Hello all, been a while since I felt compelled to write down my thoughts and this latest update was enough to get the gears churning in my mind once again.
So there's a few prevailing theories right now on who the cloaked figure could be wrapped under Luxu's arm in today's scene titled "A Seed of Light". In this post I'd like to explore the angle of Ava being the identity of the so-called "True Dandelion".
So let's dive right into it shall we ?
The scene begins with Luxu entering a room we've seen a few times before with the incapacitated unidentified personage held under his arm. We know from past scenes that there are at least two identical versions of this room: The first being a data replica which serves as a gateway between the data Daybreak Town and the real Daybreak Town, and the second being the real version which hosts the true "lifeboats" which served to usher Malificent back to her original time. We've also seen Apprentice Xehanort perform experiments with them which resulted in Kairi being transported to Destiny Islands. Thanks to these two examples as well as the explanations given by Darkness, we can now safely say that we have a basic understanding of the Lifeboat's function and purpose.
Essentially the lifeboats serve as a time machine with a few caveats. Most notably, the passenger of the lifeboat will have their body stripped away and be reduced to only a heart during transport. To overcome this problem and arrive safely at your destination, a waypoint is required which must meet two requirements: There must be a person with memories of you present at the destination, and an object must be present which serves as a conduit for recreating your body. Examples of such objects include Malificent's cloak as seen during her revival in KH2, or more recently, The Master of Master's eye embedded in the no-name Keyblade. Which we now know he has been using to move freely to various points in history.
So with that groundwork out of the way, let's first establish which room is Luxu standing in, and more importantly when exactly does this scene take place. In order to determine this, we'll need to examine the various instances that we've seen of this room so far.
The first such appearance was in the data version of the room. This is the room that Malificent first arrived in which allowed her to access the real world. When she first enters the room, we can see that there are 7 intact pods. It is here that she encounters Lauriam and a battle ensues.

After the battle we can see the pod on the far right is missing. This is the pod Malificent used to exit the data Daybreak Town. Also the center pod was damaged and is presumably unusable. This leaves 5 pods which can be used to escape from the data Daybreak Town.

In the next scene, we see Malificent has arrived in the same room in the real world. We can tell that the rooms are different because the center pod is undamaged, and the far right pod is present once again. Darkness then instructs Malificent to enter the far right pod once more. While we don't actually see her enter the pod, it is presumed that she complies with Darkness and arrives thereafter back in her own time during KH2.

Finally we arrive to our scene in question. The far right pod is missing, and the center pod is undamaged. With this information we can answer our original questions. The center pod being undamaged tells us that we are standing in the real world version of this room. We can also determine that this scene must take place after Malificent returned to her time since the far right pod is missing.

So we've established a time and a place for the scene, but let's dive a bit deeper and see if we can't learn more about what exactly is going on here.
Let's rewind a bit and remember the timeline of events that took place immediately preceding this scene as well as events potentially happening concurrently.
After the battle with Malificent, Lauriam is incapacitated in the data version of the pod room. We get a scene in which Lauriam has a strange dream involving his sister Strelitzia. When he wakes up he rushes to warn the other Dandelion leaders of what had just transpired. Before entering the room, Lauriam overhears Brain and the others talking and finally his worst fears are confirmed when he learns that his sister was killed which sends him into a rage. Ventus then enters the room and confesses that it was he who killed Strelitzia. However, we quickly realize that Ven was not the one at fault as Darkness finally makes his appearance.

Darkness then reveals that he had been here all along working from the shadows and the Dandelions had simply failed to notice its presence until now. He also explains that there are other entities of darkness just like himself. Brain then asks if Darkness is the only such entity in the room, to which Darkness replies "I am".

A battle ensues between Darkness and the other wielders. Ventus after falling unconscious briefly, wakes up and learns that after Darkness had left his body that what remained within him was pure light and that just as Darkness had manipulated him, so too could he use the Light to reshape Darkness. He lashes out toward Darkness, exclaiming that he would transform it into something that they could defeat. If we were to speculate further, we can surmise that this is the moment that Vanitas was originally created and subsequently joined with Ventus and resided in his heart until the events of BBS.

So how does all this play into our theory ? Remember that all these events are transpiring immediately after Malificent had fought with Lauriam and used the pod in the data room as well as the real Lifeboat to return to her own time. When Luxu walks into the room, the pod Malificent used to escape is gone, and therefore this scene must occur after the above mentioned events. This might lead one to assume that the scene transpires after the conflict with Darkness is resolved, and Luxu arrived sometime later to collect Ventus, sending him forward in time through the pod to arrive sometime before BBS.
Simple enough explanation and ties everything up nicely right ? Not so fast.

This is a very deep rabbit hole indeed and I'm sure by now you're starting to feel a bit like Alice as Laurence Fishburne would say, but stick with me.
If you're reading this I'm sure you know that the story of Daybreak Town extends across multiple titles and indeed multiple realities. We have the presumptive "real" world which transpires before the keyblade war event that leads to the disappearance of the Master of Masters and the Foretellers. We have a dream reality that was created as a training ground for the Dandelions to be able to cross into other worldlines (the unchained realm). And we have the world of Union X itself, a datascape created by the Master of Masters, the purpose of which has only recently been made clear in this most recent update.

The Master explains that the datascape has 3 stages. First, keyblade wielders are gathered and are made to fear one another, creating a conflict that results in their numbers dwindling. Finally when there are only a handful of wielders left, those that remain are placed in a sealed off world with the Darkness and must learn how to use the lifeboats to escape back into the real world.
This is a scenario that should sound familiar to you. It's because this is exactly what has transpired over the course of the entire Daybreak Town saga. Yes including X[chi].
Let that sink in a minute ... ok good ? Let's continue.
Now let's ask ourselves KH community, is Nomura the type of madman who would write a story that ends in everything being a simulation the entire time ? I think we all know the answer to that question.
So accepting that to be the case, we must now come to grips with the reality that all the instances of Daybreak Town, X[chi], Unchained, and Union X have all transpired within the same Datascape the entire time. How could this possibly make sense you might be wondering. Well I believe the evidence has been staring us in the face the whole time.
Throughout our time in Daybreak Town, we've periodically been given what appear to be flashback scenes between Luxu and the Master of Masters. Typically we see the Master and Luxu conversing in a control room of sorts with many large monitors which display various in-game locations. If we assume that these scenes are indeed flashbacks of a time before the keyblade war, and that the scope of the datascape consists only of events that occur after the keyblade war, then we should expect all of the Master and Luxu's dialogue to be contextualized such that the datascape and related events are always referenced as occurring sometime in the future. However, if we examine the dialogue, there are many instances where this doesn't seem to be the case. Rather, the context of the dialogue seems to suggest that events are happening presently.

In this scene for example, Luxu expresses concern for the Dandelions, to which the Master responds that they'll be alright because their futures are written in the Book of Prophecies. Luxu doesn't seem convinced and questions the Master's indifference towards the children who were supposedly chosen for such an important role in the future. To reassure Luxu, the Master decides to allow Luxu to observe the children himself. If we look at this scene assuming that it is taking place in the past, then we would have to conclude that the Master is pre-emptively making this decision and there are not yet any children for Luxu to observe. However, things aren't what they seem to be.
Let's say for a moment that this scene is indeed in the past, before the Dandelions actually entered the datascape, and this control room was just prepared in advance and is simply monitoring an empty datascape at the time of this scene. The fact remains that the Master had not yet decided to allow Luxu to observe the Dandelions until this moment. The control room itself was already prepared for someone to make observations at some point in the future. If the control room was not made for Luxu specifically to make observations, then the next logical person to do so would be the Master himself. If the Master was planning to disappear from the world prior to the Dandelions entering the datascape, then he would have no need for such an observation room to exist in the first place.
A logical explanation would be that the control room always existed, and the Master had been using it to observe events unfolding in the datascape, even prior to the Dandelions being chosen. This would encompass the time period before the keyblade war, because we know that the last Dandelion leader was not decided until just before Strelitzia's death. Therefore it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the events of X[chi] also occurred inside the datascape.
Still not convinced ?
Check out pt.2 below!
So there's a few prevailing theories right now on who the cloaked figure could be wrapped under Luxu's arm in today's scene titled "A Seed of Light". In this post I'd like to explore the angle of Ava being the identity of the so-called "True Dandelion".
So let's dive right into it shall we ?
The scene begins with Luxu entering a room we've seen a few times before with the incapacitated unidentified personage held under his arm. We know from past scenes that there are at least two identical versions of this room: The first being a data replica which serves as a gateway between the data Daybreak Town and the real Daybreak Town, and the second being the real version which hosts the true "lifeboats" which served to usher Malificent back to her original time. We've also seen Apprentice Xehanort perform experiments with them which resulted in Kairi being transported to Destiny Islands. Thanks to these two examples as well as the explanations given by Darkness, we can now safely say that we have a basic understanding of the Lifeboat's function and purpose.
Essentially the lifeboats serve as a time machine with a few caveats. Most notably, the passenger of the lifeboat will have their body stripped away and be reduced to only a heart during transport. To overcome this problem and arrive safely at your destination, a waypoint is required which must meet two requirements: There must be a person with memories of you present at the destination, and an object must be present which serves as a conduit for recreating your body. Examples of such objects include Malificent's cloak as seen during her revival in KH2, or more recently, The Master of Master's eye embedded in the no-name Keyblade. Which we now know he has been using to move freely to various points in history.
So with that groundwork out of the way, let's first establish which room is Luxu standing in, and more importantly when exactly does this scene take place. In order to determine this, we'll need to examine the various instances that we've seen of this room so far.
The first such appearance was in the data version of the room. This is the room that Malificent first arrived in which allowed her to access the real world. When she first enters the room, we can see that there are 7 intact pods. It is here that she encounters Lauriam and a battle ensues.

After the battle we can see the pod on the far right is missing. This is the pod Malificent used to exit the data Daybreak Town. Also the center pod was damaged and is presumably unusable. This leaves 5 pods which can be used to escape from the data Daybreak Town.

In the next scene, we see Malificent has arrived in the same room in the real world. We can tell that the rooms are different because the center pod is undamaged, and the far right pod is present once again. Darkness then instructs Malificent to enter the far right pod once more. While we don't actually see her enter the pod, it is presumed that she complies with Darkness and arrives thereafter back in her own time during KH2.

Finally we arrive to our scene in question. The far right pod is missing, and the center pod is undamaged. With this information we can answer our original questions. The center pod being undamaged tells us that we are standing in the real world version of this room. We can also determine that this scene must take place after Malificent returned to her time since the far right pod is missing.

So we've established a time and a place for the scene, but let's dive a bit deeper and see if we can't learn more about what exactly is going on here.
Let's rewind a bit and remember the timeline of events that took place immediately preceding this scene as well as events potentially happening concurrently.
After the battle with Malificent, Lauriam is incapacitated in the data version of the pod room. We get a scene in which Lauriam has a strange dream involving his sister Strelitzia. When he wakes up he rushes to warn the other Dandelion leaders of what had just transpired. Before entering the room, Lauriam overhears Brain and the others talking and finally his worst fears are confirmed when he learns that his sister was killed which sends him into a rage. Ventus then enters the room and confesses that it was he who killed Strelitzia. However, we quickly realize that Ven was not the one at fault as Darkness finally makes his appearance.

Darkness then reveals that he had been here all along working from the shadows and the Dandelions had simply failed to notice its presence until now. He also explains that there are other entities of darkness just like himself. Brain then asks if Darkness is the only such entity in the room, to which Darkness replies "I am".

A battle ensues between Darkness and the other wielders. Ventus after falling unconscious briefly, wakes up and learns that after Darkness had left his body that what remained within him was pure light and that just as Darkness had manipulated him, so too could he use the Light to reshape Darkness. He lashes out toward Darkness, exclaiming that he would transform it into something that they could defeat. If we were to speculate further, we can surmise that this is the moment that Vanitas was originally created and subsequently joined with Ventus and resided in his heart until the events of BBS.

So how does all this play into our theory ? Remember that all these events are transpiring immediately after Malificent had fought with Lauriam and used the pod in the data room as well as the real Lifeboat to return to her own time. When Luxu walks into the room, the pod Malificent used to escape is gone, and therefore this scene must occur after the above mentioned events. This might lead one to assume that the scene transpires after the conflict with Darkness is resolved, and Luxu arrived sometime later to collect Ventus, sending him forward in time through the pod to arrive sometime before BBS.
Simple enough explanation and ties everything up nicely right ? Not so fast.

This is a very deep rabbit hole indeed and I'm sure by now you're starting to feel a bit like Alice as Laurence Fishburne would say, but stick with me.
If you're reading this I'm sure you know that the story of Daybreak Town extends across multiple titles and indeed multiple realities. We have the presumptive "real" world which transpires before the keyblade war event that leads to the disappearance of the Master of Masters and the Foretellers. We have a dream reality that was created as a training ground for the Dandelions to be able to cross into other worldlines (the unchained realm). And we have the world of Union X itself, a datascape created by the Master of Masters, the purpose of which has only recently been made clear in this most recent update.

The Master explains that the datascape has 3 stages. First, keyblade wielders are gathered and are made to fear one another, creating a conflict that results in their numbers dwindling. Finally when there are only a handful of wielders left, those that remain are placed in a sealed off world with the Darkness and must learn how to use the lifeboats to escape back into the real world.
This is a scenario that should sound familiar to you. It's because this is exactly what has transpired over the course of the entire Daybreak Town saga. Yes including X[chi].
Let that sink in a minute ... ok good ? Let's continue.
Now let's ask ourselves KH community, is Nomura the type of madman who would write a story that ends in everything being a simulation the entire time ? I think we all know the answer to that question.
So accepting that to be the case, we must now come to grips with the reality that all the instances of Daybreak Town, X[chi], Unchained, and Union X have all transpired within the same Datascape the entire time. How could this possibly make sense you might be wondering. Well I believe the evidence has been staring us in the face the whole time.
Throughout our time in Daybreak Town, we've periodically been given what appear to be flashback scenes between Luxu and the Master of Masters. Typically we see the Master and Luxu conversing in a control room of sorts with many large monitors which display various in-game locations. If we assume that these scenes are indeed flashbacks of a time before the keyblade war, and that the scope of the datascape consists only of events that occur after the keyblade war, then we should expect all of the Master and Luxu's dialogue to be contextualized such that the datascape and related events are always referenced as occurring sometime in the future. However, if we examine the dialogue, there are many instances where this doesn't seem to be the case. Rather, the context of the dialogue seems to suggest that events are happening presently.

In this scene for example, Luxu expresses concern for the Dandelions, to which the Master responds that they'll be alright because their futures are written in the Book of Prophecies. Luxu doesn't seem convinced and questions the Master's indifference towards the children who were supposedly chosen for such an important role in the future. To reassure Luxu, the Master decides to allow Luxu to observe the children himself. If we look at this scene assuming that it is taking place in the past, then we would have to conclude that the Master is pre-emptively making this decision and there are not yet any children for Luxu to observe. However, things aren't what they seem to be.
Let's say for a moment that this scene is indeed in the past, before the Dandelions actually entered the datascape, and this control room was just prepared in advance and is simply monitoring an empty datascape at the time of this scene. The fact remains that the Master had not yet decided to allow Luxu to observe the Dandelions until this moment. The control room itself was already prepared for someone to make observations at some point in the future. If the control room was not made for Luxu specifically to make observations, then the next logical person to do so would be the Master himself. If the Master was planning to disappear from the world prior to the Dandelions entering the datascape, then he would have no need for such an observation room to exist in the first place.
A logical explanation would be that the control room always existed, and the Master had been using it to observe events unfolding in the datascape, even prior to the Dandelions being chosen. This would encompass the time period before the keyblade war, because we know that the last Dandelion leader was not decided until just before Strelitzia's death. Therefore it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the events of X[chi] also occurred inside the datascape.
Still not convinced ?
Check out pt.2 below!
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