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Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

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New member
May 14, 2005
WOW.WOW.WOW *stares wit wide-opened mouth* DAT WAS SOOOOOO ROMANTIC!! I NEED MORE CHAP!!! *applause*


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Im so sowwy!!!!!!!!! Its been a long time! But i have finals comin and my parents were all NO U CANNOT GO ON THE COMPUTER U MUST STUDY!hmph. i snuck on the comp i wrote the next chapter but then the flippin comp froze and my mom caught me and i was in uber truble. But anyways im back! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHOPEE!

hey where is moomoomoo and D2L? Bah anyway I'm continuing theyll just hav a lotta readin to catch up on.

Chapter Fourteen: Searches and Shatters

As the sun rose and blanketed the park in radiant light there was a strange aura of sadness about. Noelle and Kairi had just woken up and were rubbing their eyes. "So you d-dream about Dark?" Kairi yawned. "Nope." Noelle replied sleepily. Secretly she had a dream about Riku. It was strange how much she missed him. The two were getting dressed when Aroz came running in. Noelle dived under the blankets, "Hey we're getting dressed!" Kairi had already gotten dressed and saw the frantic look on Aroz's face, "Whats wrong?" Aroz was panting but choked out, "Its Riku...He he never came back to the tent!" The three dove out of the tent. Kairi ran to Goofy, and Donald's tent and alerted them. They met Shiza who looked calm. "Did you find Riku?" Aroz asked. She slowly turned, "No. He never showed up. I heard them arguing. Seems they had a little lover's spat." Shiza motioned to Noelle. Noelle stepped forward, "DO you eavsdrop on everything we say?" She demmanded. Shiza casually said, "No. Sometimes i watch." "Listen you two can fight later but we need to find Riku!" Aroz reminded. Goofy Noelle and Donald looked around the hill while Aroz, Kairi, and Shiza looked by the bridge. They called his name countless times, "I should have never let him run off like that!" Noelle worried. "No I already lost Sora i cant lose you too Riku!" Kairi cried. Goofy and Donald went down near the trees and Aorz eas running around the lake. Noelle called for Riku until he throat was raw. She felt tears begin to form, “What have I done?” She cried. “”Need some help?” Someone said. She looked behind her and saw Dark leaning against a tree, “Dark! Please help me! My friend Riku is missing!” Dark looked at her oddly, “Well why are you searching on foot?” She stood there a second before she understood. She hit herself on the head, “I’m such an idiot!” Dark walked over, “No you’re not. Worrying sometimes makes people forget things. Come on we’ll both look for him!” They circled the park in the air looking at the ground for any sign of Riku. Finally Noelle caught a glimpse of something silver glinting in the sun. “There he is!” She said joyfully. She power-dived down and ran to Riku’s side. He was sprawled on the grass eyes shut. She kneeled down next to him and shook his shoulders, “Riku! Riku! Wake up its me! Riku? Please wake up!” She kept shaking him but he didn’t stir. Dark landed on his feet and walked over. “Whats wrong with him?” “I don’t know! Hes not moving!” She cried as tears slid down her face. Was he alive. Was she responsible for killing one of the people who were closest to her. She saw Goofy and Donald running at the top of the hill, “Donald! Goofy! We found him! Somethings wrong! Get help!” Noelle called up to them They nodded and ran off to find Kairi, Aroz, and Shiza. Still denying the worst Noelle shook her former love even harder. She saw Kairi emrging over the hill. Her hand flew to her mouth to stifle a gasp. She ran down the hill to meet them. “Riku? Riku! What happened?” She cried. Riku still motionless and silent didn’t answer. Aroz and Shiza were running to where Riku was lying. Questions were being asked crazily whena voice broke the chatter, “I have an idea.” Heads turned Donald and Goofy jumped. Donald said, “WHats he doing here!?” “What is it Dark?” Noelle asked. Dark looked very sulky and uncomfortable about this. “I can sort of give him some of my life-force but…ya might wanna look away.” The group was dumbfounded and were staring at him wondering if they should trust an art thief. “Well you heard him! Move it! Let him work!” Noelle said ushering the group away. They murmered as their backs were turned. “Can we really trust him?” Aroz asked. “Well we should give him a chance ya know. Ayhuk!” Goofy responded. They heard groaning and spun around. Riku was beginning to stir. Dark was gagging in a corner. “Riku!” hey all gasped in joy. Kairi and Noelle threw themselves on him and began hugging the life out of him. “AGAA?!!” Riku yelped as the two grabbed him. Aroz and Goofy motioned to pull them off since Riku was noiw choking under their arms. “Erm guys? I think youre hurting him…” Aroz said sheepishly. The two pulled back with joyous tears streaming down their faces. “Riku what happened?” Donald asked. Riku was sitting up and rubbing his head. “I dunno I sort of passed out I guess.” “We thought we lost you!” Noelle said happily. In that second Riku seemed to take her in to focus. Her eyes grew wide and there was silence. The two looked away from eachother. “Did I miss something?” Aroz asked. “No. Howd ou guys wake me up?” They were on their feet now. “Its thanks to me youre alive.” Said a voice. Riku never heard that voice and responded by spiinign around. Dark was standing with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “You! Youre that thief!” Riku said before drawing out his Soul-Eater. He stepped in front of the group and got ready to attack this intruder. “RIku! No!” Noelle cried out before running under his arm and to Dark’s side. Riku was bewildered. “What are you doing Noelle?” He demanded. Noelle took Dark’s hand and looked at him with a look of slight guilt. “Dark saved you! He gave you some of his life-force. If it wasn’t for him you might not be awake at all.” Riku was too confused to take this in. “How- When did we get to know him?” He stuttered. Noelle rubbed her shoulder uncomfortably. “Well…Dark is my friend. My boyfriend.” She whispered. Riku felt the Soul-Eater drop from his hand. His head was spinning. His whole world was shattering. He almost fell to his knees but landed one on the ground. Kairi came up to him and out her hands on his shoulder. “Riku..” She began softly. Riku was shaking his head. Noelle was ready to run over and tell him what happened. He was lost in his thoughts, “How did this happen? How could she have replaced me just like that? Am I a throwaway toy? Was I just a pawn in her web? Did she ever care about me? I cant believe it. I’ve lost the only one I ever loved to a thief.” Noelle began moving towards him whispering, “Riku..?” She reached out a hand but he jerked away. “No…I don’t need your pity. Good luck with your new boyfriend he said before turning his back on her. “Riku?” She whispered. She turned slowly and saw she was close to tears. She hugged his back but he knew it wasn’t out of love. “Still this might be the last time we ever touch like this again.” Riku thought sadly. She stepped back and Riku looked at Dark who had his arms casually crossed. “You better treat her well or I’ll come and beat the rich snot out of you…” Riku warned seriously. Dark laughed, “I’m the great Phantom Thief Dark. Theres nothing I cant do!” Riku’s eyes narrowed as he thought, “You could never love her the way I could.” Instead of saying this he said, “I mean it. If you ever hurt her I’ll come and hunt you down.” “Understood, General.” Dark said in a lazy salute. The whole group was saddened by Riku’s loss. Donald Goofy, Aroz and Kairi were the most upset. Shiza was looking bored but her eyes were dancing like green flames. The silence was very akward and Dark decieded to break it. “Well I gotta fly…go get ready for my next gig. See ya.” He gave Noelle a peck on the cheek and comically saluted Riku before flying off. Riku’s blood was boiling with anger. He had never felt so angry in his whole life. Except for when he thought Sora deserted him. “Well we better get back to the tent…Daisuke is coming to get us.” Aroz said nervously. The group nodded silently and began to make the trek back to the camp. They were walking in silence until Shiza’s flirty voice broke it, “So Riku. Now that youre free of that heartbreaker who are you gonna get with now?” Riku’s eyes flashed but he kept walking in silence. SHiza pouted the whole way back to camp. They entered the camp and saw Daisuke waiting eating a muffin. “Hey Daisuke!” Kairi said glumly.”Whats wrong?” “Its nothing…” Donald Noelle Kairi Aroz and Riku said in nison. Shiza seemed too eager to let out the details and said, “Poor Riku here has gotten his heart broken by that witch.” She said smiling. She pointed at Noelle who looked at the floor. “Oh….sorry to hear that.” Daisuke said. He secretly knew exactly what happened. Daisuke opened the bag he was carrying. He handed out some clothes to the group. “What are these?” Shiza said obviously appalled. “Your uniforms.” Daisuke replied simply. The group stared, “You mean we have to wear these?!” Noelle said holding up a skirt and shirt that were identical to Kairi’s. “Well what else would you use them for?” Daisuke said. Kikino bounded forward. “Oh that’s right I got a little outfit for you too!” He handed Kikino a mini uniform. Wiz hopped out of the bag. Kikino and Wiz stood facing eachother. They touched noses and then began to mirror the other’s actions. It was obviously becoming a contest. Kikino flew up in the air and Wiz mimicked him by flapping his ears. Wiz then bounced and Kikino followed. Kikino was becoming more competitive and shot a bit of flame in the opposite direction. Wiz sat there and said, “Kyu!?” Kikino had won. The two creatures nuzzled cheeks and became friends. “ Aww that’s so cute.” Kairi sighed. “Well you better change we gotta go.” Daisuke said. The girls entered their tent and Noelle looked at the uniform. “Ugh! You know how I am against bows!” She gagged seeing a bow near the neck.” “Well better make the most of it. You never wanted to be a school-girl?” Kaiir asked. “Uumm no.” Noelle replied. They were soon in identical uniforms and exited the tent. Noelle looked down at Kikino who was walking runway style. “If I’m your mother you get your fashion sence from your father!” Noelle told the Heartless. Kikino looked at Riku, “Kino?” Noelle understood what he meant. “Im not sure Kik.” She said sadly. She scooped up the Heartless and followed the group. The boys looked utterly disgusted and pulled at the collars. Shiza was trying to change her uniform in any way she could. She had torn and the skirt’s end and undid the bow using it as a tie. Aroz and Riku had left most of their buttons open and undid the collar, “No indepence I guess.” He said looking at everyone’s uniform. The group took off grudgingly down the hill after Daisuke. “I’ll introduce you all to everyone.” He told them.. “Who is there?” Noelle asked. “Hmmm…Satoshi, Takeshi, Yuuji, Mahahiro, Risa, and -!” “Uh-oh we’re gonna be late!” Hurry. The group took off down the street feet slapping the sidewalk. “Ugh what am I doing?” Noelle asked herself. “Wait a sec!” The group looked frazzled but turned around. “Come here all of you!” She ordered. Hey gathered around her. A force feiled surrounded them. “Now run!” She said. Everyone ran and the ball took off down the hill rolling at top speed. There were many screams as opeople began falling. But as the ball flew down the street someone in Daisuke’s head said, “Smart aint she Daisuke?” Daisuke thought to himself, “She may be but how could you just break those tow up like that?” ”They were already broken when we showed up. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same.” Dark defended. “I wouldn’t I am not like you.” “You forget Daisuke….I am you.”

For anyone who reads DNAnagel in volume 5 you should know what Dark has to do to give someone life-force. *cough* I shall not tlak more on the matter but hope ya liked the chap. Oh yea wheres moomoomoo and D2L once again. Havent seen the in a while.



New member
May 14, 2005
“Well…Dark is my friend. My boyfriend.”....tsk tsk tsk....well,,as usual,,another gr8 chapta!! \/~_~\/


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
whew its been a while,stupid finals. anyway heres the next chap. I know everyones annoyed at Noelle for mvoing on so quick but wait till ya see what Riku will do in the next couple chaps (it aint in this one but probably the next)

Chapter Fifteen: School? Same Names? Weird.

As the bell began to ring out that students were tardy, Daisuke and the KH team tumbled in to the school inside the purple force-field. They barreled past students who dived and ran out of the way. When they reached the classroom they collapsed and rolled across the floor. There were a series of moans as the group rubbed their sore limbs. “Lets not do that again!” Kairi said as she rubbed her knee” “Hey we got here on time, didn’t we? Ow ow ow ow!” Noelle moaned as she rubbed her elbow. Someone cleared their throat and the group looked up and blushed. The teacher was surprised and the class was curious about these strange newcomers. Daisuke stood up and said, “Err hi everyone! Um these guys are gonna be in our class for a while. The group stood up slowly testing their legs. “This is Kairi, Aroz, Shiza, Kikino, Donald, Goofy, Noelle, and Riku.” The class burst out laughing. The group exchanged bewildered looks. A short haired girl seemed to sink in her seat at the laughter. “Are they laughing at me? Riku asked. Kairi shrugged. Donald tapped his foot impatiently. The kids were still laughing but many of them were staring at Donald and Goofy. “Seems they aren’t used to giant ducks and humanoid dogd huh?” Aroz whispered to Noelle. She nodded and the teacher cleared her throat again. The class’s laughter quieted down but there was still snickering and muffled laughter. “Right then. Welcome to the class everyone please take your seats.” The teacher instructed. The group sat near the back. Daisuke joined them and many of the kids looked behind them. The teacher tapped her foot waiting for the class to be ready. A lesson about math broke out. The KH team exchanged looks. Riku whispered, “Whens the last time we were in school?” Kairi shrugged at him as Noelle sank in her seat. “I hate math.” She muttered. Minutes seemed to creep by slowly as a snail. Finally the teacher asked a final question, “Okay class what is the square root of 144?” The short haired girl raised her hand while Riku lounged in his chair and the teacher said, “Riku do you know the answer?” Riku nearly fell but began to say “Uh twe-!” The short haired girl began to speak too and the class broke out in more laughter. Riku and the girl looked at each other both annoyed but only the girl seemed to know what was so funny. Riku stopped talking and the girl answered. (12 for anybody who hates to do math -_-) As the bell rang for break almost every teen ran to the back and began asking the group questions. “Gawrsh!” Goofy said at all the attention. Questions broke out like, “Whered ya come from? Aww that little fuzzy thing is so cute! What is it? Whyd ya start here?” Daisuke sensed his friends were overwhelmed so he shoved his way to the front. “Hold it!” He shouted over the chatter. The chatter died away slowly. “One at a time guys!” Daisuke said. A black haired boy with a camera asked, “Where did you guys come from?” Riku served as spokesperson, “Kairi, and um Aroz and I are from Destiny Islands-““No Riku, Kairi is from Hollow Bastion like me.” Noelle said. “Okay true but we live on Destiny Islands now.” “And Goofy and I are from Disney Castle.” Donald finished. You forgot me thank you very much!” Shiza said. But they just continued anyway. “What is the little fuzzy thing! Its so adorable!”, a girl with braids asked. “Oh this is Kikino. Hes a uh….hes my pet!” Noelle said. They all had to be careful not to mention Heartless or Aroz’s memory. “Why are you guys here all of a sudden?” A long haired girl asked. “Well we were on our way to our…cosuin’s house but a guy named Keiji Saga asked Aroz, my sister, Riku and I to be in a video for Phantom Thief Dark.” Kairi explained. Many of the girls gasped and bounce dup and down and the boys mostly muttered, “Here we go again. Mention Dark and they go in to frenzy!” Daisuke looked the most uncomfortable. Riku looked distant all of a sudden and became interested with his glove. “Really!? A video about Dark!” Many of the girls demanded. “You know him?” Aroz asked. “Know him!? Hes a celebrity! Hes gorgeous!” Many of the girls gasped. “True.” Noelle smiled. The girls looked at her. “Howd you know? Did you meet him already!?” “Yeah.” She said. “OH whats he like!? Did he steal anything from you? Was he cool? Is he really handsome?” “No. Yes. Yes.” She replied. She shot a wary glance at Riku who sighed sadly. Her heart swelled with guilt. The girls were lanching in to questions about Dark but after a couple minutes they began to look at Aroz and Riku.” “Is your name really Riku?” One of the girls asked. Riku turned his head confused. “Yeah.” More laughter Riku was becoming a bit annoyed at this. The short haired girl looked annoyed again but she stayed by Daisuke’s side. “What is so funny?!” Kairi demanded. The short haired girl stepped forward. “My name is Riku too.” Riku stared and the group looked from Riku to Riku. “This is going to be confusing.” Noelle said. The boy with the camera snapped a picture. “Front page. Same name mix up!” The laughter began to grow at this but slowly began to fade once more. “Okay. Lemme introduce everyone.” Daiuske announced. He pointed at the boy with the camera. “That’s Takeshi. A boy with light hair, “Masahiro.” The girl with braids, “Ritsuko.” He pointed at the short haired girl and the long haired girl next to her. “Theyre twins. Riku and Risa.” “Myuki, and Yuuji.” ( There are more but they don’t give names -_o) They greeted eachother but Kiair interrupted, “Hye Daisuke you forgot someone! WHos he over there?” They turned their heads to where Kairi was pointing. “Oh that’s Satoshi! Satoshi come over and meet everyone!” Daisuke called. The boy came over grudgingly. He had blue hair, glasses, and blue hair. (They say hes hot in the manga but I don’t see it -__-) Daisuke introduced them. Satoshi was quiet but polite. Riku and Aroz seemed to sense something about him. They exchanged looks and became wary. The bell finally rang for the kids to go home. Daisuke disappeared but most of the class were still trying to ask questions. The group barely got away before they were stampeded. When they were walking down the hall they heard people telling each other, “Oh my god did you see him?! He has the most gorgeous blue eyes!” “Who!?” “Aroz! Hes new! And his friend Riku is hot too!” Girls giggled as they passed Aroz and Riku. Boys hooted and whistled as Kairi Noelle and Shiza walked past. Noelle blushed but Kairi smiled a bit. Shiza seemed to be enjoying it a lot. She blow a kiss to guys behind her and wave. “Slut…” Noelle muttered to Kairi. The sisters exchanged giggles. Someone yelled down the hall at Donald, “DUCK IS WHATS FOR DINNER!!!” Donald spun around and began yelling at the boy. Riku grabbed by his hat and said, “Easy there Duck sauce.” Donald shot an angry look at Riku but was soon interrupted, “WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?!?!?” They looked ahead and saw Keiji at the door. “WE NEED TO BE AT THE SITE IN 10 MINUTES! I FINALLY GOT DARK TO SHOW UP!” Screams of delight echoed down the hall. “Dammit…I should not have said that.” Keiji muttered. A horde of girls came running with Risa in the lead. “Uh oh! We better get going.” Kairi said. But no matter how fast they ran the stampeded hit and they went flying out the door. Donald’s trademark yell rang out. Kairi and Noelle were heading fro the steps. They felt something grab their arms before they hit and rise them up. They looked at eachother then looked up. “Dark!” Kaiir and Noelle gasped happily. He smirked and put them down. The girls at the door were screaming with happiness. “Better get outta here before my public wants autographs.” He said. “Ugh this will take some work.” Noelle sighed. Riku and Aroz sat up. “Why do I always hit my head?” Riku asked Aroz. Aroz shrugged. Kairi called them over hurriedly. The girls were stampeding again and Takeshi was trying to snap a picture. “Kairi! Create some light so I can summon some Heartless. Ill make them invisible once I get them out here!” Kairi summoned up some light and many people covered their eyes. Noelle was busy summoning up Wyverns patting their heads then turning them invisible. “Theres no time! Just keep them visible!” Kairi said. The Wyverns waited obediently waited for their riders. Riku and Aroz climbed on to their Heartless and Kairi hopped on to hers. The light cleared and people were rubbing their eyes. Noelle joined Dark in the air as Keiji sped away in his limo. People on the ground were gasping. “Come here. We cant let them think you guys have powers!” Dark told Noelle. He grabbed her as if he were holding her in the air. Girls on the ground were making jealous sounds. As the group disappeared behind the trees Riku stepped next to her sister, “Guess you got competition for Dark eh Risa?” Risa glared at her sister. “Hey has anybody seen Daisuke?” Riku asked. People shrugged as they began to try and find out where the video was taking place.Riku went inside and looked for Daisuke. She found his backpack and on top of it was a black feather…..


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: YAY!!!! Updated-ness!!!

Kaze: o_O....yeah....but...there wasn't any fighting...>_<

Me: Don't you have enough of fighting every day, anyway? @_@

Kaze:.....You can never have too much fighting!! ^_^

Me: -_-;.....An awesome update, SA!!! I look forward to more!! n_n


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Guess whos back? Back again? SA's Back. Tell some friends! Eh skip the Eminem and on to the fic! And therer will b major shockies for the Riku fans. 0_o

Chapter Sixteen: Riku's Desperation

As the Heartless riding group touched down at the site the ever persistamt horde of fangirls were trying to keep up. "Its the Kingdom Hearts premiere all over again." Riku muttered. Keiji Saga yanked them off the Heartless roughly. When one of the Wvyerns shreiked at him he pulled back and looked up at Dark, "These are yours right Dark?" "Uh yeah. Mine." He said. Noelle hopped down and helped Kairi off a Wvyern. She patted its head before it dissapeared. When the group was down and inside the trailer they began discussing the movie. "So we've got news. Kinda bad but i got better. We cant do a Music Video because Dark doesnt like em. But he said he wants to do a movie based on the play Ice and Snow. We are adding some new characters in to the play." Keiji announced looking at Dark who was lounging in a sofa. "Hey I cant have a say in a movie about me?" He asked. "Okay well here are the parts. Dark you will be playing yourself. Noelle will be Princess Freedert. Kairi will be the Toki no Byoushin, also known as the Second Hand of Time. Aroz you will be the one who gaurds the Toki no Byoushin. Riku: You will be Dark's best friend Kyle. The group jumped at the name. Riku and Aroz's eyes lit with fury. "WHat?" Saga asked. "Nothing we just.....had a bad expierience with someone named Kyle." Riku explained. "Okay....well here is the plot. Kyle Freedert and Dark were friends since childhood. Even though Freedert was a different social class they were still great friends. But soon Freedert and Dark are drawn to eachother more and more. Even though Dark is a theif and Freedert is a princess they vow to be together no matter what. But soon Kyle's feelings for the lovely Freedert emerge and he only feels jealousy and hate for his former best friend Dark. Sadly Freedert's life force is slipping away. The King tells Dark to go find the Toki no Byoushin in hope that she can add time to Freedert's life. But the Toki no Byoushin is gaurded by Aroz who was hired by Kyle to stop Dark. Dark defeats Aroz and returns with the Toki no Byoushin. Freedert is cured and Kyle is in more rage then ever. He wanted to be the one to save Freedert. But then what tears Freedert and Dark apart is war. Dark has to go off to fight but he asks his best friend Kyle to watch over Freedert if anthing happened to him. After hearing Kyle's promise he leaves for war with the sword Freedert gave him. Kyle's jealousy takes over and he goes to the church where the Toki no Byoushin now resides. And he wishes for something evil.... He asks the Toki no Byoushin to take away all of Dark's time. His wish is granted. Dark is killed on the battlefeild but not by an enemy or an ally. He was struck down by what seemed to be a a giant spear that resembled the second hand of a clock. After hearing what happened Freedert begged the Toki no Byoushin to give all her remaining time to Dark. Her wish was also granted. Kyle never thought his beloved Freedert would sacrifice her life for Dark's. Dark awoke from death and learned what Freedert had done. When he arrived Freedert was breathing her last. Dark then pleads the Toku no Byoushin, "If my life is continuing by her light I return it all back to her." He then takes the sword Freedert gave him for war and thrusts it through his heart. But the wish was not fullfilled. WHile the Toki no Byoushin could exchange time she could not make more. So she freezed Freedert's life force. But when Freedert awoke she held a black feather in her hand. And Dark's sword let off a strange glow. And THAT is our smahs hit guys!" Noelle and Kairi were on the verge of tears, "Thats so beautiful!" They cried. Aroz was excited about this but Riku was full of anger. "So we start filiming today. Go get ready." As the girls changed in to their new costumes Aroz and Riku were waiting in their new costumes. Dark was already in his costume. "Ill be back ina minute." Riku told Aroz. He got up and walked around the trailer in to the park. "Why do I have to be Kyle? My role sounds exactly like somehting he would do." He said aloud. "But your goal is the same is it not?" A voice said. Riku turned to see someone underneath a tree. " You both want to claim the girl that you love dont you?" "Yes but-" "Then why dont you? She was yours first. WHy hand her over to Dark?" "Who are you?" The figure stepped out from the darkness. It was a teen around Riku's age. About 17. With long blond hair and strangest enough white wings. "I am Krad. And I know you wnat that girl you love back. So simply get Dark out of the way." "Why would I do that? I woulld never hurt Dark to get her back no matter how much I hate him." "Oh but you would. You know it. Dont you remember how you and her spent time together. How you saved eachtoer from near death. Dark has stolen her from you. Hes a theif. He cant steal art and people's hearts." "Stop it!" Riku yelled. His anger was taking over again he felt the shadow wrapping itself around his vunerable heart. "Admit it! You hate Dark you want him away. You dont care what you have to do to get your girl back. You have the strength and power to do that. Will you hand the girl you love so much over to a theif." Riku's hate adn jealousy was taking over he fell to the ground in pain and began to yell in pain. "Yes use your hate join me and I will help you get your Princess back." Riku's resistance flickered and then died. His Dark side took over. Once again his anger and jealousy forced him over the live of light and dark. All that mattered now to him was getting Noelle back even if he had to kill Dark in the process. He stood up to face Krad, who smiled at him. "The things that you and I are yearning for Riku will happen soon!"



Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
well im going on vaction on Tues till Fri so there wont be any FF updates then 8(. But I will post on Monday before i leave but to keep you going heres a skit.....kinda disturbing but if you think KH characters gettin drunk and high is funni this is the skit for you!

Description: Wakka is having a party without his parents there OoO

*Sora Riku Kairi and Noelle walk up to Wakka's door*

Sora: This partay is goona rock! Wakkas parents are gone! WHoot!
RIku: Then you read the door-bell beofre you wet yourself.
Sora:WHy meh?!!
Kairi: Ill just do it.
Wakka: Welcome to my party yah!
*Comes in and sees Tidus, Selphie, Shiza, Aroz, Dark, Daisuke,
Sora and Aroz walk up to eachother
Sora: Well its not evreyday you meet your twin
Aroz: This is akward
Noelle mutters to Kairi: Why is that whore here!? Wakka!
Noelle: WHy is SHiza here?!
Wakka: Uh Tidus brought her! I think he likes her.
Tidus is sitiing next to SHiza with a daze on his face.
Shiza looks at him staring at her: What!?
TIdus: Ur puuuurdy!
Sora: I think you might have rattled his brain too many times with your blitzball Wakka.
Dark: Hey Wakka these brownies are great! WHats the secret?
Wakka: Sorry man cant tell ya Jamacin family secret.
Daisuke: Is it me or do these brownies have a weird taste?
Riku: EH just some herb.
~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~
*Boombox playing*
EVery1 singing along*
Sora and Aroz: HAMMER TIME!
*Breaks coffe table in half*
Wakka: I found my parents pot stash!
Dark: Gimme some!
Daisuke: me too!
Dark: Youre not old enough ickle Daisuke!
Selphie: Gah who cares? *chugs beer*
smoky haze fills room*
EVeryone passes around joints
Tidus: Youre puuurdy!
Shiza: Youre lookin slightly less dumb right about now!'
Tidus adn Shiza start making out *odd i know*
Riku: You...whoever you are ...you hate herr dont you?
Noelle: I prefer dislike passionately with fiery flames throughout my soul. And Riku when did you die your hair pink?
*never did just too drunk adn high*
*Banging at door*
Wakka stumbles over after tripping over a book
Opens door: Yeeezzz? Garbage day? Mail. Booze man?
Wakka: WHo re u? COme in.
Ansem: Excellent! I brought beer (THE ENDLESS ABYSS! BWAHAHH!)
Sora: Ehmagod its Ansem!
RIku: Huh? Ehmagod!
Everyone groggily stumbles up to attack*
Eevryone falls down
RIku: Need more beer!
Sora: EH forget it.
Keeps drinking
Ansem joins the party/
Everyone is insanely high now.
Riku is swinging on teh chandelier
Sora and Aroz are doing the hokey pokey
Noelle adn Kairi are bouncing around the room in a bubble
Dark adn Daisuke are rummaging through wakka's valubles.
Sora falls off table.
Sora: EH you guys know what time it is?!
Every1: What?
everyone: Yeah!
evryone gets up and starts dancing to Hey Ya!
Shiza bumps in to Noelle!
Noelle: HOw dare you you you little piglet!
Shiza; WHat did you just say?!
Noelle; Hmm a deaf slut dont see that evryday.
Shiza craks knuckles
Noelle: Bring it on b*tch!
Riku: Baby let it go! I SAID LET IT GO GURL!
Noelle* lets go of Riku's hair
Tidus: Bertha my dear where are you? *tidus stumbles around looking for Shiza*
Noelle adn Shiza gett in to fighting poise adn attack eachother.
Sora runs between them
Sora: HEY stop it! Stop it now! WHta are you animals??!?!? You cant do this! You cnat do this without the proper music! *turns on Girlfight*
*Its about to be a what? GIRLFIGHT!
Fighting goes on!
SOra gets hgiher and wlaks up to Kairi.
Sora: HEy Kairi Wanna Go in to the other room adn make out? I SEE A PENGUIN!
Kairi: I WOULD LOVE TO!......................WHO ARE YOU AGAIN?????!!!
Stumbles away.
Pasrty is going on:
Noelle; Eat this biatch! * An army of Behemoth Heartless stampede in to Wakka's house adn Attack Shiza.
Noelle Falls over Couch and laughs like a maniac: DANCE PUPPETS DANCE!!!
Dark: Bet you that Noelle wins!
Tidus: No! Bertha my sweetheart from Ireland will win!
Dark: Loser has to shave his head!
Dark: Yeah! Yeah............................................yeah.
Riku Selpie Ansem adn Wakka are singing kareoke.

nexxt time the aftermath......hope ya enjoyed it and werent too freaked out!
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