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Dragonball Z Battle RPG

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then suddenly realizing the bald sayian in the same armor his parents kiillers where wearing he used his korillian psyblast to literaly disintergate him


Apr 21, 2005
(That last post showed signs of improvement, Akuma. Well done.)
(Er, Yihazu, I just saw that next post. Not only did you double-post, but you can't kill someone in one hit. not in twenty hits. It takes time to kill someone. I'll ignore that post for now.)

Raditz skidded to a halt, burying his fist into the ground and throwing up a huge cloud of smoke.

"Damnit!" The black-haired Saiyan exclaimed. "He teleported!"
"Leave it, Raditz...we have other buisiness to attend to."

Knappa turned to the family of Half-Saiyans, adressing them:

"I am the Saiyan Warrior Knappa, who might you be, and why do Saiyans of such power levels not wear their armour?"

Raditz also looked confused by this, but instead noticed the newcomer.

"You...in the space pod...that's a Saiyan craft! Where did you get it?"


why should i tell u sayian? your kind killed my parents and its time to return the favour
Yihazu teleports behind raditz and cast a kamahamaha!

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Goken watched Akuma leave and he felt like he had let his father down. I should have beat that guy quick. I played around too much.Goken thought to himself and he turned to Knappa. "I'm Trunks, son of Vegeta. This my wife Pan, daughter of Gohan and granddaughter of Goku. This is our Son Goken. He is the descendant of Goku and Vegeta as you can see. We don't wear armor." Trunks said nicely. Goken felt something strange about these two. He just put his finger on it.


Apr 21, 2005

Knappa's face had suddenly become drawn, almost filled with rage. He spun to yell out to Raditz.

"Hey, Weakling! Looks like your 'dear brother' has..."

But before he could finish the sentance, the other Saiyan had flickered behind Raditz and was charging a Kamehameha...the same move that Goku had used on him!

(NOTE: When they move from place to place, it's not teleportation, it's just moving faster then they can be seen. For now, refer to it a 'flickering')


The giant Saiyan was suddenly in motion, his foot lashing out towards Yihazu's side.

Chaotic Dreams

Returning Once Again...
Aug 5, 2005
The End Is Nigh...

Name: Jet Angles
Race: Half Dark Angel / Half Furion
Age: Looks 18, but his true age has been hidden, even from himself.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jet has a long face. His hair is shoulder length, being of a bright blue colour. His eyes are usually pure black, but sometimes turn a light green. His clothes consist of a simple black shirt, with a green flame running from the front bottom left corner to the back right shoulder. He has bandages runnning from his shoulders to his wrist on his right arm, and on his left, they run to only his elbow. His pants are of a dark smokey grey, with the green flame coming from the right leg, and joining the flame on his shirt. His shoes are a dark green leather, but no-one knows how he managed to get them. His black wings are hardly ever seen, as he tends to hid them from everyone.


Masenk-amaka - Merging the Masenko and Kamehameha moves wasn't easy, but Jet managed it. The move starts like Masenko, the user putting his hands over his head, and gathering Ki. He begins to chant the name of the attack. He then throws his hands to his sides and slightly behind him. he continues the chant. Then, the user must then throw his hands forcfully towards the front, yelling the last of the attack. The beam is green, with blue electricity surrounding it.

Seri-hijas - This is a silent attack. No words have to be spoken for this blast. The user begins by closing his eyes, and facing the palms towards the enemy. He then creates a circle through the air with his hands, them ending up on each other in front of him. Red and black electricity is seen, and a small black ball appeared between the users hands. He puts the bottom hand out, palm facing the enemy again, then the black ball begins to grow in size, red eletricity beginning to form around it. Once the ball of Ki gets to the diameter of about 3 metres, the user throws it. It moves quickly at the enemy, but shoots up just as it reaches the enemy. It then begins to shoot beams towards the ground, creating an even larger ball, with the enemy trapped inside. The ball shrinks, and the user snaps his fingers, creating a huge implosion from the ball, the enemy usually left laying unconcious on the ground.

Holy Blaster - A beam of holy Ki.

Unholy Blaster - A beam of unholy Ki.

Balanced Blaster - A beam of holy and unholy Ki, spiralling around each other.

Final Flash - A move stolen from Vegeta.

Justice Sword - Holy Ki is formed into a sword on his right hand, and used to attack the enemy.

Chaos Sword - Unholy Ki is formed into a sword on his left hand, and used to attack the enemy.

Balanced Sword Attack - Holy Ki is formed into a sword on his right hand, and unholy Ki is formed on his left, both used to attack the enemy.


Super Dark Angel - His wings become a smokey grey, and his aura turns green with black electricity surrounding it. His hair grows slightly, and darkens to a sapphire colour. His body bulks a little, but his speed increases greatly.

Chaos Mode - His hair turns to the same as Akuma's, and the aura exacts to the same as well. In this form, his strength is increased, but his speed doesn't raise much.

Fusion - Jet and Akuma perform the fusion dance, creating Jefuma. His hair is as long as Akuma's, but the black becomes bright blue colour. Jet's black shirt is kept, and Akuma's jacket is worn over-top, but without the sleeves. His pants are black, with a smokey grey flame. Akuma's shoes are used, but are the green leather of Jet's shoes. The wings are spread at all times, being of an emerald green colour. His speed and strength are greatly increased in this form, but only lasts for an hour, and has to wait a week before fusion can be done again, due to the extreme power boost.

Personality: Cold, and usually quiet. He is intelligent, and can make up a great strategy for almost every battle. He is only friends with his own race.

Biography: Jet's father was of the Furion race, and his mother was an angel, but because he was born during the time of battle, he somehow changed. His father was killed just as he was born, and the hatred from his mother seemed to be absorbed by Jet. He was born with two black wings, each being slightly longer than his body. His mother died a few weeks later, because of a broken heart. He was taken in by a medium level fighter, and was watched over for the most of Jet's life.

He was trained from an early age to fight, and began to relise his hatred for other races. This fueled him to train harder, and longer, making him the most advanced fighter of his time.

At the age of 10, he began to learn how to control Ki. He watched screens of fighters from previous times, and learnt the moves he enjoyed the most. He combined the Kamehameha technique from Goku, with his son's Gohan technique of Masenko. It took him a while, but he managed to perfect it. He also made his own Signature Move, Seri-hijas.

After learning all he could, every other memory was wiped from him. The only thing he could remember was how to fight, and who he hated. He stole a capsule when he learnt of the Saiyans being on Earth, and began his journey to destroy those who killed his parents...
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not being able to complete his attack Yihazu takes the hit and slides to the side.
"now your really gunno pay "
Yihazu jumps and takes a dive at the sayian...


Apr 21, 2005
Knappa quickly lept backwards, dodging Yihazu's assault, and behind the unfortunate Saiyan, Raditz blasted into the air, before diving straight at Yihazu from above. Knappa, meanwhile, baegan powering up. Yihazu would have to make a choice here...stop Radit'z attack, or stop Knappa from unleashning an even more powerful attack.

Meanwhile, in deep space, the Saiyan Pod had now booted up completly, and it's occupant was fully awake. He studied a small holographic map before him, a map that showed hundreds of Ki hotspots...and that was just the ones not concealing their Ki. This galaxy had become a field, and it was ripe for the Harvest, the Second Culling.

Pinpointing the largest hotspot, the occupant threw his pod into action, it blasting towards the distant polanet called...Earth.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Goken watched as they fought. They were all saiyans so, he would make sure no one was killed. He could feel how weak Knappa and Raditz was. "God i'm way stronger then these two. I could probably beat them without powering up." Goken said casually and he put his hands in his pockets. The chilling wind started to blow softly and his jacket started to flow back. Goken was barely powered up but, he was still very strong. Trunks knew this since Goken's great granparents were the greatest saiyans to ever live.

Chaotic Dreams

Returning Once Again...
Aug 5, 2005
Jet's capule was nearing its destination... Earth. They were there, and a lot of Saiyans were seen on his minimap. "They will all die...." Then, a different race was seen.... Furion. "What?! That's impossible. They were all wiped out." He looked closer at the map, and scratched his head. Another one? Was it possible? He would soon find out. He pushed a few buttons, and his capsule purred a bit, before it gained speed, heading towards Earth faster than ever....


yihazu makes his decision as he umps to the side and both miss and the blast heads straight for raditz


New member
Feb 20, 2006
Burnin In Hell
Akuma sits in his pod healing

Akuma was thinking to himself "i should be out there helping the poor sole whos geting the shit beating out of him"

Akuma Powers up and flys back to the battle...
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Apr 21, 2005
(OK, two things. One, Knappa and Raditz have been training in HIFL, so there both about as strong now as freiza was at the time of his death. Two, Yihazu, I never said Knappa fired a blast, I said he was charging up.)

"Raditz, Move!"
The smaller Saiyan lept out of the way as Knappa raised his hands, his aura flowng around him, rocks slowly lifting out of the ground and floating around him. He thrust his right hand out, his fingers extended.


The ground beneath Yihazu exploded in a burst of Ki Energy, an explosion that rocked Trunk's house to it's foundations.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Goken felt the ground shake and he almost fell. "I guess I underestimated these guys. They are pretty strong but, I bet they couldn't beat me." Goken said with a smirk. Goken turned his head toward Yihazu to see how injured he was.
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yihazu had only a second to react and he flew high in the air with the strange air moving quickly passed he felt faster as the gravity was ten times less than tha of the slavery world.

"nice move let me try BOMBER DX version 2!!!!!he said to the bald one whos name appeared to be nappa doing the same action but with a few more.the rocks around him rose up and hurled towards him.

yihazu took a second to catch his breath he hadnt been in a fight since he was 10


Apr 21, 2005
Knappa watched Yihazu, then began chuckling as the ground shook slightly, and then stopped.

"Fool...Bomber DX is a move that depends on the strength of the user, physically, and you are far to weak to use it to any great effect. NOW!"

He lept backwards and raised his fists, charging again, and infront of him, Raditz did the same.

"Now...fools, prepare yourselves...for our ultimate technique!"
"Our final attack!"
"Our combined strengths!"

Raditz lept into the air, diving at Yihazu, and Knappa thrust his fingers towards Raditz, the explosion fueling Raditz's speed and strength, like a slingshot, his crackling fist aiming for Yihazu's stomach.


yihazu flickered as the soarin fist should have hit and reapered from above raditz "almost, kamahamaha!!!!!" he shot into the back of raditz not giving him time to recover.
he knew there was no way for him to dodge it as the blast roared from his hands "ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"


Apr 21, 2005

Too late Raditz recognised his mistake as the blue beam lashed out towards him, tearing the sky above him in two. He wouldn't be able to recover from the attack in time to dodge...he was going to get hit...A scream caught in his throat as his eyes widened in terror.

A flicker of psuedomotion filled the air above him, and suddenly Knappa was there, arms outstreatched. The Kamehameha wave hit him in the back, driving him down into Raditz, sending both of them crashing to the ground.

Knappa knew that technique would have killed Raditz, but he was strong enough to withstand at least one hit from it, so he had chosen the lesser of two evils. This way, both of them were still alive, and more or less battle-ready.

Raditz stood up, and brushed the dirt from his armour, and Knappa slowly crawled onto his hands and knees, before standing up, a shower of dirt and rocks sliding from his back, dust kicked up by the impact.


New member
Feb 20, 2006
Burnin In Hell
Akuma lands next to Yihazu...

Oi you sayin boy help me kill those other sayian they the ones im after not you sorry..

Akuma fires unholy cannon at Raditz
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