Hello guys and girls. I have been following khinsider for a loooong time, but I just registered. Better late than never I guess...
I just wanted to write that I was the crazy Greek guy, who took a week off his work so I could come and see the event up close. I flew literally from the other side of the Earth. Of course once I came to Los Angeles, I did many more things (like visiting the city, or going to Universal and Warner Bros tours, etc) but the prime reason I decided to make the trip, was this event.
Living in a small country in Europe, you rarely have opportunities like these. Being invited to a private event on the central Walt Disney studios, about one of the most loved videogame series of mine. I had written a question on the Square Enix blog, but I did it mainly out of curiosity. I didn't expect to be one of the 25 (I thinkg) chosen blog winners. So, you can imagine my face when I received a personal invitation to my e-mail.
Long story short, I made the decision and spent the 3 days I had ahead of me, searching the way to the Disney offices, arranging tickets and hotels / hostels to stay, making the papers needed to travel to another continent, and many more things.
The next days I will try to make a detailed post about my full experience regarding the event. Right now, I am on the airport, waiting to go back to Greece and I have to say that I regret nothing. Actually, I regret not talking with you more during the event but... oh well, there is always the next time
By the way, I was on the 2nd group.