Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
lol my mom ordered 358/2 days and recom for my birthday and christmas respectively.....which was like 2 weeks ago(when it was ordered) so i guess that doesn't count as pre ordered.
No big news... But it's a semi-coincidence, considering that BbS was developed by the same team as Re:CoM. Now that's what I call a reason for this thread! 8D
I remember running out to go get this game a year ago. I split the price with my sister though since it was $30 at Gamestop and I was low on cash at the time.
I didn't pre-order any of the KH games. I bought KH1 in 2005, bought KH2 shortly after X-mas 2006, and Re:CoM....I dunno, I think I bought it the day it was released.
Hmp! A whole year and they still havent realeased it to European Countries! There just as worst as the Japanese, keeping the Final Mix's to them selfs...