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Official Birth by Sleep Translation Request Thread

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Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
@ Caasix - If you could show me a video of the exact scene you want translated, it would be helpful!

Alright, here is everything from Aqua's scenario in Dwarf Woodlands:

Aqua: Dwarf Woodlands - Awakened from sleep

Aqua DW I: An old lady’s red apple

[no dialog]

Aqua DW II: Seven sad dwarfs

Aqua: “Did something happen here?”

Doc: “Princess Snow White has...”

“She was such a sweet girl...”

Sneezy: “She sang, and danced.”

Happy: “She’ll never laugh again...”

Sleepy: “She told us the most beautiful stories...”

Bashful: “Stories of love, of meeting princes...”

Grumpy: “Before we went to work she’d kiss me.”

Happy: “Her purity changed us.”

Aqua: “She must have been quite loved. Why did this happen to her?”

Doc: “It’s all the work of that horrible queen who was jealous of her beauty. The queen changed herself into an old lady and give Snow White a poisoned apple.”

Happy: “When we returned, it was already too late. We attacked the witch as she ran away, but nothing will make Snow White open her eyes again.”

Aqua: “Is there nothing we can do to help her?”

Doc: “If you go to the queen’s castle you might be able to find something.”

Grumpy: “You guys can sit here and be scared, but I’m not scared of some old witch’s castle!”

Doc: “But there are monsters wandering around that castle, you can’t go.”

Aqua: “Then I’ll go.”

Bashful: “Really?”

Aqua: “It’s alright, please leave it to me.”

Doc: “I see, well then we’re counting on you.”

Aqua DW III: A confused prince

Aqua: “Are you alright?”

Prince: “What has happened to the castle?”

“Was that princess’ beautiful voice I heard nothing but a dream?”

Aqua: Princess? Do you know Princess Snow White?”

Prince: “Yes, it was only once but we met when I was drawn by her voice. Is she not in this castle?”

Aqua: “Yes, she... Princess Snow White ate a poisoned apple given to her by the queen.”

Prince: “What!? Where is she?”

Aqua: “She is in the forest. You should go to her.”

Prince: “Of course. There might be something I can do.”

Aqua DW IV: A strange feeling inside the magic mirror

Aqua: “What is this strange feeling?”


Aqua DW V: All the clues are gone

Mirror: “Now that the queen is gone, my work is finished.”

Aqua DW VI: An awakening kiss

Aqua: “Princess Snow White!”

“I’m so glad... She really woke up.”

Aqua DW VII: Reminiscence - Ventus’ awakening

Aqua: “Why do you continue sleeping?”

“I’m so glad! You really woke up.”

“Terra! Master Eraqus! Ventus woke up!”

Aqua DW VIII: A happy departure

Aqua (thinking): “Snow White woke up and left. Was it time for Ven to leave too?”


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Ah, so the whole thing then?

Well, here you go, it's a bit long so I'll put it under here:

Eraqus: Ventus, are you by yourself? Where is Aqua...”

“But I’m glad you’ve returned. It’s still too early for you to be traveling. Maybe after you’ve trained here more...”

Ven: “Are you going to lock me away?”

Eraqus: “What?”

Ven: “That’s how you’ve locked me away on this world, isn’t it?”

Eraqus: “What have you heard?”

Ven: “That I will become the X-Blade. But what is a X-Blade!?”

Eraqus: “So Xehanort has yet to give up.”


Eraqus: “Wait, Xehanort.”

“You’ve been trying to trespass on forbidden territory.”

“Why do you seek the X-Blade? The world will be filled with darkness and be returned to nothing!”

Xehanort: “We have received only remnants of the legends of the X-Blade and the Keyblade Wars. Before when the world was filled with darkness, a new light was found. That is just one part of the legend of the Keyblade Wars. As there is creation after destruction, what is there after the Keyblade Wars? Can we find a light as is described in the legend? Are we equal to that light? This is what I want to know. The completion of the X-Blade will become the key that unlocks the door of the Keyblade Wars.”

Eraqus: “Are you saying you want to test the world just for your own interests? I will not allow the world to be filled with darkness!”

Xehanorts: “Because it is within the darkness can there be creation.”

“Think about it. We are all born from the darkness into the world of light.”

Eraqus: “That’s twisted logic!”

“If you still don’t understand my words, then I have no choice to stop you with my power.”

“That power... You’ve fallen into darkness already, haven’t you!”

Xehanort: “Do not interfere.”


Eraqus: “Xehanort... It was my mistake to not have stopped you then. Now I will do what I must.”

Ven: “Master, what are you...”

Eraqus: “The X-Blade is something that should not exist in this world. Knowing what Xehanort has planned, I have no choice but to seal you away. Forgive me, Ven. You should not exist!”

Terra: “Ven!”

Eraqus: “What!?”

Terra: “Master, what are you doing?”

Eraqus: “Terra, this is an order! Stand aside!”

Terra: “I will not!”

Eraqus: “Will you not listen to the words of your Master?”

Terra: “I will not!”

Eraqus: “Why can you not understand what it is I am trying to do. If you won’t even try to listen to me, then I’ll have no choice but to seal you away too.”

Ven: “It’s okay Terra, I...”

Terra: “Don’t say it!”

Ven: “Terra...”

Terra: “It matters little that you’re a Master. I will use this power for my friend!”

Eraqus: “Have you fallen into darkness?”

Ven: “Wait, Terra!”

The Fishman

Keyblade Master
Oct 8, 2007
Ah, so the whole thing then?

I guess, sorry for making you translate all of it, I wasn't sure which vid Caasix wanted translated but I found both of them
But thank you so much, you're the greatest
I would give you rep, but I need to spread some around first


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Oh I don't mind. I'm sure eventually someone would want all of it translated anyway.

I put all of the stuff I've done so far in the first post for easy navigation! If you're looking for something you should go there first.


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Ah, well if you can find me a video of it I can work on it right away.

I have two more sections of Aqua's scenario:

Aqua - Enchanted Dominion

Aqua - Enchanted Dominion: The footsteps of darkness

Aqua ED I: There is something in the castle

Aqua: “What is that?”

“Is there something in that castle?”

Aqua ED II: Reunion with Ventus

Ven: “You lie, Terra would never have taken Princess Aurora’s heart!”

Maleficent: “But it’s true.”

“Terra did it willingly.”

Ven: “It’s not true.”

Aqua: “Ven, don’t be fooled!”

Ven: “Aqua?”

Aqua: “Terra would never do anything like that. You know that.”

Ven: “Yeah.”

Maleficent: “I see. So you’re Ven, and you’re Aqua. My, what a beautiful friendship. But the truth is cruel.”

Aqua: “Our Master told me to come get you. Ven, let’s go home.”

Ven: “And what about Terra?”

Aqua: “Terra can’t go home yet.”

Ven: “I’m sorry Aqua, but I can’t go home yet.”

“I have to see Terra as soon as I can.”

Aqua: “Ven!”

Maleficent: “You’re a keyblade wielder as well I see.”

Aqua: “Why do you know about the keyblade?”

Maleficent: “Of course I know. The keyblade opens the hearts of people and worlds, and it is the key to obtaining everything. That’s why Terra helped me.”

Aqua: “No... he didn’t...”

Maleficent: “Well? Would you like to help me as well?”

Aqua: “I will not!”

Maleficent: “Oh? It’s just as Xehanort said. What a stubborn girl.”

Aqua: “You know Master Xehanort?”

Maleficent: “It seems you’ll need some time to think. So you can think about it here for as long as you like.”

Aqua ED III: An imprisoned prince

Philip: “Who are you?”

Aqua: “My name is Aqua. I was caught in a trap and sent here. What about you?”

Philip: “I’m Philip. I was caught by Maleficent as well. And I found out that Princess Aurora has been cursed to sleep forever. I want to save her.”

Aqua: “You love her, don’t you?”

Flora: “Is that true?”

Philip: “Yes, Maleficent told me.”

Flora: “You’re Prince Philip!”

“Prince Philip, the path to true love will be difficult, and you’ll have to face it on your own.”

Aqua: “Let me go with him. I have something I must ask Maleficent.”

Flora: “Yes, of course.”

“Now, let’s hurry back to Princess Aurora.”

Aqua ED IV: Ambush

[no dialog]

Aqua ED V: A castle surrounded by thorns

Maleficent: “Clouds that bring destruction, cross the skies and surround that castle with my magic!”

Aqua: “Answer me! What did you hear from Master Xehanort?”

Maleficent: “Well, it seems as though you won’t be helping me. If that’s the case, then I have no reason to tell you what I know.”

Aqua: “Is it true that Terra helped you?”

Maleficent: “It’s true. Terra has drowned in his own power and fallen into darkness.”

Aqua: “I’ve had enough of your nonsense!”

Maleficent: “Then feel my evil power.”

Aqua ED VI: The Sword of Truth that pierces evil

Aqua: “Oh no!”

Flora: “Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure.”

Aqua ED VII: The power of true love

Aqua: “True love has defeated you.”

Maleficent: “I will never be defeated by something as fragile as love.”

Aqua: “A denizen of darkness like you will never understand. The strength of a heart of pure light that has love within it.”

“No matter how many times you challenge it, you will never defeat a heart of light.”

Maleficent: “Then remember this: as long as there is light like you, the darkness shall never perish. There will be another who will be swallowed by the darkness and fall into my power.”

Aqua: “Terra.. you won’t fall into darkness, right?”

Aqua - Radiant Garden

Aqua - Radiant Garden: Signs of light

Aqua RG I: Chasing after Terra

Aqua: “Terra? Where is he going?”

Aqua RG II: Clues

Aqua: “Excuse me! Could I ask you a few questions?”

Scrooge: “My, what a polite young lady. If I can I’d be happy to help you.”

Aqua: “Have you seen a man that looks similar to me around here?”

Scrooge: “Yes, I believe I have. He was hurrying towards the castle.”

Aqua: “Thank you very much.”

Aqua RG III: Meeting Kairi

Aqua: “Watch out! Run!”

“I can feel a light inside her.”

“I can’t fight them like this.”

Mickey: “Now, take that girl somewhere safe while you can.”

Aqua: “Who are you? Why do you have a keyblade?”

Mickey: “We’ll talk about that later. First I have take care of these guys.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Alright then, let’s get to it.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

Aqua RG IV: Magic to protect Kairi

Aqua: “Thank you for your help. My name is Aqua, I study under Master Eraqus.”

Mickey: “My name is Mickey. I am Yen Sid’s apprentice, and just like you I’m still in training.”

Aqua: “I can feel light inside this girl. Is that why they were after her?”

Mickey: “Yes, I was just thinking the same thing. This girl is probably special.”

Aqua: “Yes. It is our mission to protect the light.”

Mickey: “Then we can work towards protecting it together.”

“Oh! Wait a minute!”

“Don’t worry about me. We’ll meet again!”

Kairi: “Here!”

Aqua: “Are you giving these to me?”

Kairi: “I picked these flowers. Thank you!”

Aqua: “What beautiful flowers. Thank you very much.”

Kairi: “My name’s Kairi. What’s yours?”

Aqua: “My name is Aqua. Kairi, that light...”

Kairi’s Grandma: “Kairi!”

Kairi: “Oh, Grandma!”

Aqua: “Kairi, wait a minute.”

“There, I’ve put a magic spell on you to protect you. Someday your own light will lead you out of the darkness and into the light. This is thanks for the flowers.”

Kairi: “Thank you!”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Come on, let’s go home.”

Kairi: “Okay!”


“Grandma, Grandma!”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Hmm? What is it?”

Kairi: “Can you tell me that story?”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Again?”

Kairi: “Pleaaaase?”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Well, alright.”

“Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people’s hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It’s the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That’s why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with it’s power and push the darkness away. And you’ll be able to make everyone happy.”

Kairi: “Yeah!”

Aqua: “Kairi... it probably wasn’t just an accident that I met her.”

“An Unversed! They’re still here!?”

Aqua RG V: Chasing the giant Unversed

Aqua: “It went over there!”

Aqua RG VI: Gathered power

Aqua: “Ven!”

Ven: “Terra, Aqua!”

Aqua RG VII: Disagreeing hearts

Aqua: “Terra!”

Terra: “Ven! Now!”

Ven: “Together!”


Terra: “We did it!”

Aqua: “Because we did it together.”

Ven: “Of course!”

“Oh yeah! I got tickets!”

Terra: “What’s that?”

Ven: “A lifetime pass to Disney Town! He said it was a fun place ... and told me I should go with my parents.”

Aqua: “You’re parents?”

“Nevermind that, Ven, I can’t believe you came this far.”

Ven: “I’m just fine. I even beat this masked guy who was saying weird things about Terra.”

Terra: “You’ve met the masked boy?”

Ven: “Ye-yeah?”

Terra: “Vanitas...”

“Ven. You should return home with Aqua.”

Ven: “No, I want to go with you and Aqua.”

Terra: “No, we have things we must do. Dangerous things.”

Aqua: “And what is it that you must do Terra? It doesn’t seem like it’s our Master’s mission.”

Terra: “It’s a different path than yours, but I’ll be getting rid of the darkness all the same.”

Aqua: “Really? From what I’ve seen that you’ve done on other worlds, I started thinking that maybe you’re getting too close to the darkness.”

Ven: “What are you saying Aqua!? Terra would never fall into darkness...”

Terra: “So you’ve been watching me. Is that another order you’ve received from our Master?”

Aqua: “Well...”

Ven: “No...”

Terra: “I see...”

Ven: “Terra!”

Terra: “Don’t come any closer! We’re taking different paths.”

Aqua: “Terra, you’ve got it wrong. Our Master isn’t doubting you, he’s worried about you.”

Ven: “That’s horrible Aqua.”

Aqua: “Yes.”

“It’s true that it’s an order from our Master. But it comes from love.”

Ven: “And taking me back home is also an order from our Master?”

“Aqua, since you’ve become a Keyblade Master you’ve changed.”

“I have to go looking for Terra.”

Aqua: “Terra, Ven...”

Aqua RG VIII: A mysterious book

Merlin: “So you’ll be the third one. My my, I’ve come into possession of a very demanding book.”

“I know. The book that can be opened by the power of the heart is in the house. Look at it whenever you like.”

Aqua: “Third? Did Terra and Ven come here too?”

Aqua RG IX: The masked boy appears

Aqua: “You! You’re the one with the mask Ven was talking about.”

Vanitas: “Oh? Ventus? How is he? Has he gotten stronger?”

Aqua: “What is that supposed to mean?”

Vanitas: “I’m the one who is asking the questions. And even if you knew what I was talking about, it wouldn’t help you. Since you’ll be gone in a second.”

Aqua: “I’ve had enough of this!”

Aqua RG X: A regretful parting

Aqua: “Who are you?”

Vanitas: “Ahahahahahaha”

“You’re quite good. Okay then, you’ll be a spare.”

“They must get stronger.”

Aqua: “I must defeat him. I can’t get Terra or Ven involved in this.”

Ven: “Aqua!”

Aqua: “Ven!”

“Did you see Terra?”

Ven: “Yeah, but he left on his own.”

Aqua: “I see...”

“I have to leave too.”

Ven: “Then I’ll go with you..”

Aqua: “No. You’re going home by yourself.”

Ven: “Why can’t I go with you?”

Aqua: “I don’t want to involve you in anything dangerous.”

“Please understand...”


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
omg thanks this helps so much
so aqua did put a spell on kairi that necklas she wars must be enchanted or somthing protecting her from darkness


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Inside: where the AC is at....-////-
o wow, lis- i thought you would be one of the ones to avoid this game like the plaugue until the eng ver came ^^
im glad you decided to come over to the dark side (MWAHAHAHAHA >XD)
sillyness aside,
do you know the scenes where ven was first brought to LoD? the one where he firsts meet terra and aqua and has a freak attack and where he's laying on a bed, passed out, with aqua and terra watching over him? can you translate those?

sorry i cant post a link- DSIs are SO not made for linkage ....


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
omg thanks this helps so much
so aqua did put a spell on kairi that necklas she wars must be enchanted or somthing protecting her from darkness

The Fishman

Keyblade Master
Oct 8, 2007
o wow, lis- i thought you would be one of the ones to avoid this game like the plaugue until the eng ver came ^^
im glad you decided to come over to the dark side (MWAHAHAHAHA >XD)
sillyness aside,

you know she beat the game, which is why she's translating now, right?


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
@ rokudamian2 - Here you are:

Vanitas: “Our fusion was incomplete, so the X-Blade remains incomplete. But now we will create the X-Blade in it’s entirety.”

Ven: “I will defeat you and destroy the X-Blade.”

Vanitas: “The X-Blade is made from our hearts. If you break it your heart will dissappear as well!”

Ven: “I don’t care, if it will save Terra and Aqua...”

Vanitas: “Hmph, again with that “I’m doing it for my friends” thing.”

Ven: “You don’t understand! Because of my friends, because I have people I want to protect I can become stronger.”

“And our connected hearts are my power!”
I decided to go back to using "our connected hearts are my power" because given the story and how it is now, it makes so much more sense.

@ kingudamu - Yes I beat the game. Most of the translations I'm doing now come from my own save files in theater mode. But if you could find the specific scene that you want translated in a video that would be helpful. I can't remember where all scenes occurred.

@ Zulkir - I don't have all the keyblades in my save files, but I'm sure the Japanese wiki has them listed, so I'll go find them there.


Aqua - Disney Town

Aqua - Disney Town: Who is everyone’s favorite person?

Aqua DT I: A hero you can’t count on

Pete: “The white mask is a symbol of hope. A hero of justice that protects this town! Captain Justice is here!”

Aqua: “Huh?”

Pete: “Wait, wait! It’s Captain Justice here! Who just leaves when a hero of justice is talking to them!”

Aqua: “Well, there is really nothing I need a hero of justice to help me with.”

Horace: “Someone help me!”

Pete: “What’s this!? Captain Justice is here to save you!”

Horace: “Oh, it’s you. Oh well, I guess a hero of justice would be just right for this job.”

Pete: “What seems to be the trouble!?”

Horace: “Monsters have appeared in the Fruitball court again. I guess it’s time for a hero of justice!”

Aqua: “Monsters? Are there Unversed here too?”

Pete: “Monsters? No way, those are not my specialty.”

Aqua: “Do heroes of justice have specialties?”

Pete: “I’d never be able to handle... Er, I mean, we just don’t mix.”

Horace: “Don’t say that, I’m counting on you. You’re a hero of justice, right? Since those guys have appeared the Fruitball court is all messed up.”

Pete: “Oh! Can you hear it? Someone is asking for the help of Captain Justice!”

“Here I come!”

“It seems they have an emergency. I’ll be back here later, don’t worry about that.”

Horace: “He won’t be back. Some hero of justice.”

Aqua: “I’m no hero, but I think I might be able to help you.”

Horace: “Really? Great! Get ‘em with a fruitball and make sure they don’t come back to the fruitball court.”

Aqua: “Of course.”

Horace: “When you’re ready, please come talk to me. I’ll tell you how to play fruitball.”

Aqua DT II: Aqua is the best

Horace: “Wow, you got all of them. You’re the true hero of justice.”

Minnie: “I’d like to thank you as well. Thank you very much.”

Aqua: “Who are you?”

Minnie: “I’m Minnie.”

Horace: “She’s the queen of this country.”

Aqua: “Oh! Pardon me your highness. My name is Aqua.”

Minnie: “You don’t have to be so formal. You can just call me Minnie.”

“We must protect this country, but...”

Horace: “Don’t speak of that Queen Minnie, since the King is gone you don’t have much of a choice. Everyone understands that. That’s why this year is going to be like every other year, and we’re holding the Dream Festival.”

Minnie: “Thank you for saying that.”

Horace: “But that Pete... He keeps saying he’s a hero of justice but he doesn’t really do anything.”

Aqua: “Pete? He called himself Captain Justice.”

Horace: “Justice my foot. He’s the same old selfish reckless Pete as always. He’s just in disguise for the popularity contest. He wants to win the Million Dream Award.”

Aqua: “What’s the Million Dream Award?”

Minnie: “It’s a special event we have for the Dream Festival where we decide who is the most popular person in town. Pete thinks that if he becomes a hero of justice, he can become popular, but I think he’s a bit mistaken. A hero is made from other peoples thoughts, you can’t just become one by calling yourself that.”

Horace: “Then I think Aqua is the best! I’m going to vote for you.”

Aqua: “Thank you. I guess I’ll have to live up to your expectations.”

Horace: “Yes, don’t disappoint me!”

Minnie: “Sounds like a lot of work.”

Aqua: “Yes, I’ll have to try my best.”

Aqua DT III: Million Dream Award

Horace: “I wonder who will get the Million Dream Award this year?”

Chip: “I hope it’s the person I voted for!”

Dale: “I voted too!”

Huey: “Our store is ??, I bet we’re the best!”

Dewey: “If we’re the best even Uncle Scrooge might say something nice.”

Louie: “Uncle Donald would be surprised too!”

Minnie: “Hello everyone, sorry for making you wait. Welcome to the main event of Disney Town’s Dream Festival, the announcement of the winner of the Million Dream Award!”

Pete: “Announcement? Pah, of course it’s going to be me.”

Minnie: “We have several winners this year. This year the Million Dream Award goes to... Ventus, Aqua and Terra.”

Aqua: “Ven and Terra are here too?”

Pete: “What!?”
“You’ve made a mistake. This year Captain Justice got tons of votes! Right everyone!?”

“Oh of course!”

“The one and only racer, Captain Dark!”

Minnie: “There is no mistake. These three are the winner of the award.”

“Pete, whatever your motives were, what you tried to do was a wonderful thing. So, even though it’s not much, there were votes for you too. You’re someone’s favorite person.”

Pete: “Like I care about votes. Just give me the award.”

Minnie: “Pete!”

“I’ve managed to turn a blind eye to your actions in the past, but I cannot forgive you for ignoring the feelings of someone who thought of you and voted for you.”

Pete: “Ha! So what are you going to do about it, huh?”

Minnie: “You’ll just have to cool your head awhile. Guards!”

Pete: “W-what!?”

“Hey, wait a minute! Let me go!”

Minnie: “Well then, it’s return to the award ceremony.”

“Will the winners Ventus, Aqua and Terra please come to the stage?”

“Oh, it seems the other two are absent.”

Aqua: “They’ve already left...”

Minnie: “Well then, you’ll just have to take the award for all three of you. At the Dream Festival you three have become popular with many people. So we now present you with the Million Dream Award. Congratulations!”

Aqua: “Thank you very much!”

Minnie: “To celebrate, we’ve made a special ice cream just for you: Queen Berry Ice.”

Horace: “Lucky, getting your own special ice cream.”

Chip: “What’s it taste like?”

Dale: “Try it, try it!”

Minnie: “How do you like it?”

Aqua: “It’s delicious. I love this flavor.”

Minnie: “I’m glad you like it.”

Aqua V: Servant of darkness

Pete: “I can’t believe they’ve just left me here. I’m going to get out of here.”

Maleficent: “You’ll never get out of there with your own power.”

Pete: “W-who are you? Show yourself!”

Maleficent: “Don’t be so impatient. Be quiet and listen to me.”

Pete: “R-right.”

Maleficent: “If you listen to me I can get you out of there.”

Pete: “Really!?”

“I don’t care who you are so long as you can get me out of here! I listen to whatever you say!”

Maleficent: “You’re a fast learner. Now, come here. You’re going to help me get all of the worlds with in my clutches.”


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Would I be able to request any of the Xehanort reports/letters(I have no clue which they're called, but I'm told there is one big one and some smaller ones) translated?

I don't know how I would find a copy of that for you, sorry. ^^;


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
@ Zulkir - Here is the entire list of keyblade names, descriptions, attack and magic power, and where you can get them:

Keyblades for everyone:

Rock Splendor - Atk: 3 Mgc: 2 - Well balanced in both magic and attack power, but has a short reach. Received for finishing Dwarf Woodlands.

Crystal Works - Atk: 2 Mgc: 2 - Is good at dealing critical attacks. Received for finishing Enchanted Dominion.

Fairy Star - Atk: 2 Mgc: 3 - Has strong magical attack power. Received for finishing Castle of Dreams.

Winning Medallion - Atk: 4 Mgc: 2 - Has a slightly longer reach and is good at dealing critical attacks. Received in Disney Town for winning in the Rumble Racing Grand Circuit.

Mark of a Hero - Atk: 5 Mgc: 1 - Has high attack power and deals a lot of damage for critical attacks. Received for finishing Olympus Coliseum.

Hyper Drive - Atk: 4 Mgc: 3 - Has a slightly long reach, and is balanced between attack and magic power. Received for finishing Deep Space.

Pixie Charm - Atk: 3 Mgc: 6 - Has a short reach but high magical power. Easily deals critical attacks, and when it does it will deal a lot of damage. Received for finishing Never land.

Delicious Tower - Atk: 6 Mgc: 4 - Has high attack power, and is a very lucky keyblade having a critical attack rating of 100%. Using Ice Blast makes it more likely? Received for creating all ice creams.

Ultima Weapon - Atk: 7 Mgc: 6 - The strongest keyblade. Received for finishing Arena Mode.


Earth Shaker - Atk: 3 Mgc: 1 - Has a short reach but high attack power. Terra’s first keyblade.

Gaia Vein - Atk: 5 Mgc: 3 - A well balanced keyblade with high stats. Received after Destiny Island.

Dark Biter - Atk: 5 Mgc: 2 - Has a short reach and does not deal critical attacks easily, but has high attack power. Received in Arena Mode for defeating Illusionist.

Chaos Reaver - Atk: 10 Mgc: -2 - A keyblade with a long reach and has attack power beyond any other, but has low magic power. Received after the fight with Master Eraqus.


Fresh Breeze - Atk: 3 Mgc: 1 - Has a short reach, but has slightly higher attack power. Ventus’ first keyblade.

Rascal Flame - Atk: 3 Mgc: 3 - Has a slightly longer reach, with high magic power. When it deals critical attacks the damage is high. Received for finishing Radiant Garden.

Lost Memory - Atk: 6 Mgc: 5 - Has a long reach, and can deal critical attacks easily. When it does the damage is high. Received after the event with Vanitas on Destiny Island.


Rain Fall - Atk: 2 Mgc: 2 - A keyblade well balanced between attack and magic power, but it has a short reach. Aqua’s first keyblade.

Destiny Place - Atk: 3 Mgc: 3 - Can deal critical attacks easily. Received after an event in Radiant Garden.

Rain Storm - Atk: 5 Mgc: 4 - A well balanced keyblade with high stats. Received after the event on Destiny Island.

Bright Crest - Atk: 4 Mgc: 7 - A keyblade with a long reach and magic power beyond any other. Can deal critical damage easily, and when it does the damage is high. Received in Last Episode.

@ FadedSunrise - Oh, I have all of the reports in my Trinity Report so it's no big deal about finding them. Though, hasn't someone translated them already? I mean I don't mind doing another version of them, but...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Umm i'm not sure if this has been asked or not but could you translate the Eraqus death scene?
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