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What do you think of 358/2 Days?

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New member
Feb 20, 2016
Tons would have changed. The game is dragged down because Xion is the only character that is given plot focus to the detriment of everything else in the game. A bunch of character's characterizations are messed with, their arcs derailed, their agency and development absent all in service of her plot and arc in the game. It would be a very different game if she wasn't in it at all. Like, make no mistake, Xion is the actual protagonist in Days.

The word y'all are looking for is not "pointless", it's "unnecessary".

Sorry, I haven't play 358/2 days in a while so i forgot most of the plot, I just remember the ending.


New member
Jun 25, 2011
And on a side note (so not trying to turn this into a Xion debate, btw), I will say that I think a lot of hate towards her is unjustified. Like, the problems that I see most people have with her are things that like 99.9% of the cast has (numerous of these characters being introduced after she was, like Vanitas), so to me it's not right to blame her for these things if you're also not going to blame the entire cast for them.

That's an interesting point. Speaking for myself, what I wanted to see was an elaboration on the established characters that I had grown fond of before they started throwing in a bunch of new ones. When I initially saw the faces of the people wearing the spooky cloaks (i.e. Larxene, Vexen, Zexion) I immediately wanted to learn all that I could about those characters. When they unveiled the mysterious 14th member I thought to myself "how many more "potential" Org. members are they going to introduce before they start expanding on the ones I like!?"

Now that I've given it some more thought maybe Xion isn't at the heart of my vendetta, but instead it's the fact that the void of so much potential backstory could have been filled in place of her (if that makes any sense). I guess Xion is important because she helps bridge the integral theme of friendship throughout KH. At this point I've grown to accept that we'll likely never get any sizable backstory on previous supporting characters. I will say that if they do throw a shout-out to Xion then I expect Repliku to get some love as well >.>

I strongly agree with the mentions on Days' gameplay. What disappointed me the most was how playing as the other Org members felt really wonky (bar Saix).
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Nov 30, 2014
HATED it. The KH Series could've done without it tbh
Xion is cool though. I like her.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
It's the worst thing the KH series has done.
Hated it. Wasted my money and my time.

Rather than what was advertised as a game of Roxas and the Org instead I got a game of Xion from Roxas perspective. Granted this is all due to wasted potential on her part or others but eh the disappointment was still real.
Also granted Roxas was brainwashed for most of his part in the start of KH2 but even still it was this persona that made him popular enough for this game only for the game to warp him into some angst teen when mentally he shouldn't be old enough for that. (he's one year in a teens body)

As for Axel....meh I found him ruined since KH2 so eh. It just tried to hard to make me care with it's story and drama and had the adverse affect. In turn a game that was meant to showcase Roxas growth into his KH2 self (unbrainwashed) only for Xion to take over the center of attention from not only him but the entire Org of which this game was told to show us early on.
Tons would have changed. The game is dragged down because Xion is the only character that is given plot focus to the detriment of everything else in the game. A bunch of character's characterizations are messed with, their arcs derailed, their agency and development absent all in service of her plot and arc in the game. It would be a very different game if she wasn't in it at all. Like, make no mistake, Xion is the actual protagonist in Days.

Pretty much all of this.

The main problem was that the game was advertised and meant to show us the unknown backstory of Roxas, Axel, the Org, and some of Riku's during Sora's slumber, which we knew hints about during Roxas's prologue in KH2. Then they decided to randomly replace all this guaranteed potential with a character that never existed before, when we we promised to see more of characters that already existed.

Days completely contradicted everything knew about these characters from KH2. Everything from Roxas's questioning of his existence and leaving the Org by himself for his own reasons, to Riku who would have done anything to wake Sora up (and did do according to KH2). The characters act completely different from how we know them and their characteristics from the rest of the series. It's like a completely different fanfic writer just took over the game's story.

That and the gameplay mechanics and pacing was just awful, along with it's melodramatic angst fest.

You're also talking to someone who was part of the Xion hate club back in the day so I won't repeat what's already been said.
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New member
Feb 20, 2016
Pretty much all of this.

The main problem was that the game was advertised and meant to show us the unknown backstory of Roxas, Axel, the Org, and some of Riku's during Sora's slumber, which we knew hints about during Roxas's prologue in KH2. Then they decided to randomly replace all this guaranteed potential with a character that never existed before, when we we promised to see more of characters that already existed.

Days completely contradicted everything knew knew about these characters from KH2. Everything from Roxas's questioning of his existence and leaving the Org by himself for his own reasons, to Riku who would have done anything to wake Sora up (and did do according to KH2). The characters act completely different from how we know them and their characteristics from the rest of the series.

That and the gameplay and pacing was just awful, along with it's melodramatic angst fest.

You're also talking to someone who was part of the Xion hate club back in the day so I won't repeat what's already been said.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


eien no chikai
Mar 3, 2015
I played it once when it came out, so it's been years, but I honestly enjoyed it back then. I can't remember much besides getting stuck on Ruler of the Sky for like a week or something, but mostly I have good memories of it. Days and CoM are the only KH games I haven't replayed multiple times, so I guess I didn't like it all that much, but I definitely don't hate it. The story was alright, had it's flaws sure, but also some nice moments. Can't say much about the gameplay, can't remember anything.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
I wasted 40 euros on this game. How could this happen to meeeeeeeeee~ like 6.5 years ago and I'm STILL mad about that fact. Is there anything more I need to say? Well yeah, why not:

Here are all the things I liked about this game:
Vector to the Heavens, Dearly Beloved, Fight and Away

What I dislike: The diddlying rest.

Holy shit I HATE this game so much. I got it with the thought of FINALLY understanding the members of Organization XIII and of course why Roxas left them, to see the characters evolve and what did I get? Overly dramatic bullshit.
I could (again) go into detail on what I hate about Roxas, but I feel I did that enough. Long story short: He treats his friends like shit and doesn't understand the term friendship at all, yet gets mad (that's what he's best at) when his friends don't act the way HE thinks they should. And don't give me that "he was a newborn!" crap. He very well learned a few things like that friends don't lie to each other. Yes, he told Axel that in a fight they had and he did NOT learn that from Axel himself. So he was NOT a newborn through the whole game. He developed. But he developed in an asshole-way. Xion was his new pet-puppy and Axel his stupid slave and the worst thing is that they kind of kept along with that. Like...wtf? If I were Axel, I'd be happy to lose such a dick-"friend", but k.

The story was, as I said, way too dramatic for my liking. Xion was kind of added so Roxas can be a whiny ham and his and Axel's friendship can somehow be torn apart. Why they didn't use a character that already existed for that? Dunno, they probably needed their perfect "two guys, one cup girl" trio again and I suppose Larxene wouldn't have been the best choice for THAT.

And don't get me started on the gameplay. I hated it. Even when I thought "well....this isn't so bad" it somehow turned out to suck balls in the end. Urrghh, I hate this game. And most of all I hate how people think these three are such "great friends q____q Roxas would do anything for them awwwww he likes them so much they're everything to him!"
I swear it felt like he cared more about that Winner-stick than about them. Meh.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
^I'm actual l the opposite. I thought Axel and Xion didn't really value Roxas as a true friend, always keeping secrets from him and not being honest with him or including him in what they know, having secret meetings together without him having a clue. Doing things that don't make sense and running away without ever letting him in on why they are doing the things they do.
But I won't try to make sense of the game's melodramatic shitty writing. I really don't care.
(not dissing you or trying start a debate here, I just don't care about the game)

The story was, as I said, way too dramatic for my liking. Xion was kind of added so Roxas can be a whiny ham and his and Axel's friendship can somehow be torn apart. Why they didn't use a character that already existed for that? Dunno, they probably needed their perfect "two guys, one cup girl" trio again and I suppose Larxene wouldn't have been the best choice for THAT.

Don't know why a girl has to be the reason for a friendship of two guys to fall apart, instead of you know, just the two friends falling out for their own reasons.

Also why didn't they use the obvious choice if they wanted some two guys one girl cliche: Namine?
She probably wouldn't have ran around having deserts top dangerous skyscrapers with them on a daily basis or anything, since her goal and point in life at the time was to fix Sora's memories, and not be anywhere near the Org. But they could have met her and had partial relations to her somehow. They still could have still been considered a Nobody "trio" of some sort.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
^I'm actual l the opposite. I thought Axel and Xion didn't really value Roxas as a true friend, always keeping secrets from him

That's wrong at that's what really grinds my gears. This is the funny thing. Axel TOLD Roxas that Xion is a puppet and her purpose BECAUSE Roxas is his friend and he tries to be honest With him. Guess Roxas' reply? "Are you nuts? Xion is not a puppet!"
Of course here are some similar problems as BbS has: If they could just talk that shit out instead of avoiding each other...

Don't know why a girl has to be the reason for a friendship of two guys to fall apart, instead of you know, just the two friends falling out for their own reasons.

Dude, I'm asking myself that since the original KH1. Lol.

Also why didn't they use the obvious choice if they wanted some two guys one girl cliche: Namine?

Dunno, maybe because Naminé was also used kind of as "the giiirl between two guys" in CoM? Can't really say.

Deleted member

Don't know why a girl has to be the reason for a friendship of two guys to fall apart, instead of you know, just the two friends falling out for their own reasons.
It doesn't and it wasn't. We already knew why Roxas and Axel had a falling out. We already knew why Roxas left the Organization. We already knew why Sora's memory stuff was taking so long. We already had explanations for all of these things before Days and literally all they did was add Xion to all of them like a plot-contrived tumor.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
That's wrong at that's what really grinds my gears. This is the funny thing. Axel TOLD Roxas that Xion is a puppet and her purpose BECAUSE Roxas is his friend and he tries to be honest With him. Guess Roxas' reply? "Are you nuts? Xion is not a puppet!"

Tbh I don't remember all the details of that little soap opera, they all acted pretty shitty from my hazy memory of it. At that point I was just angry and resentful that a perfectly good opportunity of a game and story was taken away and I wasted my time, and payed 40 bucks for it.

It doesn't and it wasn't. We already knew why Roxas and Axel had a falling out. We already knew why Roxas left the Organization. We already knew why Sora's memory stuff was taking so long. We already had explanations for all of these things before Days and literally all they did was add Xion to all of them like a plot-contrived tumor.

It was more of a rhetorical question and statement to the writer/game makers, or any writer in general who pulls this shit. But yes you are completely right. At this point I pretend this game and its story doesn't exist.
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Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
It was more of a rhetorical question and statement to the writer/game makers, or any writer in general who pulls this shit. But yes you are completely right. At this point I pretend this game and its story doesn't exist.
Orrr you could use wonderful AU's like this one to create your own headcanon. :D

tbh one of the main reasons that I'm aware that this game's story was badly mishandled is because I've read a lot of fanworks (along with the manga) that have all told a more cohesive story to greater emotional effect. It pretty much says what everyone else has been saying: it's a concept with a ton of potential, but it was handled poorly and most of the potential was completely wasted.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
^ Awesome sig gif there, precursor

That is a beautifully written one shot. It's perfect, almost as if it that's how it was supposed to happen in the game~

We could fantasize it being remade the way it's supposed to be but it'll never happen.
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Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
Seriously, what was the point of the "winner stick" exactly?

He won something. Its implied that the winner gets a free ice cream(though Axel could be wrong). Just like anything in media and literature certain items can represent something, as to what it depends on your interpretation.
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