DevenKH2 originally created the site in 2003. After an... 'accident' with the forums, he remade them into This was around December 2003. In late 2004, The Midnighter came onto the scene to help Deven run the forums, as they grew that large.
Sometime around December 2004, there was a lawsuit against Deven for the name of the site (still because it's copyrighted, so he was forced to change it. While doing this, The Midnighter had the forums moved to a new server, to help the growing population.
The re-vamped became or something akin, because it was offered as a free domain name. This started a large up-roar, and eventually, the site name was changed to its present name, KHI.
After a few more server changes, and a couple years, Deven decided to move on to other sites, but didn't want to abandon the 30,000+ members (or w/e) it was that was here. So spduded took over...
And that's it. I think.