8 minute trailer? That sounds a bit longer than the last trailer for BBS.
I'm sure I'll love the trailer, but calling it now that a lot of folks here will whine a few months from now how the trailer gave the whole game away... >>;;
*pinches Cyborg009*
happy .
It's the KH fanbase, they whine over everything.
That is why you put them in concentration camps. Really it would solve everything.
The Japanese sure do love their long trailers. I'm looking forward to it however, since it's from the Osaka Team (and frankly, they should be making KH3. Not the Versus Team).
Cool, can't wait.
*continues listening to DDD Dearly Beloved on repeat*
When was this released? I'm listening to it on YouTube right now. Judging by the "circus" feel of the music at 1:27, I'm guessing this game won't be as "sad" as Birth By Sleep was.
I like BBS's rendition of Dearly Beloved best, but hopefully this will grow on me.
the Osaka Team (and frankly, they should be making KH3. Not the Versus Team).
You're a sick puppy for the frist thing
and the second thing, who cares.
What's your reason for believing this?
And Ethy, thanks!!
I'm sure I'll love the trailer, but calling it now that a lot of folks here will whine a few months from now how the trailer gave the whole game away... >>;;
It's the KH fanbase, they whine over everything.
I think we're gonna see a lot of instant images, a kinda "shocking" reveal of some sort. Some quick story bits and a lot of gameplay mechanics.
I hope that shocking reveal has to do with The World Ends With You. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really do like new worlds and all, but I really want to see TWEWY....
That isn't really shocking if we already know the characters are in the game. I think anything shocking would be a FF character since people seem convinced there won't be any (which is silly to me since FFXIII-2 and Type-0 just came out and I honestly expect SE to use DDD as a marketing tool for one of those games in some way)
*cough* Reapers *cough* That is more along the lines of what I hope too see. We already have a photo of Beat and Josh, and we know Neku lost Shiki, so they are in the game. However, I kind of want to see Minamimoto or Konishi, etc.
Reapers aren't THAT shocking. A ton of us already expect to see one (and lolol Beat was a Reaper so lolol)