True, but their memories will be yours to access. Example? Kairi's Grandmother.
But remember, Roxas' memories were erased. He didn't remember being in Organization XIII at all, nor did he remember Sora or anything like that. Who's to say that this didn't affect Ven's heart had it been there also?
The memories would still have been able to be accessed. Doesn't matter though, Ven's heart isn't in Roxas.
Not necessarily. Remember that Kairi still had her memory when her heart went into Sora. In the screen of Terra and Ven on DI, he said "erase me" or something along those lines yes? Perhaps his memories were what was erased, rather than him. *shrugs* Just an idea.
More than likely due to the fact that:
a. Nomura said that nobodies remember emotions, and are able to emulate them.
b. Sora was still around, allowing him to access said emotions in extreme duress.
A. Well that doesn't exactly apply to Roxas at the beginning of the game now does it? Roxas didn't remember anything at the beginning of Kh2. Let alone emotion. For him to "emulate" emotion, he would most likely have to remember being a nobody in the first place. Because my bet is that "emulating" emotion feels significantly different than actually feeling it. Anybody would be able to tell the difference.
B. From what we've seen, the only time emotions seemed to be instigated from Sora is when Roxas is provoked. Like when Riku mocks his fighting, or when Roxas gets in contact with Kairi. Any other was just regular old feeling. Like feeling sorry when he made Hayner and the gang angry.
Only for anyone who didn't pay attention during KH2.
Correction, for anybody who looks at things in a different way and has their own opinion about what things mean. Be they wrong or right. Nobody knows.
Which goes against the principal of a nobody. Do you even know what a nobody is?
Yes I do, thank you. But you have to think, if anyone who referred to Roxas as a nobody didn't know about Ven, then of course they would think that Roxas is pure nobody, and if you use the whole "Well he fused back with Sora," argument, then think. If Ven's heart was originally with Sora, then clearly it wasn't strong enough to exist alone, or it didn't have a body to go to, as Kairi's didn't, and would easily go back with Sora. That's what I meant.
Never said it would. Where did that come from? That's not even relevant to what I'm talking about.
I was referring to this statement...
You said that in response to UrbanQuattrus saying that Ven's heart COULD be with Roxas, signifying (to me at least) that you thought that meant simply having Ven's heart made Roxas Ven. That isn't what UQ meant. I said that Sora had Kairi's heart statement to show that that isn't what he meant.