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Possible lead on Terra

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Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
I kind of like the idea that his Lingering Will is just wandering the worlds looking for Terra now that he is recompleted. You could say that the Organization is looking for it to, to prevent it from joining up with Terra and giving him back his free will.
The Lingering Will is animated by exactly one thing: Terra's absolute hatred for Xehanort. Every times we've seen it active (except if you re-battle it in II, I guess), it's only because it's trying to bash Xehanort's (or what it thinks is Xehanort's) face in. Otherwise, it's just locked in a kneeling position. I don't think it has the autonomy to do something like wander the worlds, especially if it doesn't involve trying to take out its old enemy.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
The Lingering Will is animated by exactly one thing: Terra's absolute hatred for Xehanort. Every times we've seen it active (except if you re-battle it in II, I guess), it's only because it's trying to bash Xehanort's (or what it thinks is Xehanort's) face in. Otherwise, it's just locked in a kneeling position. I don't think it has the autonomy to do something like wander the worlds, especially if it doesn't involve trying to take out its old enemy.

But there are so many Xehanorts to hate out there now. Maybe that encourages the Lingering Will to awaken and travel the worlds to defeat aaaaall of them.

Seriously tho, I don't think LW should be wandering free. If it could, why did it stay on the Keyblade Graveyard for so long?


Mar 9, 2008

It's kinda hilarious that the one piece of evidence to help your argument got removed in the 1.5 collection. The cruelty :/

But thing is I never said he didn't know at all. Just that he might not have known for sure even if he had some suspicions or at least Xemnas since MX just recently reformed so he couldn't have known unless Ansem and Xemnas memories went to him during recompletion. But the deal with him and Terra is still kinda iffy. We don't know why he came back as an old man. Could be Nomura 's way of saying he screwed up.

As for Terra.... what do you think of Braig's line in 2.5 secret ending?

"Lord Xemnas is nowhere to be seen so that means the party's already begun huh?"

Think it might clue us in on Terra or where his body went? Does Braig know something about this possibly?
Whether it's in 1.5 or not is moot since interviews still back it as does young Xehanorts own foreshadowing when addressing Sora's heart as a prison. =3 Plus nothing takes away that Xemnas seen Roxas' face. That alone gives it more merit than an assumption. A man like Xehanort, in any form, isn't gonna look at Roxas, knowing Ventus, and not know something is connected.

You said it yourself. old Nort could've known just from young Nort since he was traveling the timestream and would see it all anyway. Or there's the the likelihood the memories of Ansem & Xemnas went back into old Nort like Axels went into Lea.
There's just far more to make Xehanort knowing Ven's location more than assumption. Plus scenes of Saix wanting Axel to find the chamber are still in 1.5 which means the plotline of Xemnas wanting to find the room as well remains because Siax wanted to find it because he wanted to know why Xemnas found it so important.

Especially the Vanitas moment in DDD. Even if Sora didn't see Vanitas we did and Nomura says it was due to Vanitas reacting to Ventus. Meaning Vanitas was present in some form there or there wouldn't have been a reaction. I could probably clear it up quicker with interviews but I'm so exhausted of those damn things. =__=

Xehanort's return makes no sense at all really since he not only came back as he was but also returned in a place that was neither the Keyblade Graveyard nor the Lab. The two places he's been divided.

Braig likely knows. I think one theory on it was that Xehanort returned as Xemnas but willingly became old again to increase his number. Not sure how solid a theory that is at present though.
Mar 12, 2010
And another thing, if Terra is all fine and dandy and in full form in Keyblade Graveyard, why would he just be chilling there atm? You mean to tell me the guy who was so fixated on defeating Xehanort that he made his armor come to life just to do that along with reuniting with his friends Aqua and Ven and keeping them safe.... you mean to tell me a guy like that would just sit on his ass right now? Yeah again, I'm not buying it especially seeing how Lea went about his business after getting recompleted.

At this point I'm kinda buying the vessel theory but crossing my fingers for Dark Realm/Keyblade Graveyard. For arguments sake, here's some reasons why Terra would be chillin' out at KG.

One is that travel between worlds is hard. In KH1 the only reason it worked is because the heartless were tearing down the walls. The only reason it worked in KHII is because Sora was opening pathways to specific worlds, and could only travel to worlds he opened. It's been shown that you can use the darkness to teleport around, but without a fancy black coat its effects are harmful, and I don't think its been proven that the armor TAV had was darkness proof. This was the only reason Lea was able to go "about his buisiness", he used darkness to get around and had a black coat. TAV also had components linked to their that let them travel, and it looked like the darkness portals but light-based. His armor would still have that component, but who knows if it still works after 10-15 years or however long it is, or if Terra could even claim the armor IF he reformed at KG since it's moving of its own volition, or if that method of travel even still works after all the stuff Xehanort's done to the worlds.

A second point is that Terra pretty much should be absolutely ashamed of what he's caused, so he'd probably be really apprehensive to find people he affected because he felt guily. Kinda like how Riku felt when he asked Sora at the end of KHII "How can I face everyone after what I've done?", except that Terra doesn't have a goober to make fish faces at him to cheer him up. He probably has full cognition of what Xehanort used his body for, and here's a short list: fought Aqua, was responsible for Aqua's abandonment in the Realm of Darnkess, attempted to access Kingdom Hearts to cover the World in darkness(KH1), attempted to start the Keyblade War multiple times(KHII and DDD), drove Riku to Darkness, and fought Sora 50 billion times. Terra was indirectly responsible for all of this, so I imagine he'll have some weight on his conscience when/if he shows up.

A third point is that he would be scared of Xehanort. Not in the sense that he's actually afraid of him, but scared of what he could make him do to his friends and the present Keyblade wielders. Because he's already fallen to him once, and nothing has shown he wouldn't just be susceptible again.

So yeah. If he was at KG, its possible he can't leave and that he wouldn't want to.


Mar 9, 2008
^ Actually it was in fact said in game by Eraqus that the armor did defend against darkness. We've seen no real reason to not believe his statement as of yet. Gummi ships, cloaks, armor, all safe ways to travel if there's a road open. The ships being the latest of the methods (chronologically) shown and most convenient.


New member
Dec 26, 2015
Whether it's in 1.5 or not is moot since interviews still back it as does young Xehanorts own foreshadowing when addressing Sora's heart as a prison. =3 Plus nothing takes away that Xemnas seen Roxas' face. That alone gives it more merit than an assumption. A man like Xehanort, in any form, isn't gonna look at Roxas, knowing Ventus, and not know something is connected.

You said it yourself. old Nort could've known just from young Nort since he was traveling the timestream and would see it all anyway. Or there's the the likelihood the memories of Ansem & Xemnas went back into old Nort like Axels went into Lea.
There's just far more to make Xehanort knowing Ven's location more than assumption. Plus scenes of Saix wanting Axel to find the chamber are still in 1.5 which means the plotline of Xemnas wanting to find the room as well remains because Siax wanted to find it because he wanted to know why Xemnas found it so important.

Especially the Vanitas moment in DDD. Even if Sora didn't see Vanitas we did and Nomura says it was due to Vanitas reacting to Ventus. Meaning Vanitas was present in some form there or there wouldn't have been a reaction. I could probably clear it up quicker with interviews but I'm so exhausted of those damn things. =__=

Xehanort's return makes no sense at all really since he not only came back as he was but also returned in a place that was neither the Keyblade Graveyard nor the Lab. The two places he's been divided.

Braig likely knows. I think one theory on it was that Xehanort returned as Xemnas but willingly became old again to increase his number. Not sure how solid a theory that is at present though.

Sorry for the delay busy busy :/

And as for what you said, while yes it would seem like Xehanort/Xemnas may have had suspicions on Ven's heart being in Sora, it was never outright stated from either of them that they knew for sure. All they did was make allusions to some connection... well Xemnas did.

We don't even know for sure if MX actually knows of this as of yet. I also threw in the "Ansem/Xemnas' memories" card as an example but that can't even really be used as concrete evidence that MX knew since we're still in the dark about how he came back as an old man instead as Terranort so there's still mysteries on how the MX/Terra/Eraqus/Ansem/Xemnas thing went down

Yeah the idea that Ventus' heart was said to be reacting to Vanitas' presence and vice versa would show that Vanitas definitely was there in some form. Trollanort may have picked up from the Realm of Sleep or in some unknown realm. We know it can't really be a time travelling version since if that was the case, he could have just picked up Vanitas when he still had a body before the final showdown at Keyblade Graveyard.

Instead the Vanitas we saw was said to "lack a body at present" as Nomura stated and seeing how he only lost his body or whatever he called a body after losing his final fight with Ventus, Aqua and Mickey, it would make sense to say that the Vanitas we see is of the present somehow.


Mar 9, 2008
And as for what you said, while yes it would seem like Xehanort/Xemnas may have had suspicions on Ven's heart being in Sora, it was never outright stated from either of them that they knew for sure. All they did was make allusions to some connection... well Xemnas did.

We don't even know for sure if MX actually knows of this as of yet. I also threw in the "Ansem/Xemnas' memories" card as an example but that can't even really be used as concrete evidence that MX knew since we're still in the dark about how he came back as an old man instead as Terranort so there's still mysteries on how the MX/Terra/Eraqus/Ansem/Xemnas thing went down

Yeah the idea that Ventus' heart was said to be reacting to Vanitas' presence and vice versa would show that Vanitas definitely was there in some form. Trollanort may have picked up from the Realm of Sleep or in some unknown realm. We know it can't really be a time travelling version since if that was the case, he could have just picked up Vanitas when he still had a body before the final showdown at Keyblade Graveyard.

Instead the Vanitas we saw was said to "lack a body at present" as Nomura stated and seeing how he only lost his body or whatever he called a body after losing his final fight with Ventus, Aqua and Mickey, it would make sense to say that the Vanitas we see is of the present somehow.
I'm not sure why it has to be outright stated for you. Xemnas knew Vens body was in Castle Oblivion and then you had Roxas who Xemnas himself found. We get that from both games and interviews. (like this one: BBS Ultimania - 20 Mysteries Solved! - News - Kingdom Hearts Insider)

As smart as Xemnas or Xehanort is their not gonna see Roxas while knowing where Vens body is and not piece it together. It's not even a matter of figuring out of Ven is in Roxas or Sora for Xehanort since Roxas merged back with him.

Your making the assumption that Xehanort doesn't know why he's an old man again which he gives no hints of or even questions. He obviously intended his gathering in DDD so I highly doubt he wasn't aware of how he'd return or where he'd return. The fact he returned in a place he was not divided in during his first two divisions shows he's likely found a loophole there.
Yes we may be in the dark about how Xehanorts return went down but that's us. Nomura knows and Xehanort would know because he's the character this phenomenon happened too. I dont see the written character being as baffled or unknowing about why he's back in his own body as we would basically. lol

Speaking of the Ventus thing. I was looking up interviews (which reminded me how much I've come to dislike that ugh just put it in the damn game Nomura) to help with the debate and found these:

— Incidentally, Ventus’ body is in Castle Oblivion and his heart is with Sora right?

Nomura: Right. Even though he only appears a little bit in the end of KH3D, when Sora was surrounded by Dream Eaters, you see that he smiled because of it.
— What about Vanitas?

Nomura: Vanitas is different than Xemnas and Ansem; he doesn’t necessarily have a physical form. He reacted to Ventus within Sora, so that’s how he was visible.
KH3D Famitsu Weekly Interview Translated! - News - Kingdom Hearts Insider
— Why did Xehanort and co. word things as if to try and wake Ventus who is inside Sora?

Nomura: They did so in order to tempt Sora’s heart and have it fall to the darkness. In the story it also talks about how abandoning the self leads to losing the heart. When you see Vanitas (the dark half of Ventus who appeared in KHBBS) overlay Young Xehanort for a moment, that represents Ventus’ heart reacting inside Sora.
KH3D Ultimania Interviews Translated! - News - Kingdom Hearts Insider

Granted we knew the general info but rereading it again after so long shows two things really. A) Vanitas is definitely there in the present tense. How he's there exactly is iffy. It's a realm of dreams so he could just be there all specter like or hitching a ride in young Nort. (likely the latter)
B) If Vanitas is there in the present tense and he definitely knows Ven's in Sora then why wouldn't Xehanort know? If Vanitas is there in present with Xehanort, albeit without a body, then regardless of what suspicions Xehanort had before they'd be validated now thanks to vanitas being there to confirm it for him....wording it like that makes me wonder if he took Vanitas there for that purpose...eh *shrugs*


New member
Dec 26, 2015
Yes Xemnas knew where Ven's body went. He didn't know where his heart went. While with Roxas he could make some deductions on the idea that maybe Ven's heart was inside Sora, he didn't know for sure. That's my point. He was just making guess work. It could have just been seen as some big coincidence just like Riku and Vanitas just so happen to wear the same hula skirt and dark outfit along with battle stance despite them having no prior connection to each other. While Xemnas could have pieced things out without any actual way of finding out for sure, for all he knew it could have been the same deal with the Riku/Vanitas thing.

I'm not making the assumption on Grandpa Nort not knowing why he came back as an old man. I'm saying we don't know why he's back as an old man since we do not know the full circumstances behind his recompletion. He may know. Nomura would know. We do not know for the time being. That's my other point.

There's crazy shit going on with the whole Xehanort x Terra affair and like every typical dysfunctional couple, Xehanort may know why Terra walked out on him or where he went off too OOOOR why he's still staying with him. Same with his other ex lover Eraqus.

Yeah I just figured Vanitas was just hitching a ride with Teennort. I mean his job was collecting Norts like he did with Ansem and Xemnas. Vanitas would be included.

Well that is an interesting take on it. Teennort bringing Vanitas with him to confirm if Ven's heart really was in Sora. However that just shoes Young Xehanort would know. He may have also told this to the other Norts like Xemnas and Xigbar. It still wouldn't say that Master Xehanort would know seeing how he recently just got back and had no time asking for info from his Norts. Just going straight down to business by trying to make Sora the last Nort for the Norteen.


Mar 9, 2008
Yes Xemnas knew where Ven's body went. He didn't know where his heart went. While with Roxas he could make some deductions on the idea that maybe Ven's heart was inside Sora, he didn't know for sure. That's my point. He was just making guess work. It could have just been seen as some big coincidence just like Riku and Vanitas just so happen to wear the same hula skirt and dark outfit along with battle stance despite them having no prior connection to each other. While Xemnas could have pieced things out without any actual way of finding out for sure, for all he knew it could have been the same deal with the Riku/Vanitas thing.

I'm not making the assumption on Grandpa Nort not knowing why he came back as an old man. I'm saying we don't know why he's back as an old man since we do not know the full circumstances behind his recompletion. He may know. Nomura would know. We do not know for the time being. That's my other point.

There's crazy shit going on with the whole Xehanort x Terra affair and like every typical dysfunctional couple, Xehanort may know why Terra walked out on him or where he went off too OOOOR why he's still staying with him. Same with his other ex lover Eraqus.

Yeah I just figured Vanitas was just hitching a ride with Teennort. I mean his job was collecting Norts like he did with Ansem and Xemnas. Vanitas would be included.

Well that is an interesting take on it. Teennort bringing Vanitas with him to confirm if Ven's heart really was in Sora. However that just shoes Young Xehanort would know. He may have also told this to the other Norts like Xemnas and Xigbar. It still wouldn't say that Master Xehanort would know seeing how he recently just got back and had no time asking for info from his Norts. Just going straight down to business by trying to make Sora the last Nort for the Norteen.
The battle skirt of Riku and Vanitas is hardly a good parallel. Especially since Xemnas & Ansem are known to have Terra and MX's memories between them. They'd not only know Vanitas had the skirt but Xemnas would know Ansem took possession of Riku given the knowledge of Sora's adventures the Org had. Though to this credence Lexeaus seemed in disbelief in the PS2 version of CoM that Riku had Ansem inside till he was done defeated. (although it was apparent not all the Org was equal in terms of info detail)

It's not that I dont see the point your making I just dont understand why you make it. It's apparent that by DDD at least Ven's location in both body and heart was known. The old Xehanort was well aware of everything else that happened when he claimed Ansem and Xemnas' schemes as his own and his heart is spread 13 ways all with the set up that he's controlling those 13 people Their all linked and he's already displayed the ability to jack one of it's "auto" control at will with young Nort.

Point I'm making is if one Nort knew they ALL did. Suspicions or not on Xemnas behalf the truth was known to them by DDD. We're getting deviated with Ventus though. Plus after rereading this page this argument feels a bit moot since young Nort and Vanitas knew Ven was there in DDD. Regardless of guessing or circumstance all the Norts would definitely know after the game was over.

So to get back on Terra what do you think the most likely cause is? Terra being trapped in some way halting recompletion or Xehanort making the conscious choice to return to his old body or other?

Deleted member

Vanitas isn't working with the Xehanorts in that scene in KH3D. Vanitas in that scene is Ven's heart reacting to what Xehanort is saying.

— Why did Xehanort and co. word things as if to try and wake Ventus who is inside Sora?

Nomura: They did so in order to tempt Sora’s heart and have it fall to the darkness. In the story it also talks about how abandoning the self leads to losing the heart. When you see Vanitas (the dark half of Ventus who appeared in KHBBS) overlay Young Xehanort for a moment, that represents Ventus’ heart reacting inside Sora.

Which is also confirmation that Xehanort did know that Ventus' heart was in Sora.

I also wouldn't really worry too much about what Xehanort logically should or shouldn't know myself. Xehanort knows about Data-Sora's adventures in the Datascape, for example, even though he literally had no involvement in that story. The characters in KH's knowledge isn't really that consistent with story developments. (For example, there's also literally no reason yet for why Xemnas should know about the Chamber of Waking or Ventus being there since literally the only person who knows about that is Aqua.... and yet he does.)


New member
Dec 26, 2015
We don't know of Xemnas knew about the whole Ansem/Riku thing. You're just assuming we do. While it is possible that Ansem and Xemnas may have kept in touch somehow, it wasn't said nor was it stated that Xemnas knew about Ansem's involvment with Riku. Though he doesn't show much interest in Riku in general and was more focused on Sora. Just like Ansem is more focused on Riku than Sora.

It's possible that all Norts would know after DDD once they were told. But to say that one knew the others had to have known is an assumption

I honestly think with Terra that his heart may have decided to take refuge somewhere else if Xemnas did grow his own heart and MX is still in the mix.

What do you think?


Mar 9, 2008
Vanitas isn't working with the Xehanorts in that scene in KH3D. Vanitas in that scene is Ven's heart reacting to what Xehanort is saying.

Which is also confirmation that Xehanort did know that Ventus' heart was in Sora.

I also wouldn't really worry too much about what Xehanort logically should or shouldn't know myself. Xehanort knows about Data-Sora's adventures in the Datascape, for example, even though he literally had no involvement in that story. The characters in KH's knowledge isn't really that consistent with story developments. (For example, there's also literally no reason yet for why Xemnas should know about the Chamber of Waking or Ventus being there since literally the only person who knows about that is Aqua.... and yet he does.)
Ah a good point. I forgot he knew about the data-Sora.

We don't know of Xemnas knew about the whole Ansem/Riku thing. You're just assuming we do. While it is possible that Ansem and Xemnas may have kept in touch somehow, it wasn't said nor was it stated that Xemnas knew about Ansem's involvment with Riku. Though he doesn't show much interest in Riku in general and was more focused on Sora. Just like Ansem is more focused on Riku than Sora.

It's possible that all Norts would know after DDD once they were told. But to say that one knew the others had to have known is an assumption

I honestly think with Terra that his heart may have decided to take refuge somewhere else if Xemnas did grow his own heart and MX is still in the mix.

What do you think?
More like your assuming he didn't. Why would Xemnas not know what Ansem is up too? They dont even need to be in touch we already know as of CoM that the Org was keeping tabs on Sora's trip and the villains. That's how they know Maleficent was gone or where to place Xions machines in Days when she was the final boss and so on. Plus, like repeatedly said, they're all being controlled by the same heart/consciousness. Even if they arent' talking directly their bound to one another. Plus like Audo has already mentioned all forms of Xehanort knows things they really shouldn't just because they do. So knowing of Riku is kinda a no brainer or especially the skirt example when it's confirmed they share Terra and MX's memories. Not sure why your arguing this. o_0 (wait not sure why I'm arguing this Dx just gonna drop it)

As Audo done showed it is no assumption.

Hmmm....I honestly agree. A long time ago a hint that Riku could have a bit of Terra was made. It was just a "maybe" of course but it'd be a more interesting twist if Terra was just stuck from being completed rather than a Xehanort puppet which is expected. I wanna be legitimately surprised for once.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
We don't know of Xemnas knew about the whole Ansem/Riku thing. You're just assuming we do. While it is possible that Ansem and Xemnas may have kept in touch somehow, it wasn't said nor was it stated that Xemnas knew about Ansem's involvment with Riku. Though he doesn't show much interest in Riku in general and was more focused on Sora. Just like Ansem is more focused on Riku than Sora.
I really wouldn't be surprised if the Org, and therefore Xemnas, was monitoring Sora and Riku during at least some parts of KH1. Keyblade wielders and otherwise powerful individuals should be pretty important for a group like them to keep track of. ... Actually, we do know for a fact that they WERE keeping tabs on at least some of KH1's events, since they mention Maleficent and speak about her demise.

Eh, Xemnas was probably more focused on Sora because that was kinda his job in DDD, plus Riku was pretty much a lost cause as far as most of the Norts were concerned. Riku's issues with Ansem are a lot more personal and have persisted since Reverse/Rebirth. It'd be pretty out of character for Ansem to pass up an opportunity to annoy Riku with talk about THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE, wouldn't it?

Deleted member

I really wouldn't be surprised if the Org, and therefore Xemnas, was monitoring Sora and Riku during at least some parts of KH1.
CoM makes it pretty clear that they were. Larxene and Axel, as one example, have an entire conversation about when Sora became a Heartless and how he retained his sense of self.


New member
Dec 26, 2015
Vanitas isn't working with the Xehanorts in that scene in KH3D. Vanitas in that scene is Ven's heart reacting to what Xehanort is saying.

Which is also confirmation that Xehanort did know that Ventus' heart was in Sora.

I also wouldn't really worry too much about what Xehanort logically should or shouldn't know myself. Xehanort knows about Data-Sora's adventures in the Datascape, for example, even though he literally had no involvement in that story. The characters in KH's knowledge isn't really that consistent with story developments. (For example, there's also literally no reason yet for why Xemnas should know about the Chamber of Waking or Ventus being there since literally the only person who knows about that is Aqua.... and yet he does.)

That quote doesn't really say they knew Ven's heart was there for sure. Just that they were trying to make his heart fall to darkness due to their knowledge that he had multiple hearts. It didn't say that they knew it was Ventus.

Though it's likely they did.

And Vanitas was there. He and Ven reacted off of each other so it wasn't just Xehanort's words. Vanitas was there in some form.

Ah a good point. I forgot he knew about the data-Sora.

More like your assuming he didn't. Why would Xemnas not know what Ansem is up too? They dont even need to be in touch we already know as of CoM that the Org was keeping tabs on Sora's trip and the villains. That's how they know Maleficent was gone or where to place Xions machines in Days when she was the final boss and so on. Plus, like repeatedly said, they're all being controlled by the same heart/consciousness. Even if they arent' talking directly their bound to one another. Plus like Audo has already mentioned all forms of Xehanort knows things they really shouldn't just because they do. So knowing of Riku is kinda a no brainer or especially the skirt example when it's confirmed they share Terra and MX's memories. Not sure why your arguing this. o_0 (wait not sure why I'm arguing this Dx just gonna drop it)

As Audo done showed it is no assumption.

Hmmm....I honestly agree. A long time ago a hint that Riku could have a bit of Terra was made. It was just a "maybe" of course but it'd be a more interesting twist if Terra was just stuck from being completed rather than a Xehanort puppet which is expected. I wanna be legitimately surprised for once.

But that's still just you running on assumptions. It's definitely possible that they could have talked. But we don't know if they reallu did since again Xemnas never mentioned anything about Ansem/Riku

I'm arguing this because you're taking your assumptions as definite fact DX

But about the Terra thing, yeah I do think he might have left something with Riku. His heart or something. His body may just be with Xehanort honestly. I do wanna be surprised but I can't think about where Terra could honestly be :/
Last edited:


Mar 9, 2008
I think it just needs to be accepted that Xehanort, in all forms, knows shit that he both should and shouldn't logically know. (like all the Xblade and war knowledge he has)

Edit. Mostly because of plot device reasons.

Deleted member

That quote doesn't really say they knew Ven's heart was there for sure. Just that they were trying to make his heart fall to darkness due to their knowledge that he had multiple hearts. It didn't say that they knew it was Ventus.
I'm sorry but that's pretty reaching imo. The interview specifically referred to Ventus and how Xehanort was baiting him and Nomura goes on to explain WHY they were baiting Ventus inside him. If they didn't know Ventus was inside him, Nomura would have corrected that.

And Vanitas was there. He and Ven reacted off of each other so it wasn't just Xehanort's words. Vanitas was there in some form.
According to Nomura the Vanitas we see IS Ven reacting to what Xehanort is saying. Not that Ventus was reacting to the presence of Vanitas.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015

I also wouldn't really worry too much about what Xehanort logically should or shouldn't know myself. Xehanort knows about Data-Sora's adventures in the Datascape, for example, even though he literally had no involvement in that story. The characters in KH's knowledge isn't really that consistent with story developments. (For example, there's also literally no reason yet for why Xemnas should know about the Chamber of Waking or Ventus being there since literally the only person who knows about that is Aqua.... and yet he does.)
It was never confirmed that Xemnas knew exactly who was in that chamber. If anything, he was probably following a gut feeling that existed because of Terra's influence. ... Well, that, and the fact that it seems like he spent time talking to Aqua's armor. So there actually IS a reason why he might at least have a hint that CO had something important hidden inside.

As for how the Norts knew about the datascape... yeah, he's an omniscient troll. There isn't a very good explanation for that one at all. >_>

Although let's be honest... even if the whole "your heart's a prison" line was supposed to be baiting Ventus, it could've just as easily been referring to Roxas or Xion. Anyone stuck in there, really. Looks like it got a successful reaction out of Ventus' heart, though.


New member
Dec 26, 2015
I'm sorry but that's pretty reaching imo. The interview specifically referred to Ventus and how Xehanort was baiting him and Nomura goes on to explain WHY they were baiting Ventus inside him. If they didn't know Ventus was inside him, Nomura would have corrected that.

According to Nomura the Vanitas we see IS Ven reacting to what Xehanort is saying. Not that Ventus was reacting to the presence of Vanitas.

He was explaining on why they had to get Sora's heart to sink to darkness with doubt more so than any connection to Ventus. Plus it was the person who asked about Ventus . Nomura didn't mention Ventus at all.

Though I'll admit that he didn't go out of his way to correct his assumption either. Maybe he just didnt care. It could go either way just by how I read it. I'm probably just reaching

He said that Vanitas lacks a body at the moment in another interview and that he was only visible because Ven's heart was reacting to his presence.

Nomura gave out two interpretations on that issue in different interviews that made it seem like they were both reacting off each other. I'll see if I can find that interview


Mar 9, 2008
It was never confirmed that Xemnas knew exactly who was in that chamber. If anything, he was probably following a gut feeling that existed because of Terra's influence. ... Well, that, and the fact that it seems like he spent time talking to Aqua's armor. So there actually IS a reason why he might at least have a hint that CO had something important hidden inside.

As for how the Norts knew about the datascape... yeah, he's an omniscient troll. There isn't a very good explanation for that one at all. >_>
Actually it was confirmed. Xemnas knew exactly who was in that chamber and that the chamber was in the castle.

Q12: Why is Xemnas searching for The Chamber of Awakening?
A: To find Ventus.
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