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Blurring or whatever next to his right shoulder is pretty bad. I'd get rid of it. Adding to this, the stock looks a bit oversharpened, and then blurred in areas, like his chin. The two little light balls or whatever on both his shoulders are distracting, too. Overall, the stock really doesn't compliment the decent BG you have.
So, yeah, just fix your sharpening/blurring up and you have a pretty nice tag.
A little darkening could go a long way. Throw in a layer of black, and set it to overlay with a 5050 opacity and fill level. I think I have to disagree with Cudi on the two light bulbs being distracting. Maybe if they were less bright, then maybe they could work, but they actually bring a sense of aliveness to the tag, and given that it's Adam freaking young, the brightness is a sensible thing.
Thanks guys for all the cnc, it helps alot. I decided that maybe I should just sorta redo it, and so I pretty much did, except the burshes are the same, just screwed around with the sharpness, and some gradient maps to get this. Yeah I know the stock is in the center, but I think it works well in this instance.