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Help/Support ► Memory Master: The Story of How I Got Justice

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Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

^ The only person with sense here.

The justice system failed? Do you have any friggen idea how many murders, rapists, and other sorts of criminals the justice system has put in their places? One case you don't agree with and you scream that it is flawed. The jury is you. The common folk decided she was not guilty. They did not see enough evidence to convict her. Is she truly innocent? Maybe. Maybe not. For now, she is considered not guilty by the court.

What makes you think she is guilty? By what the media tells you? Here is a good piece of advice. Never trust the media entirely. The media will go despicable things to make a story bigger, even if it means hurting people. I recall a story about a vicious dog attack a few years ago. The media made out the owner and his mother to be terrible monsters when in fact they turned out to be very caring and loving. The media probably blew this out of proportions to make more people pay attention to their stories. It isn't the first time and won't be the last.

This woman will never be able to lead a normal life again. Everywhere she goes, she'll be only known as the child killer. The haunting fact of her child's death will follow her forever. You simply just don't sleep at night peacefully with that on your mind.

Oh come on. She's gonna get a book deal, probably a movie, and make tons and tons of cash off of this and live the rich life.

And don't go blaming the media. The media simply reported the evidence and based on the evidence, it all pointed to her being the killer.

She's a slut who wants to party instead of raise a kid and so she lied about a babysitter and about having a job. Caylee was getting to the age where she could talk and Casey knew she would blow her cover to Cindy who Casey has a bad relationship with. So Casey searched for Chlorophorm in order to knock Caylee out and then use duct tape to smother her. Carried her body in the car for a few days then tried to bury it in the backyard but eventually dumped in the swamp a few miles from her house.

Go back to the duct tape. There wasn't just 1 piece but 3 pieces. One to cover the mouth, one to cover the nose and one to seal it up so there wont be any other air pockets for Caylee to breath. Why else would there have been 3 pieces of tape on Caylee's body if it wasn't murder.

Take that and all the other evidence and all of it points to Casey Anthony.

The pool accident theory is nuts because why would they cover up a completely innocent accident and make it look like murder. Doesn't make sense.

Everything points to Casey as the killer. There is no way that she did not kill her daughter.

And she'll sleep just fine at night. She spent 31 days going out and being a slut and going to parties when she new her daughter was dead.

What we need is a perfect Justice system that get's it right every time. I'm so sick of failure.

Ok so the system is flawed. Deal with it.

They decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and to decide she is not guilty. There have been murderers and thieves who have escaped from crime far worse than what this lady has committed, so i no reason why you guys are bitching. Hell if the media decided to make this a local city news affair not a lot of you would even give a dam

There aren't many crimes worse than a mother killing her baby. It's one of the most evil things there is. Mothers are supposed to protect their children at all cost, and Casey Anthony killed her child without a single bit of remorse.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Lol you don't even have the details straight


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

The media simply reported the evidence and based on the evidence
'Scept all those pieces of evidence were circumstantial, meaning that anything coming from it are just assumptions. The media just assumed she was guilty (and kept repeating it to get more and more viewers).

And don't go blaming the media.
No one's blaming the media of murdering a child; they're blaming it for being a monster that repeatedly kept reminding people of the crime just to get more ratings. The only difference between this crime and a completely different murder where some average Joe died is that the media didn't milk the average Joe homicide story. The kinds of murder the press milk are when children and senior citizens are killed.

A murder is a murder, nothing to pay attention to ('scept report and process it). Besides, who are we to claim the system is flawed when criminals have been apprehended before. The Government nor the Dept. of Justice don't have to tell us what cases they've solved (besides, you can go look at it for yourself, there are some court sites that have public court records).

Also, it's not the System's nor the Government's fault corrupt defense attorneys and prosecutors make back-street deals and forge evidence. At least this case wasn't a victim of those methods (from the looks of it). Besides, the Jury made a rational decision. They can't declare someone guilty when; A.) the defendant's life is in the line, B.) the evidence is circumstantial.


hope I don't rust
Nov 26, 2009
In the Heart-Warming pool
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

The media was definitely not a monster. The news networks I watched for coverage of the case (CNN, HLN, whatever that coverage was on truTV) did their best to avoid telling their viewers that Casey was 100% guilty. They even had lawyers who were against the prosecution, saying that there was no direct evidence between Casey and her daughter's murder, which was something the news networks kept reminding viewers themselves. The problem was that there was a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to Casey that they had to report on, so it's difficult to avoid coming off as pro-prosecution.

The only monsters were the people in the bandwagon of saying crap like "omg that bitch is guilty and should die" on any of those social networking sites.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Caylee was getting to the age where she could talk and Casey knew she would blow her cover to Cindy who Casey has a bad relationship with. So Casey searched for Chlorophorm in order to knock Caylee out and then use duct tape to smother her. Carried her body in the car for a few days then tried to bury it in the backyard but eventually dumped in the swamp a few miles from her house.

Cool story.

Memory Master said:
Go back to the duct tape. There wasn't just 1 piece but 3 pieces. One to cover the mouth, one to cover the nose and one to seal it up so there wont be any other air pockets for Caylee to breath. Why else would there have been 3 pieces of tape on Caylee's body if it wasn't murder.

A forensic pathologist already confirmed that the duct tape was put on the body after it had already decomposed. That isn't the reason, besides thats weird as fuck. If she was going to kill her baby why would she need chloroform? If she was going to kill her, she wouldnt want to knock her out to ease her pain since she is basically the devil to you.

Memory Master said:
Take that and all the other evidence and all of it points to Casey Anthony.

If the evidence was as concrete as you're making it out to be, she would be in jail right now.

Memory Master said:
The pool accident theory is nuts because why would they cover up a completely innocent accident and make it look like murder. Doesn't make sense.

They panicked? You can't try to justify actions when it comes to something like that, of course Casey's actions were very strange for someone missing their daughter, but she was just an honest idiot and a liar, a bad one at that.

memory master said:
Everything points to Casey as the killer. There is no way that she did not kill her daughter.

Again, the evidence was all circumstantial. There was reasonable doubt. If there was no way she didnt kill Cayle, again, she wouldn't have walked away.

Memory Master said:
What we need is a perfect Justice system that get's it right every time.

You should come up with that then lol


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Oh come on. She's gonna get a book deal, probably a movie, and make tons and tons of cash off of this and live the rich life.

And you figure that how, exactly?

What we need is a perfect Justice system that get's it right every time. I'm so sick of failure.

You want something that can't exist. Human beings are fallible, including you.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Cool story.

A forensic pathologist already confirmed that the duct tape was put on the body after it had already decomposed. That isn't the reason, besides thats weird as fuck. If she was going to kill her baby why would she need chloroform? If she was going to kill her, she wouldnt want to knock her out to ease her pain since she is basically the devil to you.

The Chloroform was used to knock the child out so she couldn't fight back or try to run away. It was just easier for her to kill a sleeping child than one that is awake.

If the evidence was as concrete as you're making it out to be, she would be in jail right now.

The evidence was good enough for me. If I was on the Jury then we would still be deliberating right now.

They panicked? You can't try to justify actions when it comes to something like that, of course Casey's actions were very strange for someone missing their daughter, but she was just an honest idiot and a liar, a bad one at that.

A mother doesn't go out an party when her child dies. It's just wrong. You don't do it. If Casey really cared about her daughter she wouldn't have done what she did in the 31 days.

And George and Cindy loved Caylee. I saw a broken Grandfather on the stand and that man would have never dumped his granddaughters body in a swamp.

Again, the evidence was all circumstantial. There was reasonable doubt. If there was no way she didnt kill Cayle, again, she wouldn't have walked away.

It was the people on the Jury. I honestly believe they decided the case because A.) There was seven women, they probably didn't trust George because he got defensive on the stand. But how can you blame George? He was being accused of all this stuff. I mean i'm surprised he didn't lose his cool in there. If it was me I would have gone off the wall of being accussed of those things.

B.) They didn't like the prosecution attorneys.

I don't think they based this on the evidence. I don't think they payed much attention to the evidence at all. If they had then they would have taken weeks to deliberate.

You should come up with that then lol

I know there will never be a perfect Justice system but it's just not right that even one rapist, murderer or child abuser gets away.


Bronze Member
Aug 11, 2010
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Oh come on. She's gonna get a book deal, probably a movie, and make tons and tons of cash off of this and live the rich life.

God help you if you truly believe that a book deal, a movie and money can even begin to lift the emotional weight of losing a child.

And don't go blaming the media. The media simply reported the evidence and based on the evidence, it all pointed to her being the killer.

The media exaggerates, and it also skews the truth -- that's no secret. Paraphrasing the biases is neither going to shed new light on the situation nor swing it in any way.

There is no way that she did not kill her daughter.

Except you weren't there, and you cannot say with absolute certainty that she did.

What we need is a perfect Justice system that get's it right every time. I'm so sick of failure.

There is no such thing as a zero percent failure rate. Aren't you the guy who espouses the idea that humans are intrinsically flawed?

There aren't many crimes worse than a mother killing her baby.

Nor is the grief a mother feels for losing one.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Somehow this reminds me of Twelve Angry Men. I guess it's because at the beginning everyone's convinced that the kid was guilty, but by the end Number 8 convinced the whole jury that there wasn't enough evidence and the boy ended up going free. I can definitely see how the jury could have doubted that Ms. Anthony was guilty. I don't want to judge them because they had a very difficult decision and I don't know what they discussed or how they came to a verdict. It's just really sad that little Caylee was killed, regardless of who or how. I wish none of this happened, but it did, and I just have to move on.

I know there will never be a perfect Justice system but it's just not right that even one rapist, murderer or child abuser gets away.

It isn't right, but if you don't let it go you'll be frustrated forever. It's always going to happen as long as this world exists. And if you can't let it go, then why not do something about it? Maybe you could think of some ways that the justice system could be improved. C:


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

ITT: OJ Simpson is in love with Casey Anthony

Seriously though I haven't really followed this case much. But if she is truly innocent, grats to her I guess.

Ugh what is the deal with all the comments of "What's done is done" or "Oh well"?

Seriously where your passion for justice!

Guys I found the IRL Kira.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

It isn't right, but if you don't let it go you'll be frustrated forever. It's always going to happen as long as this world exists. And if you can't let it go, then why not do something about it? Maybe you could think of some ways that the justice system could be improved. C:

Yeah. I know. It's one reason i'm wanting to get into politics. God will make Casey Anthony pay. If humans can't do it right then God will. Casey Anthony will get what's coming to her.


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Yeah. I know. It's one reason i'm wanting to get into politics.


Break the Spell
May 18, 2007
Somewhere 2D
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

I say everyone kills everyone, and the last person kills themselves.

Problem solved.


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Holy bonk some of the members here really disturb me.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

The Chloroform was used to knock the child out so she couldn't fight back or try to run away.
An adult woman versus a child below ten is not like a fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather. There are no even odds; the adult woman would win, why the need to waste money, time, and effort in forcefully sleeping her child when she had the upper hand? Unless Casey's a fan of overkills, I'd doubt this happened.

If I was on the Jury then we would still be deliberating right now.
That's assuming they'll still do what you suggest to do, which is have the state legally kill a woman that was not proven without a doubt to be the murderer.

A.) There was seven women
So? You saying they had sympathy over her? A woman the media labeled as a "monster"? A woman which the evidence against her labeled her as the criminal? A woman that lied more than twice? Either these women are relatives of her or they lack common sense.

they probably didn't trust George because he got defensive on the stand
If someone accuses you of murder, and you didn't do it, how would you react? Or if they accuse you of being an accomplice to homicide, how would you react?

B.) They didn't like the prosecution attorneys.
...That's like saying they didn't like her attorney and decided to find her guilty. Please.

I don't think they based this on the evidence. I don't think they payed much attention to the evidence at all. If they had then they would have taken weeks to deliberate.
Except that evidence you keep mentioning is circumstantial. Our system is based on concrete evidence, not circumstantial. The pieces link her to the crime, but at the same time, they have the right of doubt.

It's one reason i'm wanting to get into politics
Then I won't vote for someone that believes circumstantial evidence is enough to pin the crime on someone.

God will make Casey Anthony pay
Good to know you believe in Divine Justice. C: God will make a better job at serving justice.
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