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The Official "Days is Released so Post Here About that Fact" Discussion Thread.

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May 16, 2007
So while I was playing a little while ago, at the end of Day 151 (Roxas and Axel on the tower, Xion just left), as it faded out I thought it was going into a cinematic.

I heard this odd rustling noise. Couldn't really make out what it was. And then the mission ended. Any ideas?


number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
So while I was playing a little while ago, at the end of Day 151 (Roxas and Axel on the tower, Xion just left), as it faded out I thought it was going into a cinematic.

I heard this odd rustling noise. Couldn't really make out what it was. And then the mission ended. Any ideas?

Rustling noise=look down

got to day 117. took long enough for the plot to grab my attention.


number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
? If you mean look at the bottom screen, I was looking at both. It was just audio.

oh, then never mind.

but yeah, when you hear something that sounds like the white noise on your TV, then it's a Sora scene. (in all cases but yours, it seems)


Nov 17, 2006
Yay :D I'm getting my copy today :D Too bad I'm having a late shift at work today and have to go soon:/

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Alright, did anyone else think of this?
During that one mission where Roxas uses a stick to fight heartless, how is he hitting them? I'm pretty sure in KH, Sora couldn't hit them with his wooden sword. Although, he was hitting them with his sword in Hollow Bastion. But is this just an error or something? Or what?
Xion also runs a lot like Sora in KHII

Sacred X

May 6, 2007
New York
Alright, did anyone else think of this?
During that one mission where Roxas uses a stick to fight heartless, how is he hitting them? I'm pretty sure in KH, Sora couldn't hit them with his wooden sword. Although, he was hitting them with his sword in Hollow Bastion. But is this just an error or something? Or what?
Xion also runs a lot like Sora in KHII

Why wouldn't he be able to hit them? The only time Sora couldn't hit them was in the beginning of KH1, probably to represent how weak he is without the Keyblade at that time or so.


?The Jack of all Trades?
May 22, 2007
Fillory and further~
If this was already mentioned, shoot me. D:

But, something that's REALLY REALLY bothering me about this is Xion scenes when there is more than just Roxas in the scene. Both her standing image AND her face graphic seem to randomly change between hooded and unhooded... Not sure if this was intentional or not (she always appears unhooded when talking to Roxas and Axel and hooded when talking to Saix), but it bugs the crap out of me that in one scene she flips back and forth between hooded and unhooded about ten times. =.= I'm on day 257 and have seen it in at least four different scenes already...

Forever Atlas

The World Rests On Me
May 8, 2007
Earth 1610
If this was already mentioned, shoot me. D:

But, something that's REALLY REALLY bothering me about this is Xion scenes when there is more than just Roxas in the scene. Both her standing image AND her face graphic seem to randomly change between hooded and unhooded... Not sure if this was intentional or not (she always appears unhooded when talking to Roxas and Axel and hooded when talking to Saix), but it bugs the crap out of me that in one scene she flips back and forth between hooded and unhooded about ten times. =.= I'm on day 257 and have seen it in at least four different scenes already...

Yeah at first I thought it was just an inconsistency on the development team's part but then it happened way too often. So I put two and two together and figured out it's more of a symbolic thing.

Notice that when Roxas was talking to Xion on the tower after they became "friends," her face was showing. However when Axel was talking to her, she was hooded. It was only after Axel said "any friend of Roxas is a friend of mine" that her hood come off.

So I'm guessing it's showing her feelings of sorts. To the rest of the organization, she feels just like another hooded nobody. But with her "friends" she can open up.

That's just my brief take on it. I haven't played the game too much.


?The Jack of all Trades?
May 22, 2007
Fillory and further~
Yeah at first I thought it was just an inconsistency on the development team's part but then it happened way too often. So I put two and two together and figured out it's more of a symbolic thing.

Notice that when Roxas was talking to Xion on the tower after they became "friends," her face was showing. However when Axel was talking to her, she was hooded. It was only after Axel said "any friend of Roxas is a friend of mine" that her hood come off.

So I'm guessing it's showing her feelings of sorts. To the rest of the organization, she feels just like another hooded nobody. But with her "friends" she can open up.

That's just my brief take on it. I haven't played the game too much.

That's what I kinda thought, but I eventually came to the conclusion that I was just overthinking it. >_> I think that's what it is, since it makes the most sense and it happens in every scene where she interacts with people other than Roxas.

Anyway, I absolutely love the game and have gotten wayyy too addicted to it. I already have over 35 hours logged in it and am still loving every second of it. The story didn't catch me really until around day 120-ish, but the gameplay had me hooked the second the Panel system was opened up. This game has effectively renewed my hope for Kingdom Hearts to become a respectable series of games.

Days requires strategy, foresight, and lots of effort in order to actually progress. I might be a bit biased in that, as I started off on Proud Mode, but I can't see it being drastically easier on lower difficulties. Those damned doggies would still be a pain to take down without blizzard. The introduction of status effects is a much needed change in the series, as the lack of them before greatly dumbed down the battle system. With status effects, every spell is always useful. Guard finally being not only useful, but necessary is also a major plus.

I also LOVE the magic system. It's absolutely beautiful. A massive improvement over every previous installment in the series. Every spell is unique and useful (I actually feel Thunder > Thundara, personally, due to the lack of randomness in Thunder) in its own right and you can actually make the hero be a strict spellcaster who is just slightly under the likes of Zexion (Highest Magic in the Organization - Mission Mode) in spell potency. Some say they nerfed the system, but they really improved it. Spells may be limited, but Ethers/Hi-Ethers/Mega-Ethers (and Ether Boost) are not very difficult to come by, if you ever need to use them. If you set up correctly and adopt a Xigbar/Xaldin mindset of getting the mission done, Ethers are rarely needed except in extreme cases (boss battles, for example x.x)

:D I write too much.

In short, I absolutely love Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
May 16, 2007
I dislike Neverland. A lot.
Or the gameplay there at least.

It seems most of the flying opponents swivel around constantly, leaving you with perhaps one stray hit (while the rest of your combos miss). It isn't hard, it's just ridiculously tedious.

Which reminds me of something else I get irritated with.
Some enemies (especially the floating bell-like heartless, such as the Grey Caprice) disappear if they stray too far away from the point that they spawned. Either you hit them too far away or the glide away and disappear on their own. It's retarded. Then they end up coming back with full health. I don't know who the genius was that decided to allow them to disappear while I'm attacking them.

And another minor nuisance is the item discard. Roxas throws it up, but it goes in a random position. Many times it ends up hitting off of something (or just landing too close to Roxas), and he'll pick it up again. You'd figure they could do something other than tossing it up in a random direction.

One (minor spoiler) thing I'd like to point out about Xigbar.

I've noticed that twice now, Xigbar has said he "cares about Roxas' future." Definitely something to keep in mind.

Sacred X

May 6, 2007
New York
I disliked Never Land a lot too, until I obtained a keyblade that had superior air combo techniques, or at least one that I like. "Astral Blast+" from the Rage Gear+.

As for the enemies disappearing and reappearing, yeah, that irks me too. I always try to knock the enemy back closer to its spawn-point, but sometimes they just keep running.

The Roxas bit happened to me too, but the order it goes in isn't entirely random. They have the potions stacked up at the top, which is real useful for me as opposed to rushing through my rather large (in comparison) backpack looking for a pot on low health.

I noticed the Xigbar bit too, and thought it might be significant. Then I realized, they're both dead. I doubt it'll grow more than that. Unless something happens near the end of the game, as I'm only on Day 300 or so.

Also, one thing that REALLY annoyed me is one of the missions in Agrabah. You have to take down this Large Armor variation that had TONS of HP bars on Normal mode. He spawns with a lot of those horn dudes that heal HP, so natually I took them out first. Then I spend at least 5 minutes pounding down this large armor with his ridiculously hard hitting counter attacks. He's finally on his last bar (out of like 8 or so), and I knock him into a corner, about 4 hits away from death. I noticed that caused some horns to spawn, but I thought they'd only heal a little of his HP, and it'd be quicker just to finish this armor off first. How wrong I was. One heal from those guys healed ALL of its HP back. Out of anger, I scour the area and kill off any possible horns from any possible spawn-points, and proceed to kill this large armor back from step one.


EDIT: Level 47, 32 hours, Day 303

Things are getting way interesting.

Poor Xion... :(


Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Well, I had the appearing disappearing problem a lot in the Japanese game... All of them just irritated me like crazy, especially at worlds like Wonderland. God, those stupid heartless there are irritating enough, don't let them come back with full health again.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Day 224! The story is really pulling me forward. And I'm liking how Axel is coming off. Stuff like...

Spoiler Spoiler Show

And the CGI with Xion/Riku? LOVED it.

Spoiler Spoiler Show
May 16, 2007
The Roxas bit happened to me too, but the order it goes in isn't entirely random. They have the potions stacked up at the top, which is real useful for me as opposed to rushing through my rather large (in comparison) backpack looking for a pot on low health.

I meant the random direction he throws it when you discard the item. Sometimes its to the front, to the side, etc.

I noticed the Xigbar bit too, and thought it might be significant. Then I realized, they're both dead. I doubt it'll grow more than that.
Actually, I thought it might be significant to Braig and Ven in the past.


?The Jack of all Trades?
May 22, 2007
Fillory and further~
Well, I had the appearing disappearing problem a lot in the Japanese game... All of them just irritated me like crazy, especially at worlds like Wonderland. God, those stupid heartless there are irritating enough, don't let them come back with full health again.

I've never run into this problem. o_o Then again, I rarely attack those bell guys. They get annihilated by Thunder... especially the stripey ones. :3

I just hate how Luxord LOVES to swing pointlessly at the Sapphire Elegies instead of waiting for them to charge... It's really really annoying when he's about to charge and Luxord just jumps up and slashes at him with his cards, causing the enemy to bamf away and take no damage. -.- It makes me want to turn off the AI whenever I go to Wonderland when there's a chance of Sapphires showing up.
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