IMHO these guys are just looking for attention at this point, so I don't really care about their "opinions". I just hope that this game won't be similar to FFXV DLCs-wise, since some stuff I've read got me worried, but we'll see.
IMHO these guys are just looking for attention at this point, so I don't really care about their "opinions". I just hope that this game won't be similar to FFXV DLCs-wise, since some stuff I've read got me worried, but we'll see.
Agree with this 100%, and appreciate your other thread summarizing the leaks. imo, there should've been no returning Disney worlds. It's bad that Olympus is the only world from a hand-drawn film, but I get it; it's a sign of the times, but Disney are also the legends of hand-drawn animation. It's bad that it's a rarity to see classic characters like Pooh and Scrooge.I think the issue here is that too many people expected KH3 to be like the best game in gaming history when in reality it's "just another Kingdom Hearts". I never expected this to be anything more than a modern and more polished version of what we got so far but I feel like people are gonna start playing this game with way way waaaay to high expectations. Same case with this dude... he expected this game to be something it could have never been and is disappointed now.
The only thing I'm disappointed about so far is the "small" amount of worlds. I wish there was another massive original world and maybe 1 or 2 more Disney Worlds. They went with way too many new Disney properties imo.
I think the issue here is that too many people expected KH3 to be like the best game in gaming history when in reality it's "just another Kingdom Hearts". I never expected this to be anything more than a modern and more polished version of what we got so far but I feel like people are gonna start playing this game with way way waaaay to high expectations. Same case with this dude... he expected this game to be something it could have never been and is disappointed now.
The only thing I'm disappointed about so far is the "small" amount of worlds. I wish there was another massive original world and maybe 1 or 2 more Disney Worlds. They went with way too many new Disney properties imo.
People need to chill and realize that there's not really much you can do better in a KH game. It might not be the best KH game ever but it's still a solid and great game. Saying it's "meh" and worse than CoM on GBA is just over exaggerating lol. Me saying that also has nothing to do with me being a fan. I'm always very critical with games but I learned that you shouldn't trust people like this. He for some reason lost his hype for the game. It's like all these annoying people who won't stop complaining about reboot Tomb Raider lol.
You wouldn't be saying that if they praised the game.
I don't care if one or two guys love or hate this game, as the only thing that matters is what I'll think of it. I'm saying what I'm saying because there has been inconsistent information: is this game GOTY or utter trash? Is the ending bad or good? And so on.
They're in a position of power and I can see the fun in spreading some "panic" and stirring discontent up, and IMHO this is what is happening (maybe yes, maybe no). It's also a matter of false expectations and we have already some perfect examples in this thread.
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The leaker being disappointed over something from KHX tying into the ending is a bit silly. I mean if you've been following the developments in the series over the last few years it was obvious that KHX has been setting plot elements for the next saga. As such I would fully expect there to be some tie into KHX in the ending of KH3 since the ending of KH3 would have some tie into the next saga as well. Also not to mention we have the black box as well from KHX.
Of course if Leon and the gang don't appear, then it just doesn't sit right with me because I consider these characters to be Sora's main support group outside of the original characters, and it's been so long since we've seen them. Also we needed a resolution to the Cloud and Sephiroth sub-plot. Tournaments not being in Olympus is just really strange. I mean Zeus having his own Coliseum would make perfect sense.
On the number of worlds, 12 is okay, but I honestly felt like 13 worlds would have been more appropriate for obvious reasons. The choice of worlds is also kind of strange. Also I feel like Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden not being playable in some form is just odd. I mean Destiny Islands is the home world of Xehanort, so it should be here at the end of the Xehanort saga. I also think Radiant Garden should have been included as well since so much of the conflict in this saga began with Radiant Garden. And it's not like these worlds had to be very large, they just needed to have a playable presence of some kind. Heck Destiny Islands and The Realm of Darkness could have been connected level design wise, similar to Twilight Town and Mysterious Tower, since I'm guessing Sora probably enters the Realm of Darkness from Destiny Islands anyways. I also feel that 100 Acre Woods just simply wasn't necessary given how they have been spreading so many Mini-Games across other worlds. If anything 100 Acre Woods could have been the one world I was fine with being just DLC.
So in my opinion the world list should have looked more like this:
1. Twilight Town / Mysterious Tower
2. Olympus
3. Toy Box
4. Monstropolis
5. Radiant Garden (Again doesn't have to be very big, just castle portion would have been enough for me)
6. Kingdom of Corona
7. Arendelle
8. Agrabah (Might as well finish it with King of Thieves and end this world with the Xehanort Saga)
9. Wild Jungle (A.K.A Jungle Book. I mean this world has been shunned so many times, it should have finally been in this game)
10. The Caribbean
11. San Fransokyo
12. Destiny Islands / Realm of Darkness (Again doesn't have to be a very large world)
13. Keyblade Graveyard / Scala ad Caelum (I think KG probably becomes Scala ad Caelum, so I'm treating it as one world)
And if you want to add 100 Acre Woods as DLC later that's fine.
Anyways that's just my thoughts given what we know right now
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I will enjoy the game regardless, but there are definitely some wasted opportunities in terms of world selection.So after waking up and reviewing the spoilers we have so far here is my opinions on a few things
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The leaker being disappointed over something from KHX tying into the ending is a bit silly. I mean if you've been following the developments in the series over the last few years it was obvious that KHX has been setting plot elements for the next saga. As such I would fully expect there to be some tie into KHX in the ending of KH3 since the ending of KH3 would have some tie into the next saga as well. Also not to mention we have the black box as well from KHX.
Of course if Leon and the gang don't appear, then it just doesn't sit right with me because I consider these characters to be Sora's main support group outside of the original characters, and it's been so long since we've seen them. Also we needed a resolution to the Cloud and Sephiroth sub-plot. Tournaments not being in Olympus is just really strange. I mean Zeus having his own Coliseum would make perfect sense.
On the number of worlds, 12 is okay, but I honestly felt like 13 worlds would have been more appropriate for obvious reasons. The choice of worlds is also kind of strange. Also I feel like Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden not being playable in some form is just odd. I mean Destiny Islands is the home world of Xehanort, so it should be here at the end of the Xehanort saga. I also think Radiant Garden should have been included as well since so much of the conflict in this saga began with Radiant Garden. And it's not like these worlds had to be very large, they just needed to have a playable presence of some kind. Heck Destiny Islands and The Realm of Darkness could have been connected level design wise, similar to Twilight Town and Mysterious Tower, since I'm guessing Sora probably enters the Realm of Darkness from Destiny Islands anyways. I also feel that 100 Acre Woods just simply wasn't necessary given how they have been spreading so many Mini-Games across other worlds. If anything 100 Acre Woods could have been the one world I was fine with being just DLC.
So in my opinion the world list should have looked more like this:
1. Twilight Town / Mysterious Tower
2. Olympus
3. Toy Box
4. Monstropolis
5. Radiant Garden (Again doesn't have to be very big, just castle portion would have been enough for me)
6. Kingdom of Corona
7. Arendelle
8. Agrabah (Might as well finish it with King of Thieves and end this world with the Xehanort Saga)
9. Wild Jungle (A.K.A Jungle Book. I mean this world has been shunned so many times, it should have finally been in this game)
10. The Caribbean
11. San Fransokyo
12. Destiny Islands / Realm of Darkness (Again doesn't have to be a very large world)
13. Keyblade Graveyard / Scala ad Caelum (I think KG probably becomes Scala ad Caelum, so I'm treating it as one world)
And if you want to add 100 Acre Woods as DLC later that's fine.
Anyways that's just my thoughts given what we know right now
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I will enjoy the game regardless, but there are definitely some wasted opportunities in terms of world selection.
Same reason Treasure Magnet was randomly renamed Draw for KH2 I suppose, the translators are obnoxiously inconsistent on this kind of thing.Why did they have to rename Once More
Same reason they renamed Infinity Badge and Smile Gear..... to make me cry.Why did they have to rename Once More
The world selection is guaranteed to get somebody upset though, even if it was an entirely different batch of Disney properties chosen. Everybody has their personal favourite Disney property. Excluding Olympus, I'm happy with all of the Disney worlds chosen thus far.
And we cannot assume that could have fitted another world into the game within the deadline that they had. Nomura did mention that he had to cut content to make it to the scheduled release. For what it's worth, I still see Kingdom Hearts III to be a very ambitious and beautiful game.
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Which is why I said they should have removed 100 Acre Woods. I'd rather have some other Disney world than 100 Acre Woods. This is also the reason why I would have been fine with Destiny Islands and especially Radiant Garden being included as very small worlds, comparable to Mysterious Tower in size. I understand with the new technology they are using, it changes the game in terms how many worlds they can include. But not every world needed to be massive in scale. I just wanted Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands to have some kind of playable presence, even if it is was small.
Destiny Islands for example could have just been the island, the secret place, and then a pathway that leads to the Dark Sea and I would have been fine with those 3 areas. Radiant Garden could have just been Ansem's study, the Heartless machinery, maybe the Chamber of Repose and the Underground staircase, and just a pretty garden section on the exterior of the castle overlooking the town, and I would have been happy as long as Leon and the gang were there to have even just a brief scene with Sora. Maybe have Leon say "Hey, don't worry about the town. You just go take care of those Seekers of Darkness." A line of dialogue Which would give us at least some reason as to why we wouldn't actually visit the town and could be Nomura's way of saying "Hey we know you wanted Radiant Garden to be a more fleshed out world, but we're giving you this brief experience for now, and in the next game you'll get to see Radiant Garden fully restored. So we cool? In the mean time enjoy that huge ass Scala ad Caelum."
I didn't expect the best KH, or even GOTY. I expected a game at least marginally on the level of KH1 or KH2. What we got was something barely on the level of DDD.
You're just coping. If they continued to praise it you would be blindly hyping the game and calling it GOTY.
The reason the guys thought it was good was likely because they were expecting beter things to come, but it never did. They breezed through proud mode with zero effort.
I mean what is there left that hasn't been used already?
Peter Pan
The Sword in the Stone
Jungle Book
Robin Hood
Treasure Planet
Chicken Little
Bolt (lol)
Princess and the Frog
I don't see any other old movie being "worthy" of a world and the last 3 movies don't even count as old ones. If they split my list they could use it for 2-3 more KH games if they mix it with new movies and some already used ones.
Also I wouldn't consider all those movies a god choice either. Idk how fun Dumbo, Pocahontas or Bolt would be.
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Which is why I said they should have removed 100 Acre Woods. I'd rather have some other Disney world than 100 Acre Woods. This is also the reason why I would have been fine with Destiny Islands and especially Radiant Garden being included as very small worlds, comparable to Mysterious Tower in size. I understand with the new technology they are using, it changes the game in terms how many worlds they can include. But not every world needed to be massive in scale. I just wanted Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands to have some kind of playable presence, even if it is was small.
Destiny Islands for example could have just been the island, the secret place, and then a pathway that leads to the Dark Sea and I would have been fine with those 3 areas. Radiant Garden could have just been Ansem's study, the Heartless machinery, maybe the Chamber of Repose and the Underground staircase, and just a pretty garden section on the exterior of the castle overlooking the town, and I would have been happy as long as Leon and the gang were there to have even just a brief scene with Sora. Maybe have Leon say "Hey, don't worry about the town. You just go take care of those Seekers of Darkness." A line of dialogue Which would give us at least some reason as to why we wouldn't actually visit the town and could be Nomura's way of saying "Hey we know you wanted Radiant Garden to be a more fleshed out world, but we're giving you this brief experience for now, and in the next game you'll get to see Radiant Garden fully restored. So we cool? In the meantime, enjoy that huge ass Scala ad Caelum."
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100 Acre Wood provides variety from the usual Hack-and-slash that we're accustomed to in every other Disney world. 100 Acre Wood is the palate cleanser world and evokes feelings of calm and the right kind of nostalgia. The same cannot be said for Olympus. It feels really shoehorned in. Okay, so we technically have not seen Hercules outside of the Coliseum and The Underworld, but I would rather ignore that for a returning original world or a different Disney world to replace Olympus.
And the player did mention that two Final Fantasy characters are in the game. Now whether those two characters are Squall and Rinoa remains to be seen, but there definitely is Final Fantasy representation beyond Moogles.