I’m inspired by all those positive threads, so here’s one topic I’ve been wanting to gush about for a while. Sure KH dialogues can be utterly ridiculous and repetitive sometimes (oh well…), there are some frustrating mistranslations, some unfortunate deliveries due to different sentence lengths, and what not. Nonetheless, there are many lines throughout the games that have wrecked me emotionally or made me laugh, or both! So how about we share the love?
I've scribbled some personal, spoiler-free thoughts about each line under the spoiler tags. A little spoilery for 1 and 5.
1) “Hmmm… I dunno Riku, you say some weird stuff sometimes… but I’ll try it!” (Sora, BBS)
2) “It’s Riku.” (Riku, DDD)
3) “Mmm, technically yes. But I won’t send it. It’s more for me.” (Kairi, KH3)
4) “Nevermind.” (Re:Mind, Secret Episode)
5) “I’ve— I’ve been alone so long that having someone else around is… is a little… overwhelming.” (Riku, CoM Reverse/Rebirth)
There are many, many more lines I love, but these are the first five that really hit me and stuck with me, feels and voice and all.
[I keep making minor formatting edits. Don't mind me.]
This is a thread for all the lines you like to remember and quote, including the silliest ones!
I've scribbled some personal, spoiler-free thoughts about each line under the spoiler tags. A little spoilery for 1 and 5.
1) “Hmmm… I dunno Riku, you say some weird stuff sometimes… but I’ll try it!” (Sora, BBS)
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This scene is the cutest and most beautiful scene in the whole franchise in my opinion. The entire Riku/Sora dialogue is wonderful, they nailed the cuteness with Sora’s voice in this game, and I have sobbed about the Sora/Ven dialogue for days after seeing it that first time. I could have quoted the whole thing. Sora instantly became my favorite fictional human, that I would defend to the grave. He’s adorable and pure and generous and funny and brave and kind—so kind—and this line encapsulates all that. What Riku says before is spiritually pretty and particularly moving after having gone through that intense and painful end portion of Birth by Sleep; and then comes Sora’s response, which makes me laugh and go “awwwww!!!!!!!!!” (look at him awkwardly kicking out XD) and I can’t even process what a big deal those kids’ conversation is—they are saving a life, just by trying to listen!
*(“It’s like something’s squeezing me inside.”)
2) “It’s Riku.” (Riku, DDD)
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This was such a simple and powerful line. I love Riku’s character growth so much, and this was perfect. I want to re-experience the build-up to that line. I could ramble on and on about it, but y’all know the storyI love it so much.
3) “Mmm, technically yes. But I won’t send it. It’s more for me.” (Kairi, KH3)
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Much anger and frustration about this character in our fandom, about how “badly” she’s written, but I love every single scene she is in in KH1 and KH2, and although I wasn’t happy about some stuff in KH3 (...), this line made me cheer and keep faith in her future in the series. Her time will come, and her lines will (continue to) be good. Dare I say empowering.
Granted it might be because I keep my expectations low to begin with, but in the context of the “she’s the token love interest with no agency” conversation, this particular line, after Axel asks Kairi if she’s writing to Sora, is the grain of sand that makes me love her and root for her, still. Yes, she loves Sora, but as much as Riku loves Sora and is inspired by him (and me! I love Sora, too! XD I approve her heart’s choice)—both Kairi and Riku talk about Sora’s smile as a guiding light and a source of warmth—(and it is!). She’s not pining after him like in the worst girlfriend tropes I can think of. At all. She’s writing for herself. And here she’s writing about hope and faith.
I love that these letters are her diary, that she writes, (just like Namine draws), and that the writers made it a point, in the few lines that she gets to have instead of playability, for her to say that—she’s writing for herself, not “to that boy to get his attention.” Girl power. Fight me. It’s healthy and it’s beautiful.
And simple and clean
(Also in KH2 her letter opened a door! Look at those girls (her and Namine) wielding creativity, communication and self-expression as magical powers.)
4) “Nevermind.” (Re:Mind, Secret Episode)
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I won’t go into context details to avoid spoilers, but this line sums up my love for crazy-ass Nomura and his secret endings. I have no idea what the Japanese is and how it resonates, but everything feels smooth about it in English. This character’s voice acting is spectacular, the shot on their face as they say the line is gorgeous and eerie and smug; this is the perfect line to meta-say “you still won’t have your answers, but what a ride, wasn’t it? See you soon, suckas” + In English, it rhymes with the title of the DLC (which I already loved—it should be the title of Phase 2). It’s the most mundane line, but it’s a stupid poetic pun, too. It’s perfect
5) “I’ve— I’ve been alone so long that having someone else around is… is a little… overwhelming.” (Riku, CoM Reverse/Rebirth)
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This line gets me every time I rewatch the cut scenes. I played KH2 years before I gave CoM a try, and I don’t think I was all that invested in Riku as a character until that point. I love the Mickey/Riku relationship that the Reverse/Rebirth arc develops. This is finally someone good, that Riku can rely on, who will be there for him, and who won’t let him indulge in self-hate speech; and Riku accepts Mickey’s friendship, he chooses to believe in him. It’s such a huge deal. So much loneliness and pain and RELIEF in that line. I love that Riku staggers and falls to the floor before he says it.
There are many, many more lines I love, but these are the first five that really hit me and stuck with me, feels and voice and all.
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[I keep making minor formatting edits. Don't mind me.]
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