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Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Too bad about double postin'! I dont care if I have that blasted movie or not! >_< I will update or I will not be the Clam Whisperer! TO THE UDPARTINGISM!

Aroz couldn't believe this...how was he supposed to believe this...? His best friend had killed the girl he loved more than anything in the world...? Why would Strider do that...didn't he love Kira too?

Thousands of questions flew through the brunette's mind as he stared down at the table in disbelief. "Strider...why?" He uttered before looking back up at Kira who wiped a tear from her eyes. "I'm not sure Aroz...he came back to the island after a while and said that he would take me away to go and find you...but when I got to the palm tree....he killed me..."

Aroz's fists clenched tightly as he slammed his hand down on the table, "That bastard! I'm gonna kill him!" Bonejangles smiled a toothy grin...literally and said, "Good news man, hes dead!" Aroz cursed under his breath before striding....xD....out of the bar.

Kira sighed and ran a pale hand through her hair, "He's upset..." Noelle blinked, "Really Columbo?" Kira chuckled slightly before she looked at Riku, Noelle, Megan, and Kaze.

"You've been with Aroz these past few weeks right?" They all slowly nodded in unison. "Well...you probably didn't know this but...Strider was Aroz's best friend...and that Strider had given Aroz his word that he would protect me while Aroz was gone in the battle."

Kira smiled sorrowfully as she remembered eavsdropping over the scene...

"Strider, I have to go off to fight, and just till I have returned, can you watch over Kira for me?"

She remembered Strider's green eyes had flashed before he smiled at the brunette and replied, "Dont worry Aroz, I'll protect her no matter what, I'll never let anything happen to her!"

Aroz smiled and took Strider's hand. "We will always be brothers..."

Aroz left...Strider stayed...Kira died...

Kira looked at each one of the teenagers and said, "Aroz trusted Strider above all others...he regarded Strider as his brother, his family. The Trinity has broken...it always does...Three is a crowd...and no matter what...The Trinity always collapses...."

Riku looked down guiltily...knowing Kira was right. His Trinity- Sora, himself and Kairi had broken down...and Riku felt so terrible...so this is how Sora felt? When Sora realized that Riku though being controlled by Ansem was willing to take Kairi's heart...

Sora must have been this infuriated as well...Riku just like Strider had let his feelings for his female friend get in the way...and almost cost his best friend an innocent life...

"Riku?" A voice asked, pulling the boy back in to reality. "Huh?" he glanced over to see Noelle and Megan blinking at him with concerned faces. "You okay?" Megan asked him with worry. Riku nodded in reply, "Yeah I'm fine...dont worry about it..."

Kira then let a few tears hit the table as she looked in to Riku's eyes..."So its true..."

Riku and his friends felt their hearts pound against their chests, "Whats true?"

Kira hiccupped before looking seriously at Riku and saying, "Sora is Aroz's decendant...and you....-"

Kaze leaned forward in suspence and demmanded, "What?!"

Kira let one tear slide down her face, "Are Strider's decendant..."


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
"You okay?" <--WOO! I SAID STUFF! =D

"Sora is Aroz's decendant...and you....-" "Are Strider's decendant..." <--Dude, I thought she was talkin' 'bout Kaze. I was about to go ukbarm all up and down her ass. D:<

Awesome udpart, SA. Freakin' awesome, man. xD


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Updart ho!

Riku's eyes widened, the aquamarine orbs became glazed with disbelief, "No way...how?!" Kaze, Megan and Noelle all stared at Riku, then their gazes shifted twoards Kira. The girl smiled sadly, "Its crystal clear...all this time...you and Sora have been best friends, and rivals...but a girl drove a wedge between you...causing one of you to hate the other, even going to the limits of taking away what your friend cared most about..."

Everything was clicking in to place...Strider and Aroz were best friends, Kira was the division which seperated them. Both Aroz's and Strider's feelings for Kira made them rivals...but Strider went to the limit of hating Aroz, and literally taking away what Aroz cared most about, just so he wouldnt lose.

Riku had done the same, he took Kairi away from Sora in Neverland, though he could plainly see how much they yearned for one another. Riku, like Strider had let his feelings get in the way...and almost costed their friends their lives...


Aroz stomped down the road to see Kairi standing near a house laughing. The boy quirked an eyebrow before marching up to the redhead, "Kairi, there you are....whats so funny?" Aroz was quiet and bitter at this moment, but was still to his nature, curious. "Aroz! Guess what! I found Sora!"

Kairi squealed and motioned to the space beside her...Aroz blinked, "Kairi...I dont see anything..." Kairi's smile faded slowly but she persisted, "Are you blind Aroz? Hes right here!"

Aroz felt dread snake down his spine...something was wrong...was Kairi actually seeing Sora? Was she being tricked, or was this Kairi a mere puppet? "Kairi...hes not there..." Aroz told her gently before placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Kairi pulled away from him, "Yes he is! And I am going to stay here with him!"

Aroz's mind peirced through this strange situation...Clearly something was trying to keep Kairi here...an illusion? Aroz looked around, and felt his muscles tense. His attention was brought back to Kairi, as she suddenly toppled twoards the ground. Aroz caught her at the last possible moment and yelled, "Kairi! Kairi!?"

Riku was still in utter shock, his head was spinning, his heart was pounding...after a few seconds, after it sunk in...his pulse began to slow, but his mind kept racing on and on. He felt tired..."Whats...happen...ing?"

Noelle's torso swayed as her shoulder fell against Riku's, "I feel...kinda funny..." She uttered weakly. Kaze's eyes started to drop, and his eyelids felt so heavy. "Whats happening?!" Every breath was becoming a strain! Megan's head fell on to the blonde's shoulder, "Kaze..."

Slowly the trio began to drift off, causing Kira to panic. "Whats going on!?"

Aroz came in to the bar carrying Kairi, "Somethings wrong!"


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Odd. I'm sleepy, too. xD; Maybe it's cuz I went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 6:30. >.>;;

*eye twitches* I'm... so tired.

Kairi's a nut job. :D

Edit: I said Kaze's name. :3
Last edited:


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Aroz stampeded in to the bar and lay Kairi on the bench, "Kira, whats going on!?" The redhead girl's eyes widened as she looked at all four of them. "Aroz...we've got a problem..."

Aroz looked down at the foursome(....I should reword that.) and back at Kira, "What do you mean!?" Kira looked down slowly, and then back up at her brunette lover. "Aroz...theyre human."

The boy blinked once before saying, "Thank you...for clearing that up- WHAT IS WRONG WITH EM'!?" Kira sighed, "Humans and the dead are not meant to live together. The balance of mortal and dead is being unbalanced. Humans cannot live in the world of the dead, their weak bodies are succumbing to the death. IF we dont get them out of here, their innocent souls will be claimed by the Netherworld...meaning...theyll die."


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Me:O.O Techinicly they already died even though they didn't and their bodies would continously stay there unless you are saying their souls will be taken to Hades which is a bad thing...
Gem: O_O I'm surprised that wasn't very confusing when you said that >.>
Nanala: Or MAYBE it's deeper than that!
Thea:...>_> You're trying to make a point out of nothing...*struggles*
Me: And also, good update!


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Aroz's eyes widened, his cobalt orbs were flooded with dread and fear as Kira announced that his friends would die if they stayed here any longer. A wave of guilt swept over him, he had been the one to bring them here after all....

"This is my fault...I brought them here...If they die then it will be me to blame...They still have to save Sora!" Aroz shook his head and stubbornly turned to the consciouss redhead, "Kira how can we get them outta here!?" The blue eyed girl thought hard for a few moments, before despair crossed her creamy face, "I dont think we can...you cant cheat death."

Aroz's face fell and fire filled his eyes, "I'm not going to let them die, not when there is someone special that needs them!" He forefully said as he stared at Kira, just hoping there might be a way.

Kira's eyes lit up and she grabbed Aroz by the hand, "Theres one way! We have to take them to see Elder Gutknecht!" She then ran out the door, to guide Aroz in the right direction. Aroz slowly turned to look at his friends, "OH SURE! LEAVE ME TO CARRY THEM ALL!"

Kira stampeded in to the towerlike domicile that Elder Gutknecht dwelled in. "Elder Gutknecht ! ELDER GUTKNECHT!" She shouted as she came up to a landing. A skeleton with one long ghostly strand for a beard jerked awake. He put his glasses up to his empty eyes and said, "Oh Kira, dear its you!"

Kira ran up to the stack of books that the man...skeleman sat on, " Elder Gutknecht we need your help!"

Aroz slowly came up the stairs, red in the face and panting, "WHAT AM I!? A PACK MULE!?" He had Kairi and Noelle in his arms, Megan and Kaze over his shoulders, and Riku practically on top of his head. One man carrying 5 unconsciouss bodies would be an effort...

"Elder Gutknecht we need to get them back to the Land of the Living! They're mortal!" Kira explained to the skeleman. The old sack of bones cocked his head, "Why would anyone want to go up there, when people are dying to get down here?"


The man nodded, "All right all right...kids these days...lets see now..."

He pulled bottles and bottles from a cuboard until he found a black and purple bottle, "AHA!" He then turned to face Kira and handed her the bottle, "Now m'dear this will only work once. To make it work throw the bottle on the ground at your feet- mind you clean it up when you come back- and say 'Hopscotch', and when you want to return say it again."

Kira nodded, "Thank you so much!" She then ran over to Aroz and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, earning a yelp of pain before throwing the bottle to the ground and yelling, "HOPSCOTCH!"

In a strewn of black foggy smoke they were gone...
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