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Which Next Gen system is the best for a Kingdom Hearts 3?


Best Next Gen System.

  • PlayStation 3

    Votes: 58 84.1%
  • XBox 360

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Wii

    Votes: 8 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Jul 5, 2005
its would work best for ps3, best graphics card, plus the dual layer blue rays dics = to much friggn space, and ps3 rules


Premium member
Dec 30, 2005
You guys obviously don't know what you're talking about. SE is a company that makes games for sony, so a possible Kingdom Hearts 3 will be for a sony system.


New member
Jan 31, 2004
The colisium fighting Sepiroth.
i dont know why most of u guys hate the 360 so much, i mean, the graphics r just as good if not better than the wii, and can most notably compare to the PS3. i mean, the only thing that weve actually seen bout the Wii is its controller which looks weird(thats just my opinion) the 360 is awesome and the Ps3 will be awesome, xcept for the price which will suck.

Mr. sora

New member
Mar 6, 2005
i think that kingdom hearts 3 should be on any next gen consule after all square enix is third party, not sony only, and they should re-make the other 2 kingdom hearts for wii (maybe xbox) so that others will know how the story goes.

Oh, for all the nintendo fans out there the Wii and its Controller rock!!!


I'm Batman
Feb 6, 2005
No offense to anyone here but no matter what game is coming out for the PS3 I wont be buying one until it comes down majorly in price no matter how much I love KH I wont pay 650 +$ for one game


by sinspire^
Jun 24, 2005

To all the people who are saying: "I am not going to spend 600 dollars on one game"

Be. Quiet.

When did Kingdom Hearts ever become the most single important game of life? Just because the next Kingdom Hearts is going to be one the PlayStation 3 doesn't mean that you have to buy the PlayStation 3 for it.

Guess what? Other games will be on the PS3 and you can buy those games. Plus, Kingdom Hearts III is not coming any time soon. He said it will be out in the middle of the Ps3's lifetime and that will maybe in 2010, 2011? I am pretty sure that a price drop will happen.

Stop complaining unless, you have vaild proof that Kingdom Hearts III will be out for PlayStation 3 when its is 600 dollars.
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Counter Shock

Bunneh As$as$in
Mar 24, 2005
Henskie02 said:
No offense to anyone here but no matter what game is coming out for the PS3 I wont be buying one until it comes down majorly in price no matter how much I love KH I wont pay 650 +$ for one game

You think PS3 games will be 50$? They announced anywhere betwenn 60-100$ so instead on 650, more like 670$ or 700$ + the one game.

The Silent Soldier said:
When did Kingdom Hearts ever become the most single important game of life? Just because the next Kingdom Hearts is going to be one the PlayStation 3 doesn't mean that you have to buy the PlayStation 3 for it.

Guess what? Other games will be on the PS3 and you can buy those games. Plus, Kingdom Hearts III is not coming any time soon. He said it will be out in the middle of the Ps3's lifetime and that will maybe in 2010, 2011? I am pretty sure that a price drop will happen.

Well, for me, none of the games on the PS3 announced so far interest me. I think the titles on it so far suck, IMO.

Expensive system+ sucky games=Crappy system.

Its not looking to good for Sony.

The Silent Soldier said:
Stop complaining unless, you have vaild proof that Kingdom Hearts III will be out for PlayStation 3 when its is 600 dollars.

Well, when there is a price drop it wont be very much. I would say maybe by 2009 the 600$ version might drop to 550$ or 500$ but it wont be much. And thats to way to much for a system. The price for it is ridiculously high and I don't want it.

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Counter Shock said:
You think PS3 games will be 50$? They announced anywhere betwenn 60-100$ so instead on 650, more like 670$ or 700$ + the one game.

Well, for me, none of the games on the PS3 announced so far interest me. I think the titles on it so far suck, IMO.

Expensive system+ sucky games=Crappy system.

Its not looking to good for Sony.

Well, when there is a price drop it wont be very much. I would say maybe by 2009 the 600$ version might drop to 550$ or 500$ but it wont be much. And thats to way to much for a system. The price for it is ridiculously high and I don't want it.

Well what did you expect? The PS3 costs so much because it is a next gen console just like The Wii and Xbox 360 but they do not cost as much as the PS3 because they don't have all the type of material that is for the future generation.

The Nintendo Wii= fun and enjoyable. Mainly to play games on. Cheaper price because it does not support Blu-ray and other high standard more advanced hardware, also it does not have either blu-ray, or it does not come with an HDMI port so it can't go into full High Def on High Def TVs, which results in a lower price. Also the graphics are not as good as the PS3 and the Xbox 360 but still powerful overall..

Microsofts's Xbox 360= A gaming system that allows you to enjoy very good graphics. You don't have as much gaming freedom as the Wii, but it is still a next gen console that lets you experience great games. Also you could watch a movie here and there. It expands on other options besides gaming material, that is why it is a bit more expensive than the Wii but no HDMI Port nor a blu-ray player.

Sony's Playstation 3= A massive computer. This object lets you experience bold graphics, and it comes with a Blu-ray player inside. This enables you to watch your movies in high def. If you buy the Premium PS3, then it includes the HDMI port. If you have a High Def TV than hook it up. With Blu-ray and The HDMI in full operating compacity, you can experience your games and movies, in true HIGH DEF. Also Blu- ray is suppose to help the system read games faster and some other stuff I need to look into. The PS3 holds more graphic power over both systems. It is almost as fun as the Wii but you still don't have as much freedom, but it is almost there. And it just completely dominates both systems in overall power and next gen material. The reason why it costs so much is because it is on a whole nother level than the other next gen consoles.

PS3 has crappy games? I beg to differ. Alot of people are waiting for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Which is coming in 2007.
Tekken 6, which is also coming out next year. Final Fantasy 13 which is possible to release in 2008. A new Kingdom Hearts, maybe. If it happens, that would be another good reason to buy the PS3 in about a few years maybe.lol:lol:

If people are complaining that the PS3 is to expensive, than they are in for a ride in about 10 years. The future systems will cost alot more. Next gen consoles can only get more expensive. So people should not be complaining that the PS3 is to expensive, because that is the way it is. If you want more features, than you are going to pay more.

Sorry if I made this post biased. But I was just trying to prove a point, and I went kind of off topic.
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Counter Shock

Bunneh As$as$in
Mar 24, 2005
The Conquerer said:
Sony's Playstation 3= A massive computer.

Yeah, a massive computer. Isn't the point of a GAMING console supposed to be about.... GAMING? :eek:hmy:

The Conquerer said:
This object lets you experience bold graphics, and it comes with a Blu-ray player inside. This enables you to watch your movies in high def. If you buy the Premium PS3, than it includes the HDMI port. If you have a High Def TV than hook it up. With Blu-ray and The HDMI in full operating compacity, you can experience your games and movies, in true HIGH DEF. Also Blu- ray is suppose to help the system read games faster and some other stuff I need to look into. The PS3 holds more graphic power over both systems. It is almost as fun as the Wii but you still don't have as much freedom, but it is almost there. And it just completely dominates both systems in overall power and next gen material. The reason why it costs so much is because it is on a whole nother level than the other next gen consoles.

Yeah the PS3 has allot of power. But the Xbox 1 was the most powerfull of all three systems (GC PS2) and it ended up coming in second place. The PS2 was good because of all the games it had, but so far, for me none of the games on PS3 look good to me.

The Conquerer said:
Microsofts's Xbox 360= A gaming system that allows you to enjoy very good graphics. You don't have as much gaming freedom as the Wii, but it is still a next gen console that lets you experience great games. Also you could watch a movie here and their. It expands on other options besides gaming material, that is why it is a bit more expensive than the Wii but no HDMI Port, nor a blu-ray player.

IMO, thats the most important thing. Great games. I could care less about the HDMI port or blu-ray player.

The 360 and Wii have the good games, and PS3 has the good graphics. IMO. Thats why I think 360 and Wii will come out on top this gen.
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The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Counter Shock said:
Yeah, a massive computer. Isn't the point of a GAMING console supposed to be about.... GAMING?

Yeah the PS3 has allot of power. But the Xbox 1 was the most powerfull of all three systems (GC PS2) and it ended up coming in second place. The PS2 was good because of all the games it had, but so far, for me none of the games on PS3 look good to me.

IMO, thats the most important thing. Great games.

The 360 and Wii have the good games, and PS3 has the good graphics. IMO. Thats why I think 360 and Wii will come out on top this gen.

Counter Shock said:
Yeah, a massive computer. Isn't the point of a GAMING console supposed to be about.... GAMING?

Your right I should of said Home Theater. Now I sound like Nomura.lol

You bring up good points. But if Sony stops losing their titles than it is possible for the PS3 to come out on top. If all the PS3 games gets sent to Xbox 360 or The Wii than people will buy them on cheaper systems of course. Than yes the PS3 would lose the console war.

But if Sony comes up with more orginal titles than it is still possible for it to win, if people can hand over enough earnings that is. I still belive that the PS3 can have some very good games. We just have to wait another year or so. Good games and best hardware is a win in my book. I just hope that more orginal games gets released. But yes the PS3 do not have many exciting lauch titles as of what we know.

Counter Shock

Bunneh As$as$in
Mar 24, 2005
The Conquerer said:
You bring up good points. But if Sony stops losing their titles than it is possible for the PS3 to come out on top. If all the PS3 games gets sent to Xbox 360 or The Wii than people will buy them on cheaper systems of course. Than yes the PS3 would lose the console war.

Well, the Xbox already got one GTA and the 360 got FF XI so Sony is losing some of their big titles.

Now, theres no way Im getting a PS3. None of the games appeal to me, and the price is to high. But KH3 most likely will be on PS3. But you never know. Square already made 1 FF game for 360 so its possible that KH3 could come to 360.

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Counter Shock said:
Well, the Xbox already got one GTA and the 360 got FF XI so Sony is losing some of their big titles.

Now, theres no way Im getting a PS3. None of the games appeal to me, and the price is to high. But KH3 most likely will be on PS3. But you never know. Square already made 1 FF game for 360 so its possible that KH3 could come to 360.

Possible but unlikley. I think that FFXl was on the Xbox 360 so it could influence Japanese customers into buying an Xbox 360, because it is not to popular over in Japan, why should Japan have all the fun? So they released world Wide, an improved Final Fantasy 11 is a pluse to major Final Fantasy fans. It was an older Final Fantasy game so I don't think that Square Enix would hand over Kingdom Hearts that easy. I bet you won't see Final Fantasy 13 on the Xbox 360 though. Kingdom Hearts was born on the Playstation 2, so it should stay on the Playstation. Aside from chain of memories, which was not a ture sequel afterall.
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