it is rumored to come out around Fall of 07....a kid at my school thought it was coming out on March 29. but thats when it comes out in Jap.
If it was Mistwalker making the game then yes, there would be a high chance of it coming here. But Square is making it. They didn't give us the original FM and they aren't going to give us this one. So just enjoy the cutscenes you see on youtube.
We got to think realistically about this.
Puck do you have any idea what your talking about? The orginal FM wasn't released here for a reason.
1. Americans got all the extra's like Sepherioth, and the Phantom so to make this up Nomura made an exclusive upgrade just for them. But all they got were the same bosses we recived an Xemnas. An 2 silent cut-scenes, and some other small junk. So yeah he was trying to make Japanease fans happy an make it up to them.
2. The game would have sold horribly here. C'mon would you acutally pay $50 just to fight Xemnas, and 2 new cut-scenes, and some other useless junk? It would've been more profitable for the Japanease gamers because of the 5 Optinal bosses that they didn't get in kh1. So I don't know about you but I'd think about renting game but no way I'd buy the game for a few extras!
3. Nomura didn't think KH1 would be so popular here, so he was preatty cautious.
Now with FM+ it's a whole new story. So yeah stop saying "well FM1 wasn't released here so why should FM+ be released here?" It makes you sound Iditoic (No offence)
An also news flash stop act like your a know it all. In Nomura interveiws he said he's deciding what to do with the american audience, and many times he's been hinting that FM will be released here. An also wait until Square announces wether or not it will be released in the states or not because all you are doing right now is assuming. Plus wouldn't you think if Nomura wouldn't release it here he'd announce it by now, or in the begining of FM+ production he'd say somthing by now? So yeah STOP ASSUMING!!! UNTIL YOU GOT PROOF!!^^^
which is why I put "CoM" in parenthesis after "voices"THAT IS ONLY CoM.
^Yep. That's pretty much how it works. Square makes it easy too. They continuously do stupid things. So yeah, it's very easy to bash them. And I highly doubt they are going to do something smart any time soon. If they do I'm going to be amazed.
^Umm. KH2 had the same type of level designs that DMC2 had. And like DMC2 it had no storyline.
^Umm. KH2 had the same type of level designs that DMC2 had. And like DMC2 it had no storyline.