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Questions and Theory about the Blue Fairy and other powerful Disney "mages"

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New member
Jun 18, 2011
United States
I mean Merlin, the Three Good Fairies (from Sleeping Beauty), Fairy Godmother, Blue Fairy, and especially Yen Sid.

I mean seriously, they really haven't done too much when really each of them is probably more powerful than Sora and Riku (in magic at least). So why cannot they at least make an attempt at stopping Xehnahort? They don't need a keyblade to kill him, lol. I mean even little Mickey freaking Mouse shows up and uses some Stopza spell (I'm not big on Final Fantasy, but that really sounds like a made up spell, lol) so surely those who trained him are like uber powerful, right? I do like how it mentioned Merlin and the good fairies were training Lea to use a keyblade, though. First are some questions about these guys:

1. Do you think the Blue Fairy will become more prominent later? They never made it clear if she was asleep in the realm of sleep, but my guess is she wasn't because she's always seemed like above everything else if you catch my drift.

2. Yen Sid was a keyblade master, right? If so, then did they ever say if he is still capable of wielding it? (above all else, this is what I want to see before this series ends! :D)


Okay, now my crazy little theory:

The seven powerful lights needed to protect the Princesses of Heart? Maybe there are two sets of protectors (so like 14, not 7) or maybe the KH team is just fooling everyone. The real, or other protectors of light are the Disney "mages" that we've seen so far. There's 7!

1. Yen Sid
2. Merlin
3. Fairy Godmother
4. Three Good Fairies
5. Blue Fairy
6. Kevin Flynn (he's a "mage" in the grid)
7. Genie

*please note that I think Flynn is considered dead, and Genie is just a possibility. But those two slots could very likely be filled by two of the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty.

I mean if you think about it, the Keyblade wielders are strong, but these people are like the leaders of and the most powerful beings of their respectful worlds. Besides, didn't they mention that originally the keyblades were made to combat light, instead of protecting it or whatever? I swear to god it said that towards the beginning of this game.

idk, maybe I'm just speculating WAY too much here, lol. Fun to think about.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I mean Merlin, the Three Good Fairies (from Sleeping Beauty), Fairy Godmother, Blue Fairy, and especially Yen Sid.


I mean seriously, they really haven't done too much when really each of them is probably more powerful than Sora and Riku (in magic at least).So why cannot they at least make an attempt at stopping Xehnahort?

Because the are not the main characters. And that is how Nomura wrote it.

They don't need a keyblade to kill him,

Considering what Xehanort is trying to accomplish, only a Keyblade wielder can hope to stop Xehanort's plans...unless you know of another weapon in the KH universe that can meddle with hearts and is connected to Kingdom Hearts.

lol. I mean even little Mickey freaking Mouse shows up and uses some Stopza spell (I'm not big on Final Fantasy, but that really sounds like a made up spell, lol)

Last time I checked Kingdom Hearts was not Final Fantasy, so it gets to have its own spells. That's what it means to be a series. They tend to have their own new creations in them to be distinctive from other series.

so surely those who trained him are like uber powerful, right?

It is one thing to teach and another to do. The hopes are that one who is being taught will surpass their teacher.

First are some questions about these guys:

1. Do you think the Blue Fairy will become more prominent later?


They never made it clear if she was asleep in the realm of sleep, but my guess is she wasn't because she's always seemed like above everything else if you catch my drift.

She's a world specific character. I doubt she'll make an appearance outside of anything related to Pinocchio.

2. Yen Sid was a keyblade master, right? If so, then did they ever say if he is still capable of wielding it? (above all else, this is what I want to see before this series ends! :D)

Yes, he is. He's retired, though.

The seven powerful lights needed to protect the Princesses of Heart? Maybe there are two sets of protectors (so like 14, not 7) or maybe the KH team is just fooling everyone.

There doesn't need to be only seven protectors. That is just the requirement needed in order to start the battle against the 13 Darknesses.

The real, or other protectors of light are the Disney "mages" that we've seen so far. There's 7!


Okay, I'll bite.

1. Yen Sid
2. Merlin


3. Fairy Godmother


4. Three Good Fairies

They don't count as one person. That's three people.

5. Blue Fairy


6. Kevin Flynn (he's a "mage" in the grid)

More like the "God" of the Grid, but still...what? Flynn kinda sacrificed himself when he did his reintegration with CLU.


*please note that I think Flynn is considered dead, and Genie is just a possibility. But those two slots could very likely be filled by two of the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty.

Okay. Good. You know. But still. What?

I mean if you think about it, the Keyblade wielders are strong, but these people are like the leaders of and the most powerful beings of their respectful worlds. Besides, didn't they mention that originally the keyblades were made to combat light, instead of protecting it or whatever? I swear to god it said that towards the beginning of this game.

Leader & powerful being =/= being able to do what a Keyblade wielder can.

They were meant protect the Light.

Protecting it and doing what the 7 Lights (who have Keyblades) will do is a bit different.

idk, maybe I'm just speculating WAY too much here, lol. Fun to think about.

Lol, you kinda are @_@


New member
Jun 18, 2011
United States
lol. I don't really see why this is so hard to believe. I mean I know they're not the main characters, I'm not expecting them to replace everybody else. I just want them to have a much bigger role.

My main point that I guess I failed to get across was this: They said in this game (and I think for the first time too, not sure) that the keyblades were originally made to combat the light, not protect (it's something like that, I'll have to find the scene later). Plus, Yen Sid said that they needed seven people who were currently sleeping in order to stop Xehnahort. Soooo, the Blue Fairy, and Flynn were missing (well okay, like I said before, the Blue Fairy was probably never asleep, so we don't know for sure it her they needed. For that matter we don't really know who was needed from the Grid. Tron? Dead. Kevin Flynn? Dead. So Sam and Quorra??) Anyway, I thought that was supposed to be some sort of hint to something newish, but maybe not.

And are you sure some of these guys couldn't stop Xehnahort on their own? I mean really, put any two of them up against xhenhort and I'm sure they'd beat him.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
lol. I don't really see why this is so hard to believe. I mean I know they're not the main characters, I'm not expecting them to replace everybody else. I just want them to have a much bigger role.
The role they have is the biggest it's going to get.

My main point that I guess I failed to get across was this: They said in this game (and I think for the first time too, not sure) that the keyblades were originally made to combat the light, not protect (it's something like that, I'll have to find the scene later). Plus, Yen Sid said that they needed seven people who were currently sleeping in order to stop Xehnahort.
In which it has been made perfectly clear Sora and Riku are going to wake those people up and save them.

Soooo, the Blue Fairy, and Flynn were missing (well okay, like I said before, the Blue Fairy was probably never asleep, so we don't know for sure it her they needed. For that matter we don't really know who was needed from the Grid. Tron? Dead. Kevin Flynn? Dead. So Sam and Quorra??) Anyway, I thought that was supposed to be some sort of hint to something newish, but maybe not.
Flynn died in The Grid. And even if he were alive, he is powerless. The only thing he could do is built computer programs really.

And are you sure some of these guys couldn't stop Xehnahort on their own? I mean really, put any two of them up against xhenhort and I'm sure they'd beat him.
Lol, wouldn't work like that. Merlin is just as old as MX, but MX is more agile.
And The Three Fairies would not cooperate properly that well.
Kevin is mortal and useless.
Yen Sid retired from being a KB weilder.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
They can't get a bigger role because Disney wouldn't allow them to step outside of character.


Oct 15, 2008
The reason I feel they wouldn't be to effective is that Disney magic seems to work specific to that world. A lot of magic in the Disney worlds seem overly convenient when you think about it(Genies granting wishes, why not hand the lamp to Sora and have him wish the heartless healed back into humans? Or wish darkness out of every heart?), and the most reasonable explanation, to me, is that the magic is limited in potency to that world.


New member
Jun 18, 2011
United States
The role they have is the biggest it's going to get.

Lol, wouldn't work like that. Merlin is just as old as MX, but MX is more agile.
And The Three Fairies would not cooperate properly that well.
Kevin is mortal and useless.
Yen Sid retired from being a KB weilder.

Yes but Yen Sid and Merlin are both really powerful wizards. And like I said before, if Yen Sid trained Mickey, and Mickey could use something as powerful as Stopza, then Yen Sid should be really powerful. And besides, don't you know wizards only get stronger with age :D I would place ALL my money on Yen Sid and Merlin if they double teamed Xehnahort, and even Young Xehnahort. Besides, I'm really starting to feel like Xehnahort isn't as strong as he seems, he just has more power, resources, and knowledge at his disposable. I mean look at Ansem SOD and Xemnas. They both seemed really scary, strong, and way too serious, but I totally raped those two in this game without breaking a sweat. I do agree with you on the good fairies not working together, though...


New member
Aug 21, 2009

Because the are not the main characters. And that is how Nomura wrote it.

Considering what Xehanort is trying to accomplish, only a Keyblade wielder can hope to stop Xehanort's plans...unless you know of another weapon in the KH universe that can meddle with hearts and is connected to Kingdom Hearts.

Last time I checked Kingdom Hearts was not Final Fantasy, so it gets to have its own spells. That's what it means to be a series. They tend to have their own new creations in them to be distinctive from other series.

It is one thing to teach and another to do. The hopes are that one who is being taught will surpass their teacher.


She's a world specific character. I doubt she'll make an appearance outside of anything related to Pinocchio.

Yes, he is. He's retired, though.

There doesn't need to be only seven protectors. That is just the requirement needed in order to start the battle against the 13 Darknesses.


Okay, I'll bite.



They don't count as one person. That's three people.


More like the "God" of the Grid, but still...what? Flynn kinda sacrificed himself when he did his reintegration with CLU.


Okay. Good. You know. But still. What?

Leader & powerful being =/= being able to do what a Keyblade wielder can.

Protecting it and doing what the 7 Lights (who have Keyblades) will do is a bit different.

Lol, you kinda are @_@

Bolded Parts are what I'm calling into question:

1. Why would a keyblade have to kill Xehanort? I know it's going to happen, but what if someone just kupoing shot him in the head with either a bullet (magical or otherwise) or a funky powerful spell? He's old and frail, he'll die. But yeah, he could be stopped without a keyblade. In fact, the keyblades are what he wants, so without them, there would be an advantage? (but yeah, obviously there will be keyblades, and the mages thing is kinda lame.)

2. World Specific Characters that are not world specific characters anymore: Maleficent, three fairies, ALL OF THE PRINCESSES, Merlin, etc. All I'm saying is that there's no such thing as World-specific if a character, you know, leaves their world. The Blue Fairy descended from the stars (which are worlds) to talk to Pinoke. She came from somewhere out there. (HEADCANON FROM NOW ON: She is from a world entirely populated by winged Magicians, and is simply the guardian of Pinocchio. Suck it.)


Sep 23, 2009
New England
lFor that matter we don't really know who was needed from the Grid. Tron? Dead. Kevin Flynn? Dead. So Sam and Quorra??) Anyway, I thought that was supposed to be some sort of hint to something newish, but maybe not.

And are you sure some of these guys couldn't stop Xehnahort on their own? I mean really, put any two of them up against xhenhort and I'm sure they'd beat him.

Tron never died......not in the game nor did he in the movie to be exact.....


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
don't you know wizards only get stronger with age :D I would place ALL my money on Yen Sid and Merlin if they double teamed Xehnahort, and even Young Xehnahort. Besides, I'm really starting to feel like Xehnahort isn't as strong as he seems, he just has more power, resources, and knowledge at his disposable. I mean look at Ansem SOD and Xemnas. They both seemed really scary, strong, and way too serious, but I totally raped those two in this game without breaking a sweat. I do agree with you on the good fairies not working together, though...

Considering they are ending tonight, this is a good example. The Olympics!!! When it comes to gymnastics in the Olympics, why aren't the trainers competing, but rather the 16-year old high school teens? I mean, according to what you are saying about Yensid and Merlin being better since they are the trainers, shouldn't these 50-year old trainers easily be getting the gold medals over the teens who are actually competing? No, because the teens know everything that these trainers do when it comes to their respective sports, the only difference is that they are much more capable of perfecting what these trainers are teaching because of their youth.

Like that, Yensid has probably taught Mickey everything he knows and Merlin with Donald (remember that he trained Donald), the only difference is that Donald and Mickey are much faster than Yensid and Merlin because the latter two are too old (why don't Yensid and Merlin go on Sora through his journeys???).

Also, I think you are right, Merlin, Yensid, the 3 fairies, the Blue Fairy, and everyone else vs. Xehanort could easily beat him...but OH WAIT!!! There isn't just one Xehanort...there are going to be 13!!!! Well...you now have a big problem -__-

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
Different worlds follow different rules of strength; just because you're omnipotent in one world doesn't mean you are everywhere else (well, unless you fuse with KH or some shit, but that's besides the point). Otherwise, everyone in Olympus would pretty much be god tier in the hierarchy of most powerful characters.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Different worlds follow different rules of strength; just because you're omnipotent in one world doesn't mean you are everywhere else (well, unless you fuse with KH or some shit, but that's besides the point). Otherwise, everyone in Olympus would pretty much be god tier in the hierarchy of most powerful characters.

I still think this is somewhat false. Merlin and the good fairies keep their powers outside their worlds, not to mention Maleficent. (I know you said Omnipotence, but other than the Gods of Olympus for their world, who else is omnipotent?)

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
I still think this is somewhat false. Merlin and the good fairies keep their powers outside their worlds, not to mention Maleficent. (I know you said Omnipotence, but other than the Gods of Olympus for their world, who else is omnipotent?)

Nah brah, you misunderstand me. What I meant was that a character can be considered omnipotent/powerful/whatever in their own world, but can be on the same tier of strength as someone who's just average in their own world (example: Hercules being as strong as Jack Sparrow). Me using "omnipotent" was just an example.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Nah brah, you misunderstand me. What I meant was that a character can be considered omnipotent/powerful/whatever in their own world, but can be on the same tier of strength as someone who's just average in their own world (example: Hercules being as strong as Jack Sparrow). Me using "omnipotent" was just an example.

Oh, okay, I see what you mean now. As in, the worlds don't exactly match up on some things (I know it's not exactly PROVEN per se, but another example would be that time runs differently in each world.)


New member
Jun 18, 2011
United States
Considering they are ending tonight, this is a good example. The Olympics!!! When it comes to gymnastics in the Olympics, why aren't the trainers competing, but rather the 16-year old high school teens? I mean, according to what you are saying about Yensid and Merlin being better since they are the trainers, shouldn't these 50-year old trainers easily be getting the gold medals over the teens who are actually competing? No, because the teens know everything that these trainers do when it comes to their respective sports, the only difference is that they are much more capable of perfecting what these trainers are teaching because of their youth.

Yes but what you are forgetting is that Yen Sid and Merlin are both wizards and only wizards (well okay Yen Sid was a keyblade wielder at one point too). Sora and all the other keybladers are just normal people with keyblades and a varying degree of proficiiency with magic. Even at their old age, these two old coots could still easily conjure up mega powerful spells the likes this series has yet to see. So I see what you were getting at with the Olympics and all, but it's not the same. When it's purely physical skill, then it's like that, but not with magic. With mages, it doesn't matter how old you get, you don't get worse unless you just quit studying/practicing. Any mage, possibly even in the KH universe could whip up a speed and/or agility boosting spell to aid them.

I still think this is somewhat false. Merlin and the good fairies keep their powers outside their worlds, not to mention Maleficent. (I know you said Omnipotence, but other than the Gods of Olympus for their world, who else is omnipotent?)

Man, the Greek Olympic gods are not omnipotent. Essentially, they're just higher level humans with special powers. Some like Zeus could seem that way, since he can just sit up in the clouds and look at all below, but that's nowhere near omnipotent. And besides, Greek mythology is filled to the brim with mortal killing or almost killing gods. It's very much possible.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
The only reason the gods of Olympus look less menacing is because a teenager and walking animals are making them look like shit. In the end, they're still gods, which has a lot more to say about than magicians.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Okay, this is all good for fan-fiction, but Nomura is not going to write up the ending of KH 3 to have 3 fairies or Yen Sid defeat Xehanort. If anyone deserves the honor, it should be Aqua, Ventus or Terra(I expect more of Aqua since she was properly alive during all these years)


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Okay, this is all good for fan-fiction, but Nomura is not going to write up the ending of KH 3 to have 3 fairies or Yen Sid defeat Xehanort. If anyone deserves the honor, it should be Aqua, Ventus or Terra(I expect more of Aqua since she was properly alive during all these years)

Heh, someone thinking on the same wavelength as me. ^__^

Terra, Aqua and Ventus are the ones who had to suffer the most and the longest under Xehanort's evil (especially Terra!, while Ven was Xehanort's first known victim who got his heart nearly destroyed twice), so they deserve more than anyone to get a shot at the old coot, even if in the end it will still be Sora dealing the final blow because of main protagonist bonus.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Yes but what you are forgetting is that Yen Sid and Merlin are both wizards and only wizards (well okay Yen Sid was a keyblade wielder at one point too). Sora and all the other keybladers are just normal people with keyblades and a varying degree of proficiiency with magic. Even at their old age, these two old coots could still easily conjure up mega powerful spells the likes this series has yet to see. So I see what you were getting at with the Olympics and all, but it's not the same. When it's purely physical skill, then it's like that, but not with magic. With mages, it doesn't matter how old you get, you don't get worse unless you just quit studying/practicing. Any mage, possibly even in the KH universe could whip up a speed and/or agility boosting spell to aid them.

I wouldn't call Sora and others just normal people, because if that is the case, why didn't the keyblade just choose that random fat guy in Traverse Town in KH1? I mean, they all have something special about them, whether it be their connections to others (Sora) their hearts of pure light (Kairi), etc. Also, yes, even at such an old age, Merlin and Yensid could conjure up powerful magic, but now you are just making up spells for the sake of your argument (anything the series has yet to see)??? If the series has yet to see it, maybe it doesn't exist!!!! You also are saying they could make speed boosters? Well, if they could, why didn't they? Do you think Merlin wants to stay slow and have a pot belly for fun? NO!!! That's just plain stupid. You are making up spells now in order to prove their strength, but those spells don't exist which is why they haven't been used yet. I could also say that Xehanort has the power to snap his figures and obliterate Yensid and Merlin in one second, but he just doesn't feel like using that power yet and my statement has just as much validity as yours ^_^ This is becoming more like fanfiction lol xP (as someone said above).

Okay, this is all good for fan-fiction, but Nomura is not going to write up the ending of KH 3 to have 3 fairies or Yen Sid defeat Xehanort. If anyone deserves the honor, it should be Aqua, Ventus or Terra(I expect more of Aqua since she was properly alive during all these years)

I'm on board with this idea, and maybe we should take it once step further and just screw over Sora and make Aqua the protagonist in KH3 and all future KH games!!! YEAH!!!!!! (honestly I'd be okay with this if it ever did happen) lmao xP
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