Akuma, I'll take contrl of all the villians, if you don't mind, to give the story some direction. Mitsukai can control the Z-Fighters that arn't taken.
Deep in the darkest depths of the darkest reaches of space, a saiyan space pod floated, it's exterior scuffed and damaged, several locations evident where it's hull had been pierced, by meteors and other miscalanious items in space.
It was utterly silent, it's interior dark and cold. Yet suddenly, a low hum could be heard, and lights on the exterior of the pod began to light up, illuminating the black reaches around the craft. At last, the interior lights flickered on, to reveal a young man, with long dark hair, who's eyes were closed as if asleep.
A tone chimed inside the shuttle, and a feminane voice announced that the sleep cycle was complete. Gasses hissed from behind the man's chair, and his chest began to rise and fall. He was breathing.
Slowly, his eyes opened, and his mind was brought back from the edge over which he himself had sent it so long ago. The very air around him pulsed with Ki energy...the galaxy was bursting with strong fighters again.
Slowly, he sat up.
Meanwhile, in the Home for Infinate Losers, or Hell, the Demon Guards were expeirincing several problems, the least being that tiny portals: Holes between the dimensions, were suddenly appearing all around the place. If a single inmate escaped, it could spell disaster.
Raditz and Knappa sat together under a tree, back to back, neither speaking to the other. They had long since exhausted all topics of conversation, and now were content to simply sit in silence, enjoying the company of the other.
At first, neither saw the portal open behind them. They simply stared out into space. Knappa tossed a ball into the air and caught it, over and over again, and Raditz was slowly baking an insect to death with a low-power Ki Beam. Knappa fumbled the ball, and it rolled down the hill...into the shimering hole at the base. The bald saiyan instantly lept to his feet, which stunned Raditz into motion as well. The two of them looked at the portal, before looking back at one another.
"We don't have anything to lose, Knappa."
"Anything is better then this place."
Both nodding, they strode into the portal.