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Help/Support ► My Father's New Rule

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i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
... Not the police. DCFS. My dad works with them....

Coffee Lover

Bronze Member
Apr 10, 2004
United States of America
Why did he beat you? If it was for no reason, then wtf?

He THOUGHT I swore. I came close to swearing but I shut my mouth. The exact sentence I said was this "And I would've snapped and killed your-" He beat till he broke the dust pan. One time he tried to slam a chair over my sister's head, that's when she snapped on him.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Wow. That's bad.

Reading, writing, biking, video games, Anime, tv, sports, and stuff on the web.

Join writers club.
Join biking marathons
Join a drawing club.
Take up a sport.


Juvenile Success
Dec 28, 2004
In a magazine
He THOUGHT I swore. I came close to swearing but I shut my mouth. The exact sentence I said was this "And I would've snapped and killed your-" He beat till he broke the dust pan. One time he tried to slam a chair over my sister's head, that's when she snapped on him.

Have you considered calling Child Services? I mean, there's obviously a lot more wrong with your father than his making a few restricting rules.

~{Mindless Insanity}~

When all else fails!
May 29, 2006
In a nameless city deluged by continuous rain...wh
Ask him why he always has to be right. And also, he beats you? Tell your mom, but, if she knows and can't do anything then I would tell a teacher or someone you know can help you. And for the rule, tell him that you won't be following it anymore, and, no matter how much he beats you or punishes you, it won't make you follow the rule or listen to him, it will just make you hate him more.

This is the proplem I see with lots of people today, they insist they ae right and when someone can prove them wrong, they say it is enough and end it themselves, saying that they are right no matter what.

And also, don't give in to your dad and become more social, that's just what he wants you to be, and,(for the sake of sounding cliche)don't let anybody like that make you be something, be what you want to be, and be proud that you didn't succumb to pressure.(I said a lot of bes in that sentence)
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Dec 29, 2005
He THOUGHT I swore. I came close to swearing but I shut my mouth. The exact sentence I said was this "And I would've snapped and killed your-" He beat till he broke the dust pan. One time he tried to slam a chair over my sister's head, that's when she snapped on him.

Even if you was swearing like a drunk, He hade no right to lay a hand on you..

Being anti-social isn't a bad thing and wow he won't let you read a book for long? I mean that is wrong..

You do need to call someone, before it gets out of hand and it will, I used to get beat when my dad was around and I did nothing about it.. Because I was scared. But you should do something because it will get worse if you don't..


Mr. Twister
Dec 26, 2005
Alright,here is what I say to this situation...STAND UP TO HIM!!!If you had any experiance in martial arts,then avoid your dads hits.He wont keep on trying for long.You didn't swear so he had no right to hit you,and hitting a girl with a chair is just the sickest thing ive ever heard of.Make the whole family stand against him,tell him that he is to strict and he has to be wrong sometimes and he can not always be right.Make the restrictions alittle smaller.


Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead

Ok, here's what I would do. I'm guessing that you don't want to talk to him anymore, and vise verse. You could always sneak the games in late at night, when he's asleep...Maybe you should cuss him out.(I know it's not my useual methods.) And if he does try to beat you again, RUN LIKE HELL! Go to your mom, to your neighbors, to any adult...or to a police officer....I know it could lead to something bad, so think really hard about what I've said before you do ANYTHING.


Instantly Classic
Dec 23, 2005
Wait What?
Its sounds like your dad has more problems that lie within and he's taking them out on his family especially you, because A). your already anti-social-so if you tried to tell anyone they wouldn't believe you (as he thinks)or B). your not a boy so he doesn't see you as being able to get stronger than him and beat him down the same way he's done you and your siblings in the past.

Its obvious he's got deeper problems inside himself and he's afraid that you will go down a path that you can't reverse, and he feels he has to do everything he can to stop you from (as he sees it) throwing away your life. But theres a fine line between trying to help and being over controlling...he's got too much hate, rage, too much negative emotion built up inside of him wheter its because of whats going on in his world or not, and he's taking it out on you. No one deserves the right to beat someone that bad, and the cops are freakin stupid to not pay attention to your situation....

What you need to do since it doesn't help to talk to him, and sadly the one's that cause all the trouble are the hardest to get through to, is just start writing poems, drawing characters for video-games, and or animes you like. Confide in someone that you can talk to, even if you are anti-social there's at least one person you can talk to. And if you can't, thats what we on the forum are for....If you need someone to confide in I'm here, and I'll listen to your problems and help you the best way I can.
And if he wants you to get outta the house and be social, you can always go to the library and read or go to the movies...you can go out and escape the pressures of being consumed my your fathers rage, to be alone enjoying yourself out.

Just letting you know...if you need someone to help, I'm here....

Tyler Durden

hey just PM for my AIM and I'll talk to you. not just about this, but about whatever you want.

But you need to take care of your dad. Call the cops.

And does he beat your mother? I kind of skimmed, but if he does his ass should go to jail.


Nov 4, 2004
MegaFleer Inc.
1. He thinks the screens are ruining my eyesight. I'm the only child of their's that doesn't wear glasses and he wants to make sure I never have to wear them.

Kindly tell him to piss off, this is a false statement. Two out of four people in my family wear contacts and glasses sometimes, yet I have perfect eyesight. 24/24 vision. I play videogames all the damn time, spending 2-3 hours trying to beat optional bosses, etc. Print this out and show it to him.


Aug 28, 2006
Killing is easy once you forget the taste of sugar
He doesn't want to talk about it anymore, period. I tried to bring it up again and he told me to shut up and threatened to beat me. I have other interests but lack of interests is not the problem, it's the fact I can't do anything no more than a hour.

Ok that's it. I've heard your posts.

Personally, I'll take discipline, but I will not take that kind of sht from my parents. If my parents were so close-minded and brutal, hell if he tried to touch me again I would beat him on the head with a sledgehammer. There's no REASON for a parent to do that kind of thing to you. He has anger issues, because that is NOT discipline. If a kid curses, you don't beat them to death, you spank em or ground them or take away what they like. Your dad has no idea how to treat children or kids.

If my dad told me he would beat me just because I wanted to talk calmly about it, personally I would say bring it on. I'm in track, I'm a fast runner, and I'm certainly more cunning. If he wants to take out a brawl, Bugs Bunny style, then so be it. But I would not sit there and let my dad beat me. You should defend yourself, because the way he punishes you is just horrific (as well as your sister, A CHAIR? WTF?). I would grab a frying pan and just smash him with it and call the CPS -.-

Or maybe I'm just getting violent...

Tyler Durden

Ok that's it. I've heard your posts.

Personally, I'll take discipline, but I will not take that kind of sht from my parents. If my parents were so close-minded and brutal, hell if he tried to touch me again I would beat him on the head with a sledgehammer. There's no REASON for a parent to do that kind of thing to you. He has anger issues, because that is NOT discipline. If a kid curses, you don't beat them to death, you spank em or ground them or take away what they like. Your dad has no idea how to treat children or kids.

If my dad told me he would beat me just because I wanted to talk calmly about it, personally I would say bring it on. I'm in track, I'm a fast runner, and I'm certainly more cunning. If he wants to take out a brawl, Bugs Bunny style, then so be it. But I would not sit there and let my dad beat me. You should defend yourself, because the way he punishes you is just horrific (as well as your sister, A CHAIR? WTF?). I would grab a frying pan and just smash him with it and call the CPS -.-

Or maybe I'm just getting violent...

Even joking around, I couldn't kick my dad's ass. We wrestled for AN HOUR and then I only got him down once.

And we're guys. No offense, but most girls are weaker than most guys. Scientifically speaking, she is screwed worse than a 14 year old boy

cam ron 77

Aw it can be fun just try and if you still don't like it then you can at least tell your Dad you tried.school clubs are really fun. and if you're real nervous, then ask a friend to try and join something with you. its more comfortable when you have someone you know around right?look
out for movies too, those are the easiest to do. you can even ask your Dad to drop you off at
the mall or a music store (unless you drive already, i dont' know). also try school events like football games because its easy and you might feel a little more comfortable since there are people you know around you. doing that stuff can also keep you away from your Dad if he's mad at you or something. my friend used to come to my house because her dad used to have the same anger problem.oh, and another fun thing is a roller rink and being active in your youth group at chruch if you have one.
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Coffee Lover

Bronze Member
Apr 10, 2004
United States of America
Beating is something called 'illegal'. If the police don't do anything, call someone else to do something about it.

In this state, beatings are legal. And Megaflare, he wouldn't believe you. He recently read in a manual something about if it is extended play than take a 15 minute break every hour. But of course my break is many hours. Not too long ago he made me take FF12 out of the PS2 and put it in it's case, just because he doesn't want it in the PS2 unless I'm playing it. And Dogenzaka, my father keeps telling me about a man who gave his daughter two black eyes and broke her arm. My father is a LOT bigger than me, he'd try to kill me if I fought back.

I talked to my mother and they're letting me play the game more, but only a hour at a time. The one hour rule still exists.


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
Ummm... no matter what state you are in abuse is Illegal and when you are worried about your physical safety it is emotional abuse if nothing else if your father is threatening to seriously hurt you then it doesn't really matter what state you're in.

EDIT- She didn't mean a regular discipinary "beating' she means the verb beating meaning seriously trying to injure you or technically, "repeated striking with the fists or other blunt objects"

Coffee Lover

Bronze Member
Apr 10, 2004
United States of America
Ummm... no matter what state you are in abuse is Illegal and when you are worried about your physical safety it is emotional abuse if nothing else if your father is threatening to seriously hurt you then it doesn't really matter what state you're in.

EDIT- She didn't mean a regular discipinary "beating' she means the verb beating meaning seriously trying to injure you or technically, "repeated striking with the fists or other blunt objects"

Well, it's legal here or else that police officer wasn't doing his job. I told him what my father had done and my father even showed him what he had beaten me with. The officer acted as if it were nothing and told me how his grandpa used beat him when he was young. See, people here still believe in the old ways, that all a child needs is a good ole beating when they don't do right. My parents tell me stories about how their parents used to do them. In fact, my mother even told me that when my grandpa beat her and her siblings, in these exact words, "Daddy didn't care where he hit you and you always ended up in the floor". She also says they got many bruises and cuts from the beatings so that bruise on my thumb was nothing. And they beat them for the simplest reasons. She even told me the story of how my aunt didn't wash her hands and tried to run from grandma. What grandma did was, she grabbed the broom, threw it like a javelin, tripped my aunt, and before my aunt could get off the floor, my grandma was on her. They only think the only thoughts going through your head are "I'm going to disobey and disbehave just because I can!" Most of them don't know some children are hurt mentally or emotionally when beaten.


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
Ah I see what you mean, your prediciment is one that is not at all easily solved you would have look for help on a national level because you grow up in a place where as long as it has happened before it must be OK my Grandad (on my mother's side) was abusive but my mother doesn't beat me. the same rules govern your society as do the KKK it was done before so it should be done now.

In a nutshell what I mean is.

1. The Cop was not doing his job.
2. It sounds as if no one anywhere within 100 miles of you doesn't think that abise is a problem.
3. You should seek help on some sort of higher level some kind of child abuse Internet reporting thing or something because if a cop acts like that and you think that other cops would then all you can do is get help out of area.
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