Saw 'Solo - A Star Wars Story' last night.
I was never into the idea of a Han Solo film, and I wouldn't say my opinion on that matter has changed even after seeing it.
It was alright, not amazing, not bad. I prefered 'Rogue One' over this one.
I still do not understand Lucasfilm's reasoning for not letting these Stand Alones have Opening Crawls. Sure, they have to stand out and be different from the Saga films, fine. But you have a 2 hour movie to make it different, what's a minute and a half crawl in the beginning going to do? 'Rogue One' could have really needed one to set the stage of where we are in the Galaxy when we first meet the Ersos. And then this film just opens with a three passage opening text to set the mood for Corellia, that might as well have been an Opening Crawl.
That said. Holy smokes at all the old (read: Pre-Disney) EU references in this movie. I found myself grinning widely everytime a new EU reference happened. And most of them were actually pretty obscure ones. If you are a hardcore EU fan, I suggest watching the movie just to see how many you can identify.
Also, totally wasn't expecting that cameo at the end. Knowing his history with the subject matter of the film, I guess it makes sense for that character, but it was definitely a neat surprise, for someone like me who has been following along with most of Canon.
I was never into the idea of a Han Solo film, and I wouldn't say my opinion on that matter has changed even after seeing it.
It was alright, not amazing, not bad. I prefered 'Rogue One' over this one.
I still do not understand Lucasfilm's reasoning for not letting these Stand Alones have Opening Crawls. Sure, they have to stand out and be different from the Saga films, fine. But you have a 2 hour movie to make it different, what's a minute and a half crawl in the beginning going to do? 'Rogue One' could have really needed one to set the stage of where we are in the Galaxy when we first meet the Ersos. And then this film just opens with a three passage opening text to set the mood for Corellia, that might as well have been an Opening Crawl.
That said. Holy smokes at all the old (read: Pre-Disney) EU references in this movie. I found myself grinning widely everytime a new EU reference happened. And most of them were actually pretty obscure ones. If you are a hardcore EU fan, I suggest watching the movie just to see how many you can identify.
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Also, totally wasn't expecting that cameo at the end. Knowing his history with the subject matter of the film, I guess it makes sense for that character, but it was definitely a neat surprise, for someone like me who has been following along with most of Canon.