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did Vanitas die?

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A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Yes. Yes he did . He is very much dead. He is deceased. He is a late Vanitas. RIP


New member
Aug 2, 2009
but is it possible since ventus heart went to sora that vanita's heart could have went to someone as well?


New member
Nov 1, 2009
Land Of Departure
but is it possible since ventus heart went to sora that vanita's heart could have went to someone as well?

TT_TT Pay no attention to what I just said. I am too mortified by the fact that I just came up with this whole theory and then someone already posted it...

Honestly, I think he found his way to Riku's heart. Before everybody starts trolling, just hear me out. Remember how Terra and Eraqus fought, Teraa threw Ven into the portal to DI? Wasn't it strange how Vanitas was already there? Maybe Vanitas was there earlier to witness a special event. An even like the Rite of Succession... if Vanitas had witnessed that, then now he would atleast know of somebody that could be a potential shell for his heart, and yes, he has a heart. In Xehanort Report 10, he said something along the lines of "The extraction of the heart of pure darkness, Vanitas was a success." I also remember Nomura saying in one of his many interviews that there is no death in Kingdom Hearts. Anybody that has a heart cannot die. Plus, Vrn didn't go into a coma because of the supposed death of Vanitas, it was because the X-Blade was destroyed. K think it was Vanitas who said that? Something along the lines of "The X-Blade is incomplete. If it is destroyed, our hearts will forever be incomplete" or something like that. XR10 also said that "Vanitas's heart of darkness was too strong." So I highly doubt that he's gone for good. I think he found his way to Riku's heart in the same way Ven found Sora's. Maybe that's part of the reason that Riku was so drawn to the darkness before XH or Maleficent found their way to him. A huge similarity between them is of course the suits, and I know that XH gave that to Riku but perhaps Nomura designed Vanitas that way to hint something. There are also some theories that Sora and Riku are connected, so __________. Maybe that's why they are connected, because they share two halves of a heart. I'm sure that if Riku ever becomes a heartless, his nobody could possibly look like Vanitas. Where Vani's body is, I have no clue, but maybe it's sort of like Terra's situation, and his soul is in his sentiment. Whattya think?
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New member
Aug 2, 2009
TT_TT Pay no attention to what I just said. I am too mortified by the fact that I just came up with this whole theory and then someone already posted it...

Honestly, I think he found his way to Riku's heart. Before everybody starts trolling, just hear me out. Remember how Terra and Eraqus fought, Teraa threw Ven into the portal to DI? Wasn't it strange how Vanitas was already there? Maybe Vanitas was there earlier to witness a special event. An even like the Rite of Succession... if Vanitas had witnessed that, then now he would atleast know of somebody that could be a potential shell for his heart, and yes, he has a heart. In Xehanort Report 10, he said something along the lines of "The extraction of the heart of pure darkness, Vanitas was a success." I also remember Nomura saying in one of his many interviews that there is no death in Kingdom Hearts. Anybody that has a heart cannot die. Plus, Vrn didn't go into a coma because of the supposed death of Vanitas, it was because the X-Blade was destroyed. K think it was Vanitas who said that? Something along the lines of "The X-Blade is incomplete. If it is destroyed, our hearts will forever be incomplete" or something like that. XR10 also said that "Vanitas's heart of darkness was too strong." So I highly doubt that he's gone for good. I think he found his way to Riku's heart in the same way Ven found Sora's. Maybe that's part of the reason that Riku was so drawn to the darkness before XH or Maleficent found their way to him. A huge similarity between them is of course the suits, and I know that XH gave that to Riku but perhaps Nomura designed Vanitas that way to hint something. There are also some theories that Sora and Riku are connected, so __________. Maybe that's why they are connected, because they share two halves of a heart. I'm sure that if Riku ever becomes a heartless, his nobody could possibly look like Vanitas. Where Vani's body is, I have no clue, but maybe it's sort of like Terra's situation, and his soul is in his sentiment. Whattya think?

i think this theory of your's is really good. i like the fact of vanitas going in riku to contrast ventus going into sora. that would actually explain riku's strong heart of darkness and sora's strong heart of light. though i have another question when ventus and vanitas finished battling eachother and faded away how come vanitas faded away into light instead of darkness since he was a pure being of darkness?

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Yes, Vanitas was completely destroyed. "destroyed" is a better word to use. Vanitas was just the dark half of Ven's heart, therefore Vanitas is just half a heart. So he's not human in the sence that everyone else is. Therefore he can't techinacaly die. So techinacaly he was destroyed.

but is it possible since ventus heart went to sora that vanita's heart could have went to someone as well?

Nope, that's impossible. Ven's heart was destroyed. Vanitas' heart was destroyed, so if his heart was destroyed then it means his heart doesn't exist now, so it's possible for a heart which was destroyed to be passed on to anyone, because that heart is gone.

Ven's heart was just badly damaged, which is why it went to sleep in Sora's heart, where it could heal.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Yes, Vanitas was completely destroyed. "destroyed" is a better word to use. Vanitas was just the dark half of Ven's heart, therefore Vanitas is just half a heart. So he's not human in the sence that everyone else is. Therefore he can't techinacaly die. So techinacaly he was destroyed.

Nope, that's impossible. Ven's heart was destroyed. Vanitas' heart was destroyed, so if his heart was destroyed then it means his heart doesn't exist now, so it's possible for a heart which was destroyed to be passed on to anyone, because that heart is gone.

Ven's heart was just badly damaged, which is why it went to sleep in Sora's heart, where it could heal.

and what proof do u have that vanitas is gone for good. ven and vanita's hearts were equal in light in darkness which was the reason they could form the x-blade in the first place. and if ven's heart had the strength to go to sora's then vanitas heart could too

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
and what proof do u have that vanitas is gone for good. ven and vanita's hearts were equal in light in darkness which was the reason they could form the x-blade in the first place. and if ven's heart had the strength to go to sora's then vanitas heart could too

Because we saw Vanitas fade out of existence after Ven defeated him.

Not to mention Ven's heart went to Sora via their connection.
May 16, 2007
Because we saw Vanitas fade out of existence after Ven defeated him.

Not to mention Ven's heart went to Sora via their connection.

In fairness, Vanitas "faded" in almost the exact same manner as Ven. Both of their keyblades were shattered, and both disintegrated into particles of light.

I think it's fine to assume for now that Vanitas is dead, or whatever word you'd like to use. But it can easily be turned around, just like it was for Xehanort's Heartless and Ansem the Wise. It looked as though they were gone for good, just like Vanitas.


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
but is it possible since ventus heart went to sora that vanita's heart could have went to someone as well?

YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Ven's Final Battle and Ending (English Subbed)

Notice how Vanitas's heart dissolves into Ventus's heart? Vanitas simply got destroyed. If his heart left the body, you would've seen his heart come to the skies like Ven's heart does. Instead, Vanitas's heart dissolves to the platform meaning that his heart is destroyed.

I don't think he's gone for good... but in that event, he did die. Just like how XH died and how Xemnas died. They may get resurrected in the form of Apprentice Xehanort... but that doesn't change that fact that they died in the past.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
In fairness, Vanitas "faded" in almost the exact same manner as Ven. Both of their keyblades were shattered, and both disintegrated into particles of light.

I think it's fine to assume for now that Vanitas is dead, or whatever word you'd like to use. But it can easily be turned around, just like it was for Xehanort's Heartless and Ansem the Wise. It looked as though they were gone for good, just like Vanitas.

yeah it seemed and ansem is still alive so its possible xehanort is too.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
His mask melted away, he got the incomplete X-Blade and though he could beat Ventus with it Sadly he lost and before dying he tried to grab the X-Blade but couldnt and then gave up slowly floated down into sprinkles of light and there vanitas vanish! but maybe later on kh3 maybe Nomura and his team will bring him back from the dead to face sora haha.

Aquaman OS

New member
Feb 10, 2010
but is it possible since ventus heart went to sora that vanita's heart could have went to someone as well?

Well Ven could only go to Sora because he already had a connection to follow all the way to him. And even then he needed to ask Sora permission to let him in to his heart. While it's possible Vantias shared that connection Sora, is the only one he could have gone to, and he would have needed to ask Sora to go into his heart, which Sora is not likely to have accepted. He couldn't just force his way into it as Sora's heart was too strong.

So there was no one else. The only other people around when Vantias was destroyed was Aqua and Mickey, and it's unlikely he could have talked them into taking on his heart nor could he have overpowered their hearts because they also had powerful hearts.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Well Ven could only go to Sora because he already had a connection to follow all the way to him. And even then he needed to ask Sora permission to let him in to his heart. While it's possible Vantias shared that connection Sora, is the only one he could have gone to, and he would have needed to ask Sora to go into his heart, which Sora is not likely to have accepted. He couldn't just force his way into it as Sora's heart was too strong.

So there was no one else. The only other people around when Vantias was destroyed was Aqua and Mickey, and it's unlikely he could have talked them into taking on his heart nor could he have overpowered their hearts because they also had powerful hearts.

Yes, but theoretically speaking, if Vanitas's heart was to have a connection to Riku. Vanitus would not ask permission to sleep in his heart like Ven, Ven was just being nice which we all know Vanistas would not have done


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Well Ven could only go to Sora because he already had a connection to follow all the way to him. And even then he needed to ask Sora permission to let him in to his heart. While it's possible Vantias shared that connection Sora, is the only one he could have gone to, and he would have needed to ask Sora to go into his heart, which Sora is not likely to have accepted. He couldn't just force his way into it as Sora's heart was too strong.

So there was no one else. The only other people around when Vantias was destroyed was Aqua and Mickey, and it's unlikely he could have talked them into taking on his heart nor could he have overpowered their hearts because they also had powerful hearts.

xehanort would have proably done it willingly


is back?
Jan 13, 2010
I don't really see how Vanitas could even make a connection with Riku at all. It's not like he can just walk up to the kid and go "HEY. CONNNECTTT!" =/

I think Vanitas being connected to Riku would be trite.
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