to him. She looked further into her mind. You are nothing he said to her with such force. She never knew what to say when he blankly said things like that. She couldn’t fight him, not anymore…she would be punished, “I know,” she said solemnly her voice shattering a little. You will be punished. She whispered, “No, please not now, I can’t.” But it was to late. Her mind was struck with forces of pain. Her body was uncontrolled as she struck herself.
“Please, I cant not now” As her fists pounded against the wall, as she cried. Tears pounded down her face. You think thoughts of fakery you will be punished you ignorant scum. Your fists will bleed until i am satisfied

Ardri let out an exhasperated scream as she battled the wall and her own mind. her hands bleeding "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE I CANT CONTROL HIM ANYMROE" She knew she would be punished but she needed some hope that maybe mongst the hundreds of people someone may have heard.


Gurren Brigade FTW!
Apr 5, 2005
"Oh bloody hell, Dublin." Henry said and followed it with a long sigh. A man heard him and looked at him with long eyes and Henry hurried away. Ok, mabye I shuldn't make a scene, atleast that's what the professor said. What a bother...

Henry really had no problems with the Irish, he just had to live the stereotype when he could do it. Henry was sent to Dublin becouse there where a confirmed mutant here, somwhere. Henry had now been here for a week and was beginning to doubt the information, he had moved from distric to district trying to get any information from the locals on any odd happenings but either they haden't seen anything, or they didn't like his English accent Henry thought for himself. "It's... something early in the morning, someone stole my watch two days ago, I'm hungry and my money is running out... life really sucks." He mumbled for himself while walking down the streets. "Do I have start stealing or get a job?"

Henry got distracted when a girl bumped in to him and a man screaming after her: "POLICE! Stop that girl!". Henry got a good look at the red-haired girl and just continued along the road, not really cearing. That is untill he saw the alley full of swords. "Damn, that's her!" Henry's eyes turned golden and he dissaphered in to the shadow he was standing on. There are still many long shadows due it being early morning, I'll catch her easly!

Henry re-emerged from another shadow, grabbed the girls shoulder and spun her around. "Hah, got you you little wich!" The gir blushed and Henry noticed that he had picked the wrong girl. "Ah, uh... sorry, my mistake." And he disappeared again into the shadows. Henry caught up to the real one a qouple block away in a narrow alley. "So this is where you have been hiding all this time." Henry had a smile on his face, happy and pleased that he had finally found her, "Now then, I'm Henry Wyvern and I'm here to take you away!" Wait what did I say? He thought when he realised that what he just said can be interpret in so many ways.

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
Faith walked past Leora on the way in. "Leora," she said, nodding and acknowledging her presence.

Once that was done, she went inside the Mansion and found herself being caught up in another "fight" between Wolverine and Nightcrawler. As Logan swore blind that he was going to cut him up into little pieces over the soda he'd stolen, Kurt kept on teleporting around the Mansion just to tick him off. Faith already knew she was going to get caught up in this, so decided to use one of the emergency elevators to escape and go down to the hidden, lower levels of the Mansion. The basement was like a technically advanced part of the Mansion. As she exited the elevator, there was one room in particular that caught her attention.

It stood there across the hallway.


Although telepaths were authorised to use it, Faith wasn't on the other hand. Her telepathic abilities were still in the making, so using Cerebro to locate other mutants would be a task very difficult. Despite everything, Faith had actually thought about using it once or twice. However, the wise words of one Professor Xavier halted her actions and convinced her to wait a while longer. So she eventually backed off and let her develop her telepathy first. At the moment, she could only hear thoughts, but knew that there were further mutations to come ...

After thinking about Cerebro, Faith walked into another room - Beast's lab.

"Hey, Hank," she said.

"Ah, Faith Crest," he said in an intriguing voice. "How can I help you this afternoon?"

"I'm fine, thanks," Faith chuckled softly, raising her hands. "I was just wondering what you were up to."

"What I'm doing? I'm currently analysing the DNA sample we swabbed from the mutant attack last week," Beast continued to say. "I'm afraid that it won't take long for the government, even the entire world, to discover that we exist." His voice was sad, but accepting this very fact.

"A world, which knows mutants," she said, playing around with the idea. "It's going to be a tough world ..."

Number XIV

New member
Apr 4, 2007
Back after a year or so
Trace dug in her heels, and ground to a halt as the man appeared in front on her. How the hell did he- she thought, amazed, but she didn't really have time to worry about that. "So this is where you've been hiding all this time." All this time? The police hadn't had a warrant out on her for all that long, so that would mean....

"IRA..." she whispered, and her shoulders trembled. The man had a big grin on his face- no doubt he was pleased that he had caught up with her after she had evaded them for so long. She took a step back, lowered her stance, and narrowed her eyes. Comprehension... composition....

"Now then, I'm Henry Wyvern and I'm here to take you away!" An odd name... not Irish, or at least she didn't think so. Maybe the IRA had hired a foreigner to find her? Did they really care that much? She had killed some of their men in self defense, but other than that, she was of no interest to them. Did they care about revenge that much? The man was young, too... she should probably think of him as a boy, really, since he appeared even younger than her. What the hell are they playing at? If they were thinking I wouldn't fight a kid, well... he'll get no sympathy from me.

"Well... Henry Wyvern..." she said slowly, mentally continuing her tracing, "you can tell whoever sent you that there's no way in hell. I did what I had to, and you're taking the piss if you think I'll just quietly let myself be killed over it. You're about to learn what happens when you get in over your head. I see you don't got a gun- too bad for you, 'cause that's your only chance against me." She finished all six steps of tracing, and snapped down her hand. Suddenly, there was a was a glowing, two handed sword in her hands... the Caladbolg, legendary blade of Fergus mac Roich. And since she had performed all six stages of tracing, she had inherited the hero's sword skills as well. "I'll give ya a minute to run, and then I'm gonna stike." She lifted the blade up, and struck a classic sword stance. How appropriate for a dog of the IRA to die to the blade of the hero of Ulster. She couldn't make it full power, because she just didn't have the skill to make a sword that could cut hills in half, but she'd gotten a fair bit of power into the blade, and the skill part was perhaps more important.

((OOC Note: Apologies for the girl's poor grammar- I was attempting to replicate a lower-class Dublin accent.))


The Lone Wolf
Jan 24, 2008
Around, mostly~
Taylor was walking along a path lined with small shrubs. The sunlight was filtering through the trees making the area around her look green. There was a slight chirping from a few birds in the distance. Ahead there was a small area that was surrounded by small trees and bushes. Taylor began to slow down and lifted the bag she had in her hand. When she reached the small area she sat the bag down on a branch that had just grown out of the tree close to the ground. She got to her knees and began to talk to the flowers that surrounded her.

“Hello everyone I’m back today to hear how you all are doing.” said Taylor. Inside her head she could hear small voices talking to her saying about how their day had gone. Taylor looked up at the trees and bushes and asked the same. Again she heard voices but these where a bit louder and bigger. She then stood up and walked to the center of the garden. She stood there with eyes closed and her arms sticking out to her sides. She reached deep within herself and grabbed a bit of stress she had had during the day. She then made it pour down her body and into the ground. The plants all around her began to glow and pulse a very light blue.

Taylor picked up her bag from the branch which then retreated back into the tree and appear further up in the tree. She walked back along the path watching as the pulse of energy traveled with her as she walked. All the plants began to grow a little bit bigger until most had grown a few inches taller. Taylor reached the edge of the woods where the pulse then weakened but continued on into the yard. In front of her was the back end of a large building. Taylor thought in her mind “I have been here at the Xavier Institute for so long”. The bell for the lunch break rang starting the next class, Taylor who was at one of the back doors began to pick up the pace to get to the next class on time.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Fayt stood on one of the mutiple buildings of Dublin, mainly the highest building there was. Reading multiple minds, Fayt could only smile at so many sexual thoughts that ran through people's head during the day. Now being the jokester, Fayt had a rather insteresting joke. Being that it was early morning, Fayt had a bucket of water in his hand. Turning the bucket upside down, above the streets of dublin, water fell out of the bucket and landed on the various people in it's path. Fayt laughed as he flew away, looking for something better to do.....or someone. Suddenly his telepathy picked up on someone quite familiar. It was the thoughts of Henry Wyvern.

"Well time to make my entry." Fayt said as he lowered himself to the ground. As he landed, Fayt saw the person he had been looking for. It was a girl by the name Trace, she was hot, but that's not why he was looking for her. She had a special power that was needed by the brotherhood. "Hold on now. Well if it isn't Henry. I see the professor has sent you. Well you can tell him that he's not getting this girl. Oh yeah tell my sister Faith that'll be over for dinner." Fayt said with a smile and he then turned to Trace, "Calm down. I won't let this guy hurt you. Trust me."


Gurren Brigade FTW!
Apr 5, 2005
Henry looked at the blade, "Cute blade, so your power is to create stuff out of thin air. Handy, could you make me a new watch?" he joked, even though he hoped a little that she would do that. "IRA? No ,no. You are quite wrong there, but this blade is wery good, I'll say" Henry had used Trace's own shadow to snach the sword from her hands and bring it to him and he examined it quickly before throwing it away over his shoulder. "Anyway, I'm not here to capture you. I was sent here by professor Xavier to invi-"

Henry was interupted by Fayt, "Hold on now. Well if it isn't Henry. I see the professor has sent you. Well you can tell him that he's not getting this girl. Oh yeah tell my sister Faith that'll be over for dinner." Fayt? Here? God this itsn't going as planned... thought Henry when he saw Fayt. He then heard Fayt say : "Calm down. I won't let this guy hurt you. Trust me." to Trace and he was starting to get annoyed.

"God my luck is really sucks, first stuck here for a week and now you!" Henry's shadow ran along the ground and jumped up between Fayt and Trace. It had raised it's arms and each finger had been shaped in to a long sharp blade (like scissor hands) and it quickly tried to slash Fayt at chest height. Henry quickly moved past Fayt and in front of Trace with his back facing her and faced Fayt. "I won't let you get away with her!" Henry said with his usual calm tone and both his shadow and himself tried to block Trace from Fayt.

Without letting his focus of Fayt, Henry said: "Don't worry, it'll be al-"

((ooc: I'm assuming that Fayt moves a bit backwards to dodge the attack and I'm giving an open to XIV to do whatever she wants or MN to attack))

Number XIV

New member
Apr 4, 2007
Back after a year or so
Another voice from behind. It was another boy, this one closer to her age. And judging by their conversation, the two knew each other... and were enemies. Things were happening very fast now, and Trace found herself unsure of which side of this conflict was trying to help her, if either. Then the newcomer smiled at her, and said, "Calm down. I won't let this guy hurt you. Trust me."

Trace's hard stare softened a bit. Thank God... I thought I might have to fight the both of them for a moment there. Suddenly, Trace felt the Caladbolg be tugged out of her hands by some invisible force, and Henry Wyvern caught it. She hadn't been holding on very tightly, as there appeared to be no threat... but again, the man had done something impossible. Did he have... abilities, like her? The boy glanced at the blade, and then tossed it over his shoulder. Trace winced as she watched- this could end very badly. The Caladbolg was a very special sword... sharper than you could imagine, and its cutting edge extended some three feet beyond the physical blade of the sword. And sure enough, as it spun through the air, it silently slashed huge, deep gashes into the walls of the alley. The walls buckled slightly, but did not collapse. Trace snapped her fingers quickly, and the sword dissipated before it could cause further damage.

For his part, Henry Wyvern did not seem to realize the damage he had wrought.
"God my luck is really sucks, first stuck here for a week and now you!" Trace noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, and she realized with horror that the man's shadow had detached from his body and was running toward her. She flinched, but it turned its attention instead to the newcomer. Henry ran up to her and spun on heel, facing the other boy. Now Trace and the other boy were cut off... and Henry had his back to Trace. Perfect. Concept... composition... organization... imitation... verification... recollection. She snapped her hands down, and manifested a pair of pistols. They were not ordinary guns, either... both were revolvers with blades attached to the bottom of the barrels.

"Don't worry, it'll be al-" began the shadow wielding boy, but he stopped as he heard the sound of a gun being cocked. It was not a very loud sound, but to those who knew what it signified, it was as loud as a gunshot. She point one at the back of the boy's head, and one behind her, standing sideways. If he teleported again, she could just as easily shoot somewhere else. And if he tried to go melee, well... that's what the blades were for. "Leave. Now." Her voice was cold and sharp. He'd hardly be the first man she'd shot.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
It seemed Henery was actually going to try and attack. Henry must not have remembered who he was messing wit. Fayt's psionic shield formed around his body as Henry's attack glanced off it. "Pathetic." Fayt said as he readjusted his cap. Turning around to look at Henry, Fayt was smiling. "This is fun and all but, I got a job to do." Fayt asid to Henry in response to Walker's comment. Just then there was the sound of a gun being cocked and Fayt looked at the girl. She had pointed the gun at Henry. "What the predicament we have, friend. Looks like she doesn't like you or maybe it's because you smell funny. Take a bath." Fayt said with a chuckle.

Just then he emitted psionic brain waves into Henry's mind which was one way of inducing mental pain. There was no way to stop it. He had no psionic protection and no psychic around to try and stop Fayt. These began to induce massive amounts of mental pain to Henry. Taking a step toward Trace, Fayt said, "You can put the guns up. I'm here to help you. You won't have to live on these streets anymore. You can come with me to a place where you'll be welcomed and treated like family by others of our kind. Trust me. Does this look like a face that would lie?" Fayt out reached his hand to her. Maybe his good looks would get him through this one without all the hassle.


The Lone Wolf
Jan 24, 2008
Around, mostly~
Professor Xavier was just finishing up his speech when the final bell for the day rang. All the other kids were gathering up their things and heading for the door. Taylor was slowly packing up her things when the professor stopped in front of her chair and spoke. “The plants around the room are looking rather dull and lifeless today. Tell me Taylor, what’s the matter.” Taylor looked around the room at all the plants and noticed he was right all the plants had lost there color and where drooping slightly in their pots. Taylor quickly waved her hand around the room and put it back down on her lap. The plants sprang back to life and filled the room with bright vibrant flowers that had never been there before.

“I’m sorry Professor I didn’t mean to kill your plants, I’m just worried. I have been here for ten years and yet the only friends I have are you and a few of the teachers.” said Taylor. The professor moved towards the door and turned and waited for Taylor to get up and reach where he was. “I want you to go talk to Hank he has a little bit of experience in this matter, also you don’t have to come to the classes anymore you’ve already graduated and are free to come and go as you please. As a matter of fact I want you to take a week off and just train and enjoy yourself.” said the professor putting up his hand to stop Taylor from arguing with him. Taylor left the room and headed for the hidden elevator and headed down and walked towards the room in which Hank had his office. Taylor knocked on the door once and walked in and stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed that Hank had someone in his office already. “I’m sorry I’ll just come back later.” “No stay I was just talking to Faith Crest here now what is it you need Taylor.” said Hank motioning to a chair. Taylor sat down and looked at Faith Crest waiting for them to finish talking.

Number XIV

New member
Apr 4, 2007
Back after a year or so
Henry froze up suddenly, his face twisting into an expression of pain. Trace wasn't sure what the other boy had done to him, and she wasn't keen on finding out, either. You did what you had to in order to get by, Trace understood that well enough. "You can put the guns up. I'm here to help you. You won't have to live on these streets anymore. You can come with me to a place where you'll be welcomed and treated like family by others of our kind. Trust me. Does this look like a face that would lie?"

Just about every face looked like a face that would lie to Trace, but that was just a product of her inherent skepticism and pessimism. Trace hesitated a moment, thinking things through. I don't really trust him- I mean, I just met him, anyway, but he's saved my life here, and that's worth something. And if his promise of a better life turns out to be bull? I can always run. I'm good at that. She spun the revolvers around her fingers, and they vanished in a flash of light. The boy stretched out his hand with a smile. Not a bad looking guy, she thought as she shook his hand, but not my type.

"I'm Trace. Whatever you did to that guy," she said with a nod at Henry, "let's get out of here before he recovers."


Gurren Brigade FTW!
Apr 5, 2005
Henry heard the the gun being crocked Oh, damn. My shadow walking isn't instantaious, I could outrun Fayt but not a bullet at point blank. But I could bet her in combat but I can't beat Fayt... this is bad! Not having many options that even seemed plausible to win in battle Henry started talking. "I guess I really must smell funny, for her to point a gun at me. Hehe." He was smiling, just like someone who had just seen a long lost friend and his body relaxed. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to say hi to your little sister, she won't be happy." Henry had just been able to finish his sentence before the pain came.

Henry fell down to his knees and his shadow dissolved and returned to his feet. Ahhh! Not this again... my head! Henrys face was in pain but he managed to keep silent. He heard Fayt saying somethign aboute that they'll treat her like a family member and he wouldn't lie, he couldn't hear it all over the pain but the things he heard was enough to think it was hillarious and he started laughing. Not a maniacs laugh but the laugh was mixed with paing and sounded very creepy. He heard Trace say something and he managed just bearly say what he wanted: "Fine... go then AH!,I'll be waiting..." There was a short pause as Henry tried to collect his thoughts, "prof ... Xavier always tries to help..." He couldn't finish his sentece and just remained there on his knees.


Mar 2, 2009
Hopefully Upward Bound
Xander chuckled to himself as he got to his feet. He reached for an apple that was just above his head, and bit into it. It was the freshest, juiciest apple he had ever had, and given that the tree he had pulled it from always had good apples, that was saying something. He couldn't believe what he was thinking.

The reason I feel like the only member of the brotherhood, is because I AM the only member right now. What does that make me though? The brother? Guy? Yeah, from now on, the brotherhood is called the guy, current members, me.

Again, he chuckled to himself. Realizing that no one was forcing to be anywhere, he slowly lowered himself back to the ground, and fell asleep agin. After all if no one was forcing him to do something, why should HE have to force himself to do something.

This blows like a horn...

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Fayt didn't pay any attention to Henry as the man was on his knees in pain. The only thing that had his attention was Trace. As she accepted his propositition, Fayt pulled her close and picked her up. Lifting them up using his telekinesis, he put a protective psionic barrier around them as he flew at high-speeds, racing toward New York. At the speed Fayt was going, they would there in a couple minutes. After almost getting close to Quicksilver's record time, Fayt had landed infront of the Brotherhood's Mansion. Letting Trace stand, he began walking. "Come on. I gotta show you around my spot." Fayt asid calmly, grinning as he walked.

The mansion looked as good as ever. Just by looking at it, you would want to venture not knowing the dangerous mutants that resided within. Magneto was such the deceiving type. 'This here is the Brotherhood's home. The graceful leader is Magneto. He runs the show around here. You'll meet him soon enough," Fayt explained as he opened the front door. Just as he opened it, Sabretooth was staring him dead in the eye. Suddenly Sabretooth was now Mystique. "I see your back. Magneto is coming our way right now." Mystique said calmly. The real Sabretooth was dead thanks to Wolverine. The flowing cape be seen first as Magneto turned the corner into the main hall. "Fayt, you have returned." Magneto said. "No, I;m just leaving. What do you think?" Fayt said sarcastically in response to everyone saying that he was here to him. "Your always so funny. I see that must be the girl. Welcome to the Brotherhood. I am Magneto." Magneto said calmly.


Gurren Brigade FTW!
Apr 5, 2005
With Fayt gone the pain slowly went away and Henry bearly got up on his feet. He went from side to side, from wall to wall when he tried walking forward, looking like he was drunk. "Why does...*huf huf* he have to bee so goddamn strong..." Henry piced up his phone from his pocket and when he was shure no one could see him he called Kurt. For a long time there was no answer but he finally answered. "Kurt, I need a ride home form Dublin ASAP." Henry listened to the response and all the noice that Kurt and Wolverine where making in the background. "No I don't care what your doing this is more important, there is a tracker in the phone. Teleport jus a meter or two in front of me, here's plenty of space." It didn't take long for Kurt to appere before Henry and he teleported them back to the mansion. "Where's Faith?" Henry asked, and started walking slowly and cearefully away. "I think she went down to the basement, how so?" Kurt replied but Henry only heard the location and kept on going, while almost falling in to a statue.

He got to the elevator and had to sit down while it was going down. Man, I really thought that I where doing to die there... Gotta hate that punk's powers... When the elevator came down he got up and drifte onvards. The pain was lesseing and when he finally found Faith in Hank's office. "Hello there, finally found ya!" Henry could almost stand straight, but decided to sit down on the closest empty chair. "You're also here, Taylor? Oh well, I don't think it matters that much..."

Henry took a break to catch his breath and calm propertly down. He looked horrible, alomst like he hadn't slept for ten days. When he was ready he finally said: "Met your brother again today, said he was coming over for dinner..."

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
Faith leant against the wall, thinking about the world that knew mutants existed. What would it have been like? Well, she certainly would have felt relieved in a way because she had tried so hard to hide her mutating powers for just over a year now and the fight was getting even harder. Her train of thought was suddenly distracted when Taylor entered the room. She smiled weakly at her, giving a small wave before coming off the wall.

"I'll speak to you later, Hank," she told Beast and turned to face Taylor. "It was nice to see you, Taylor. Haven't seen you around in a little while."

However, it seemed that the conversation wouldn't last for very long. Henry, practically her best friend in the Mansion, had just walked right into the office and taken the closest empty chair he could find. Well, there was her thoughts about human and mutant worlds colliding gone. She was polite and listened to what her friend said. She was also worried, considering Henry hadn't been sleeping lately ... or apparently looked like he hadn't. Just the mere mention of her brother got her blood boiling, although this wasn't evidently seen on her face.

"Excuse me," she said to Beast and Taylor before leaving the office, furious that her brother dared to be mentioned in a conversation.

Stopping outside the X-Hangar, Faith could've smacked a wall. She could've blown something up. But she fought hard to control the anger she didn't like to unleash. It had only been two years since Faith learned she had an older brother, one who was three years older than she was. And apparently, he'd known that he had a little sister before she knew about him. Faith had always questioned herself, why? Why didn't he make contact sooner rather than later? She'd only seen him a handful of times and he was like a reckless chaos that she couldn't handle.

If he even dares to come and say hi, then I'm seriously going to lose it, thought Faith, as she looked at the wall and saw the image of her pale face. Plus I'm not at my best state right now with all these strange dreams, too.
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