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ven sora roxas questions

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New member
Sep 7, 2008
Emass I would seriously support your theory except for one thing though. Like you said at the end, look where the two of them were "born" if Roxas had been born in CO then i honestly would believe for that brief moment that Ven's heart returned to his body. but he was born in TT....so it just doesn't ALL fit together you know?

Plus Roxas and Namine are two very special Nobodies. Namine is Kairi's nobody but Sora had some influence on it. The blonde hair on Namine? I always wondered how the hell that happened....the Nobodies usually look like the original person that lost their heart. I really do believe that Ven influenced Roxas and it's because of Ven's heart Roxas had emotions, but it was confirmed that Roxas and Namine are Sora and Kairi's Nobodies....

This is all just so confusing....having three hearts in him just made everything so confusing. I also wonder why the heck CoW couldn't/can't be found....God i Hate Nomura and love him at the same time...>_>;; I'm also curious as to WHY Namine has her power. To mess with Sora's memories. I know why it's only Sora cuz she's made partly from him but it doesn't explain the darn powers she has -.-;;


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Yeah, I know the thing with CO, but actually Roxas must have Ven's body and soul. There is no other body which could become Roxas with Ven's heart. A heart has no influence on the appearance of a person except on the eyes, skincolor and sometimes on the hair (Terranort). So it's stupid to say Ven's heart ist the reason for Roxas looking like Ven.

And Naminés blonde hair.. Also Ven's influence? lol


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Emass I would seriously support your theory except for one thing though. Like you said at the end, look where the two of them were "born" if Roxas had been born in CO then i honestly would believe for that brief moment that Ven's heart returned to his body. but he was born in TT....so it just doesn't ALL fit together you know?

But see, that's my point. There's no other way for there to have been 2 nobodies created from Sora's 1 body/soul. Ven's body/soul would either have to have contributed to Namine or Roxas, or Roxas would have to be Ven minus Ven's memories with his connection to Sora still intact.

Since there's no way that Kairi's body/soul became a nobody and no way that Kairi became a heartless, there had to have been another party involved. Since something can't be created from nothing and 1 doesn't equal 2, Ven's body/soul is the only other thing that could have been used to create a nobody.

Plus, you'll find that there's no way that Riku (since he doesn't seem to remember Ven and Terra) or DiZ could have known that Sora had Ven's heart inside him and thus was kinda connected to Ven's body/soul. With all this knowledge, DiZ's explanation of Namine and Roxas' existence just doesn't make sense. You have to realize though that there's no way he could have known that he was wrong. He was only theorizing about their existence after all.

So since this makes sense to me, the only question I'm really left with is how the heck did Roxas get to TT?????


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Here's some excerpts from Ansem the Wisses' reports in regards to namine and roxas:

Report 8:
Namine is a Nobody, created when a young girl's heart left her body.

Yet she has no corresponding Heartless.

This is because the "young girl" in this case was a princess.Kairi, a resident of Radiant Garden over which I ruled, was one of the Seven Princesses that uphold the realm of light.

With no darkness in her heart, Kairi produced no Heartless, and instead of vanishing, her body remained in the realm of light.

In other words, both the Nobody called Namine and the Heartless - proof of a lost heart - are extremely unstable beings who lack the bodies needed to produce a Nobody. Therefore, they also lack Kairi's memories. One reason for this may be that Kairi's heart did not return to the darkness when separated from her body, but rather migrated to another vessel... deep within Sora's heart.

That is, Namine is an alter ego of Kairi who has directly interfered with Sora's heart. Could this be why Sora and those whose hearts are connected to him were able to have their memories controlled?

She is a "non-being" in the truest sense of the word; having not even become a Nobody and with nowhere left to go, she is but the most fleeting of shadows.

Report 10:
I have arrived at a hypothesis.

I believe that Namine was born as a special type of Nobody when Sora attacked himself with the Keyblade, causing his and Kairi's hearts to leave their bodies simultaneously.

Namine emerged as Kairi's Nobody... but the body and soul necessary to exist as a Nobody belonged to Sora.

When a person's heart is stolen, a Heartless is born with no sense of self, and the body and soul left behind give rise to a Nobody.

But what if one willingly releases one's heart from one's body?

Sora and Xehanort retained their selfhood even after becoming Heartless.

Then there are Kairi and Namine.

Kairi was exceptional for having had no darkness within her heart. Also exceptional was that her heart, once freed, migrated to a new vessel - Sora.

The combination of these two theoretically unlikely exceptions may be behind this anomaly.

Report 12:
Apart from Namine, Nobodies retain their memories of their time as humans, but Sora's Nobody, Roxas, has lost Sora's memories.

This is likely because Sora's time as a Heartless was short, having recovered his heart and returned to his human form soon after leaving behind Roxas, his Nobody.

It would seem Roxas is much like Namine. Namine is Kairi's Nobody, but came into being via Sora's body and soul.

Likewise, Roxas is Sora's Nobody, but was left behind because Sora's Heartless regained human form using Kairi's heart instead of his own.

And then there's the excerpt on nobodies from report 7:

When a Heartless is born, the body and soul left behind are reborn into this world as a different being.

They possess different intentions than their Heartless brethren, and while it is unclear what these sentient "things" are after, it would appear they are responsible for much bedlam in the world.

My erstwhile friend the King and his subjects, along with a hero wielding the Keyblade, are battling the Heartless even as a new threat approaches.

This new threat... they have given themselves a fitting name, I suppose.These non-beings: "Nobodies."

A great number of Nobodies have lost human form, as have the Heartless. Yet the Nobody born of someone with a strong heart retains its shape, with but the faintest visible changes.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Ok. I haven't played KH2 in a while, so that makes sense. If Namine isn't actually a Nobody, then that'd leave Sora's body/soul to go to Roxas while Sora spontaneously regenerated himself via Kairi's heart. Makes sense as to why Roxas merged with Sora and Namine with Kairi.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Like I'll write it here.
Probably,Roxas was born when Ven's incomplete heart returned to his body(then for some unexplainable reason,was warped to Twilight Town,what would explain why the Organization didn't find Ven's body in the Chamber of Awakening).

Because of the connection between Sora's/Ven's heart,he has flashbacks from Sora's life,but he t hasn't any memories os Ven's,since Ven's body/soul had always been in the Chamber of Awakening,without turning itself into a Nobody.Just the same reason why Naminé hasn't any memories of Kairi.

My theory is that Roxas isn't actually a REAL Nobody.He was worried about Axel when he went to CO,plus he cried when Xion died.He also feared to lose his friends.What shows he has feelings,probably from Ven's heart.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
Do you think if Roxas had gotten the opportunity to go to CO, he would have found the room Ven is in?
I wonder why Sora didn't come across it. But consider OrgXIII was leading him in a certain direction he never really got the chance to explore outside of the Memory rooms.... (If he did have Ven's heart, which I think is the case.)

he cant when hot to close to castle oblivion he passed out proably becuase at the time both sora and ven were asleep in there


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Like I'll write it here.
I think that darkness-free hearts always find a new vessel when separated from its original body.And if released again from the new body,return to the one it originally was before.
So is what happened with Kairi's and Ven's heart,I suppose.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Like I'll write it here.
Hey,did anyone notice that both Roxas and Naminé appeared in worlds of the In-between realm(Twilight Town and Castle Oblivion)?
I guess there's something more to this mess.


i have a question
when sora released kairis hearts from inside him with rikus dark keyblade how come vens heart didnt?
also do you think roxas is vens nobody and not soras?and of his heart wasnt connected with vens his nobody will be diffirent than roxas and normal like the other?
cause all the organisation members didnt have changes in their appearences they looked like their human form

Ven's heart fused with Sora's heart. That's why.


Jun 17, 2009
At home
Hey,did anyone notice that both Roxas and Naminé appeared in worlds of the In-between realm(Twilight Town and Castle Oblivion)?
I guess there's something more to this mess.

I think all Nobodies(except Naminé) are born in Twillight Town....but i amnot sure were i read this...sorry


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Like I'll write it here.
Just as people have hearts,so do worlds.And when a world loses it's heart,it also turns into a Heartless.A "Heartless World".The End of The World,in the first KH,is an example.
What means a "Nobody World" is also created.Like The World That Never Was.


Jun 17, 2009
At home
@ D-Mario :please dont double post,if you look at your post you will notice an "edit" button in the right corner.You can edit your post if you click on it.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
i thonk ven has been absorbed into sora not just taking residence
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