The screaming continued causing the general to cock his head, "Whatcha all screaming about?" They paused and screamed again. At that point a man's head ona silver platter came out, 'Whats all the racket General Bonesapart?" It asked. More screaming..."Hey, whats all the noise boys?" A deep voiced skeleton came out. More scremaing, 'Its them Bonejangles, dont know why their screaming." The general shrugged. "KILL ME NOW!" Megan shrieked. The three scary ones looked at her, "Did she get hit by a car?" The amn on the plate asked. "baby aint you already dead?" Bonejangles asked. Megan clutched her face, "Im dead?!" She seized Kaze by the shirt and shook him, "WE'RE DEAD!?" SHe screame.d kaze grabbed her hands to stop the shaking. "Stop and Ill show you." SHe ceased and twitched in confusion. Kaze grabbed her arm and pinche dit hard. "OW!" Megan yelped. "Still alive." Kaze declared. "How are you cats down here then?" Bonejangles asked.RIku and Noelle exchanged looks of confusion. "all I remember was darkness then we ended up here." Aroz said. The Head Waiter said, " Are you stupid? That was death!" The five wobbled on the spot, "They arent dead." General Bonesapart said. They sighe din relief, "Have you seen a girl named Kira?" The three hopped, "You know Kira?" The Head Waiter asked. Aroz nodded frantically, "Of course we know Kira, shes the glimmer of beauty in this town!" Bonejangles laughed. "Can you take us to her?" Aroz pleaded.
"Hold up baby hold up. How do you know our lovely Kira?" Bonejangles inquired. "Im her boyfriend Aroz!"he said. The three fell silent and looked angry, "SO you're the guy who never came back to her!" General Bonesapart announced. Aroz blinked, "What?" "Follow me." The Head Waiter said as he slowly crawled across the ground, "Ill Show em." General Bonesapart said as his head fell off the plate.
Kira sat in her room on the bed crying. She was so upset, her unbeating heart was breaking. There was a knock at the door. "Y-yes?" She asked. "Lady Kira theres a guest here to see you." general b. opened the door. Aroz rushed inside and seized Kira and embraced her tight, 'kira why do you run from me?" he whispered. Kira struggled to get away from him, "Let me go Aroz! You lying deceiving traitor!" She shreiked. "Why d you keep calling me that!?" He demmanded. "You lied! You said I was your everything! You never came home! Now I see that its the the little redhead with whom you want to be!" She rang out. "I never lied! i tried to find the way home every day! I never stopped thinking of you!" He responded.
"Well you sure seemed to! That redheaded girl! You were hugging her dammit!" She sobbed. "Is he tlaking about kairi?" Riku asked. Noelle stepped forward, 'Erm...hi! I'm Kairi's sister one of Aroz's friends-" Kira laughe dmanically, "GREAT! ANOTHER SLUT!" Noelle recoiled, 'hey! Nobody calls my girlfriend a slut!" Riku shouted. Kira laughed more, "Oh Aroz how many women gave given themselves to you? 100? Maybe 200?" Aroz looked disgusted, "Kira, listen to what your saying!" he said. "Oh I've listened! I've listened for 200 years! I've had to listen to my own because your voice had left me!" She screamed. "Kira! Kairi is not my girlfriend! She is my descendant Sora's girlfriend!" He yelled. Kira fell silent her eyes swimming with tears, "Y-you m-mean..?" She stuttered. "yes. You are my only one." he said as he ambraced her again. She steadily cried in to his shoulder. Aroz rubbed her back tenderly as Megan, Kaze, Riku and Noelle stood in the doorway. "What..the..hell?" Kaze asked. Megan twitche din confuzzleness. "SHE CALLED ME A SLUT!" Noelle yelped. Riku clamped his hand over her mouth so she wouldnt spoil the moment. Kira softly said, "I thought you forgot me.." Aroz answered, "No, how could I?" Megan opened her mouth and said, "MUFASA!" She also had a hand clamped over her mouth by Kaze.
At the bar/ restaurant...
Riku, Kaze, Noelle and Megan sat at the table accompanied by the reunited lovers. "Sooo.." Megan began. They were really sick of seeing those two holding hands and looking in to each other's eyes. "Kira, how did you die?" Megan asked. SHe was hit by Kaze, "Thats not somehting you ask a person!" He yelped. Kira smiled weakly, 'Oh it was awful..." Megan shoved Kaze away and shouted, "CHAMBER OF SECRETS!" causing many skeletons to look at her. "tell me what happened.." Aroz said as he put a hand on her cheek, LEON!" Megan shouted again. "SHUT UP! Kaze shouted. "Why tell you? Lets tell you in song!" Bonejangles said as the music played.
Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer
Leastles of you who still got an ear
I'll tell you a story make a skeleton cry
Of our own jubiliciously lovely Kira Tide
Die, die we all pass away
But don't wear a frown cuz it's really okay
And you might try 'n' hide
And you might try 'n' pray
But we all end up the remains of the day
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Well our girl is a beauty known for miles around
When a certain young man came back into town
He's plenty good lookin', but down on his light
And our poor little baby, she fell hard and fast
When her friend said no, she just couldn't cope
So our two came up with a plan to find her man so they could elope
Die, die we all pass away
But don't wear a frown cuz it's really okay
And you might try 'n' hide
And you might try 'n' pray
But we all end up the remains of the day
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night
They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight
Now her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove
You don't need much when you're really in love
Except for a few things, or so I'm told
Like the family jewls and a paopu of gold
Then next to the grave yard by the old palm tree
On a dark foggy night at a quarter to three
She was ready to go, but where was he
And then?
She waited
And then?
There in the shadows, was it the man?
And then?
Het little heart beat so loud
And then baby, everything went black
Now when she opened her eyes she was dead as dust
Her jewls were missin' and her heart was bust a sour taste in her mouth and broken was her trust
So she made a vow lyin' under that tree
That she'd wait for her true love to come set her free
Always waiting for someone to ask for her hand
When out of the blue comes the groovy young man
Who vows forever to be by her side
And that's the story of our own Kira Tide
Aroz listened intently and when the song was finished and everyone was done clapping her demmanded, "So you were murdered!?" His eyes ablaze with fury. SHe nodded with a dull smile. "Who did it?" Aroz demmanded. Kira hesitated for a moment. Until General Bonesapart came up, "Well he had blakc hair green eyes from what we're told." Aroz's heart pounded hard so it banged against his chets. He only knew one with blakc hair and green eyes. "You mean...the guy who killed you was..." Aroz asked wiht a shakky unbelieiving voice...Kira had tears running down her face, "Strider.."
Told ya Id make a chap. So who remembers who Strider is? Big shockie!