The Usual Spot
Divine Past

Divine Past
The Usual Spot is a different type of club than what is normally found on the forums here. While conversations are certainly more than welcome in this thread, a lot of our activity will come in the form off offsite events. We wanted to find more ways to game and interact with each other that a forum would simply not allow. Some of our events, like writing and art contests, for example, will still take place on the forums and will be a great way to partake in posting on here. Club events are generally going to be exclusive for club members, but to join all you'll have to do is ask. The active members and those who expressed interest in our last club, the Kingdom Hearts Insider Restoration Committee, have been automatically added. If you want out, just say so.
In the future, all offsite events will be scheduled here, in this thread, and in order to participate, you must RSVP for each individual event on this thread. More info on that will come later, as for now we're trying to gauge interest in the club and in the events we'll be offering! So, what exactly are these events, and what will joining the club get you?
Forum Events:
Our forum events will consist of writing contests, art contests, recasts, and bringing back KHiRanks, where we get together and rank a list of our favorite things under a certain category, like our favorite Disney movies or Kingdom Hearts worlds. Many forum events will take place in this thread.
Offsite Events:
This'll be the bulk of our activity, including online games and whatever else we can find! From time to time, we'll gather online to play Cards Against Humanity. It'll be complete with an all-new custom deck, full of inside jokes from around the forums and from past and future club events. Those of us who are able to will all hop into a Skype call and laugh together as we struggle our way through the game, but all are welcome, even without access to Skype.
Additionally, we'll put together a watch2gether room from time to time. If you aren't familiar with the site, it will essentially let us share and watch YouTube videos together as a group.
Another offsite event that we're looking at is Twitch streams. A few of the club members already in place have expressed interest in streaming gameplay on Twitch, so when they want, they'll hop on Twitch and some of us will either get in a Skype call or party chat with them and laugh along as we watch them attempt to play something.
Live Events:
When a major event happens in the gaming industry, such as E3, PlayStation Experience, or one of those random Square Enix presentations, we'll all hop in a Skype call together to watch them. We'll dissect them live, combing through the information together before, during, and after the shows.
We'll be revealing more information, potentially including leaderboards, more events, information on our first live event for E3 this year, and more very soon! We were eager to put this up before we really got started in order to get some feedback and see where everyone wants to take this next. Most of our events won't start until mid-May, but we may do a few spontaneous trials before then.
*Don't worry if you do not have Skype! There will still be plenty available to you! Our events will all be at radically different times, so we'll try to include everyone! We'd love to see you join even if you aren't sure about your availability just yet, as there will still be some events that still take place on the forum.
Upcoming Events:
E3 Party
Saturday, June 10
1:30 CDT-4:00 pm CDT, 8:30 pm-1:00 am CEST
Sunday, June 11
3:30 pm-10:30 pm CDT, 10:30 pm-5:30 am CEST
Monday, June 12
2:30 pm-11 pm CDT, 9:30 pm-6:00 am CEST
Tuesday, June 13
Time TBD
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