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{%}|<~Club for Clubbing Xion with a Club Club~>|{%}

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New member
Sep 9, 2012
phew what a read, you guys are making this a chore you know that? XD but i love it! so many what-if, good ideas for such a lackluster poorly written title of a game. a KINGDOM HEARTS GAME. a kh game where the only thing that mattered was the melee attack button, no one cared about magic, and it involved no strategy!


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
...um KHI, why are you submitting my post, when I haven't even started typing yet?!

Aggggh I feel so behind I really wanna get back into the groove LOL

LOL, that is exactly how I feel right now! But I have been lurking and reading these posts when I have time and what else can I say except that Grass and Goldpanner have awesome ideas and WHY COULDN'T THIS BE DAYS??? :(

Something is going around cause everyone's getting sick and I caught it so I feel like crap...can't think of anything awesome to write X_X

Awww, I hope you feel better soon!

I really loved:

"You ever get the urge to just do something stupid... and AWESOME? Wait, wait... I'm getting an idea... Nope, it's gone."

Demyx you XD

That is my favorite quote, not just from Demyx, but from every video game I've ever played!!! Except for some of Sora's lines from DDD, like: "You treat people's hearts like they're bottles on a shelf, but they're not!

Also, I have a crazy idea, but I'm not sure if you guys would want to do it...

We've all talked about what we would've like to have seen in Days and Grass especially has had some pretty amazing ideas...what if we ALL collaborated on an alternate Days fanfic? Like, we'd all come up with an outline of the plot, and everyone would pick a chapter to write, and then when each member finished, we could all beta it in the club and then maybe put it in the KHI Fanfiction section? Like a fun club project? We could include stuff like Grass' Riku/Roxas fight and WhitterTwitter's ideas for how Roxas would bond with the other members. And that way we wouldn't have to worry about busy schedules because we'd only have to write a few chapters each, but we'd still be collaborating together?
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Also, I have a crazy idea, but I'm not sure if you guys would want to do it...

We've all talked about what we would've like to have seen in Days and Grass especially has had some pretty amazing ideas...what if we ALL collaborated on an alternate Days fanfic? Like, we'd all come up with an outline of the plot, and everyone would pick a chapter to write, and then when each member finished, we could all beta it in the club and then maybe put it in the KHI Fanfiction section? Like a fun club project? We could include stuff like Grass' Riku/Roxas fight and WhitterTwitter's ideas for how Roxas would bond with the other members. And that way we wouldn't have to worry about busy schedules because we'd only have to write a few chapters each, but we'd still be collaborating together?

I have been so busy with school and life (finish uni in a few weeks!!) and I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get to you!! But yes, I actually think that would be a pretty cool idea. I would really love to see it come to life, and I would love to have some group collaboration with all our input :D

The only issue is time for me. Agh...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Finally found time to answer this big essay. ;)
Where's my damn time? *ggg*

@Sephiroth0812 I'm not sure, but as long as the 'spoilers' subforum exists I think it's safer to keep them spoilers :3
Of course I grasp the logic of that, although I do wonder just how long the spoiler ban is planned to be held up. Three months after release most people should by now have at least once finished the story.
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Of course I grasp the logic of that, although I do wonder just how long the spoiler ban is planned to be held up. Three months after release most people should by now have at least once finished the story.

Greetings user, and thank you for your opinion on our SPOILER BAN.

Sadly, not everybody in this world has money for Nintendo's latest handheld system, and thus have chosen to remain unspoiled of the game until they can purchase the game. Generally in three months time a good amount of people who had wanted to play the game will have made their purchase, and most others will purchase the game during holiday season sales which begin after October 31st. Three months has been our customary time period for spoiler bans on Kingdom Hearts Insider for most new game releases, and we wish to allow all users of our site enough time to access the game and feel comfortable about visiting without the fear of being spoiled.

I would appreciate if you did stop complaining about our SPOILER BAN, considering you have less than FIFTEEN days until it is lifted.


-KHInsider Staff
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"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
Okay, I may have taken this too far. xD;
The words just kinda poured out like a waterfall, especially since I've been seeing a lot of posts like this lately.

And yes, I admit I've fallen back into Xionism. ;w; I think what I disliked about her was RAX, not Xion herself.
And I still think she's a Sue.
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May 16, 2007
Ok, when you said you had taken it too far, and that you've fallen into Xionism again, I was reading askthekhnerd's post as if it was yours and I just ummmmmmmm. :p

But no, I don't think you went overboard! You're advocating equality of opinion, you should be pretty vocal about that. Props.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
Awww, I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks! <3 It has long since passed, thank goodness, I hate being sick!

That is my favorite quote, not just from Demyx, but from every video game I've ever played!!!

SPEAKING OF DEMYX and the hilarious character he is, this girl I watch on DA uploads the most recent chapters of the 358/2 Days manga (and her comics are really cute and funny too)! I thought you'd enjoy this chapter just as much as I did because, surprisingly, it's almost ALL Demyx and his antics! http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d5j0m28 (And I love it even more because Xion not once makes an actual appearance >:D)

Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese, so I can't read it, but the facial expressions make up for it.

Also, I have a crazy idea, but I'm not sure if you guys would want to do it...

We've all talked about what we would've like to have seen in Days and Grass especially has had some pretty amazing ideas...what if we ALL collaborated on an alternate Days fanfic? Like, we'd all come up with an outline of the plot, and everyone would pick a chapter to write, and then when each member finished, we could all beta it in the club and then maybe put it in the KHI Fanfiction section? Like a fun club project? We could include stuff like Grass' Riku/Roxas fight and WhitterTwitter's ideas for how Roxas would bond with the other members. And that way we wouldn't have to worry about busy schedules because we'd only have to write a few chapters each, but we'd still be collaborating together?

Ahhh I would love this idea ;_; Only I don't know if I would be able to participate in a timely manner, since I'm experiencing a bit of college overload X_X If I did manage to do it, I would hate to submit something that I didn't dedicate a lot of time to, since I'm not very confident in my writing and I'd want to put out something good. But damn, that would be awesome, since all of us have similar ideas and just need to put them all together.

Okay, I may have taken this too far. xD;
The words just kinda poured out like a waterfall, especially since I've been seeing a lot of posts like this lately.

And yes, I admit I've fallen back into Xionism. ;w; I think what I disliked about her was RAX, not Xion herself.
And I still think she's a Sue.

HAHA I think Sailor Moon is one of the biggest Sues of all, but I love her too!! :p Although I do wish the other Scouts got more development and attention than they did in the end.

Gah I wish I could like Xion too, things would be a little less painful! Maybe I would feel differently if she wasn't in the Organization and...say...one of the Twilight Town gang, because then we get rid of the angsty backstory and moping...but I don't even know if that would make me feel differently towards her though!

I don't think you were overreacting at all! These posts pop up on tumblr all the time unfortunately, like the one goldpanner found that we all tore apart MWAHAHAH

It's SO great to have Xion fans that actually understand where the haters are coming from and also understand that EVERY character has a reason to be hated! Maybe she has had bad experiences with Xion haters, but at the same time I see a LOT more haters being flamed by fans when they didn't actually do anything wrong.

I really wish I had a PS3...then I could get the new HD Remakes :< I MUST get 2.5 when it's released though...I mean, extra Organization data battles...the Roxas battle...the new cutscenes dubbed...! I can't miss it!

*sigh* I just hope that after I'm an old lady and KH III gets released it's not a huge disappointment...I think Nomura knows he's treading on thin ice now with the plot and needs to cool down.


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
HAHA I think Sailor Moon is one of the biggest Sues of all, but I love her too!! :p Although I do wish the other Scouts got more development and attention than they did in the end.

I know what you mean. xD As annoying as they can be, some of my favorite characters are Sues, so I can't really judge. Hell, I'm probably one of the few people who actually LOVED Berry from Tokyo Mew Mew, and she's the biggest Sue in that series!

Gah I wish I could like Xion too, things would be a little less painful! Maybe I would feel differently if she wasn't in the Organization and...say...one of the Twilight Town gang, because then we get rid of the angsty backstory and moping...but I don't even know if that would make me feel differently towards her though!

Since 3D came around and asspulled rectified the Organization 13 thing, Xion being in the Organization doesn't bother me. Her being buds with Roxas doesn't bother me. Roxas acting like a douche because of it bothered me. Xion completing the Axel/Roxas trio bothered me (I mean, ffs! Axel hanging out with Roxas wasn't that bad. But making the trio one 25-year old and TWO 14-year olds left a REALLY bad taste in my mouth).

I don't think you were overreacting at all! These posts pop up on tumblr all the time unfortunately, like the one goldpanner found that we all tore apart MWAHAHAH

It's SO great to have Xion fans that actually understand where the haters are coming from and also understand that EVERY character has a reason to be hated! Maybe she has had bad experiences with Xion haters, but at the same time I see a LOT more haters being flamed by fans when they didn't actually do anything wrong.

So I've noticed. x_x It's REALLY annoying; fans are allowed to express their opinion, but haters can't? Talk about hypocrisy. It's the fandumb that turned me into a hater for a long while.

It's hard to look down on haters when there are so many awful Xion fans treating them like shit - and over a fictional character, no less! I'm not usually one to hate characters myself (I think the only character in any franchise I really hate is Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist), but I can understand why one would, especially as so many characters are annoying or crappy enough TO hate. xD Despite my likeness for her, I can't blame people for hating Kairi, either. I just wish they weren't so insulting towards fans (though they seem to have quieted; 3D probably left little to complain about), just like I wish Xion fans weren't so insulting towards haters. Whoever said this had it right: Kingdom Hearts has quite possibly the most batshit insane fandoms in existence.

I really wish I had a PS3...then I could get the new HD Remakes :< I MUST get 2.5 when it's released though...I mean, extra Organization data battles...the Roxas battle...the new cutscenes dubbed...! I can't miss it!

Me, too. D: I think I'll work on that next year; HSN has payment plans.

*sigh* I just hope that after I'm an old lady and KH III gets released it's not a huge disappointment...I think Nomura knows he's treading on thin ice now with the plot and needs to cool down.

Yeah, really. xD It'll be a special edition game to celebrate the release of the Playstation 50.
I think he cracked that ice with the time travel and Xehanort clones crap


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
I love you Reika <3

I completely agree. I think in the end, the people who clash are often people who have different intentions. I'm somebody who really loves to analyse why I love things or why I hate things. I like to think about all the elements and why they were chosen and think about my own reactions to them, it's just really fun for me. And analysing why I don't like something is fun at times, interesting at times, and cathartic at others! Some people don't care about that sort of thing and just like to enjoy the stories they consumed at the level of the intended reading and that is also perfectly fine. I do too, with some things, it just depends on what is more fun or what interests me more, and I'm sure everyone is the same.

But then the analytical people have to go act all snooty like their enjoyment is worth more... and the less-analytical people also act all snooty like 'true fans' are the ones who like absolutely everything about the series... and then other fans get upset because they can't tell the difference between taking issue with something and mindless hating and feel attacked... and other people go silly attacking like they think they're on some logic crusade when really they are just mindlessly hating :p

Ah man. But you are absolutely right and I am glad you got that person to change their mind ;D


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
Oops. xD; It took me way too long to reply to this.

I love you Reika <3

ILU2 bby <3

I completely agree. I think in the end, the people who clash are often people who have different intentions. I'm somebody who really loves to analyse why I love things or why I hate things. I like to think about all the elements and why they were chosen and think about my own reactions to them, it's just really fun for me. And analysing why I don't like something is fun at times, interesting at times, and cathartic at others! Some people don't care about that sort of thing and just like to enjoy the stories they consumed at the level of the intended reading and that is also perfectly fine. I do too, with some things, it just depends on what is more fun or what interests me more, and I'm sure everyone is the same.

Analyzing IS fun, and while I enjoy 99% of the series myself (to be honest, I can't think of a single character in the series that I hate; neutral, yes, but not hate), I can see it's many imperfections. The same goes with Xion; my mindset as a hater of hers still stands, it's just that I like her instead of hate her now. But my opinions on her character are still the same.
Same with me regarding the 'enjoy the stories they consumed at the level of the intended reading' bit. I'll analyze it online, but never while playing the game. I guess I'm a mix of both worlds. :S

But then the analytical people have to go act all snooty like their enjoyment is worth more... and the less-analytical people also act all snooty like 'true fans' are the ones who like absolutely everything about the series... and then other fans get upset because they can't tell the difference between taking issue with something and mindless hating and feel attacked... and other people go silly attacking like they think they're on some logic crusade when really they are just mindlessly hating :p

Agreed, it's no wonder the fandom butt heads so often. Like I once saw someone say; KH has one of the most batshit insane fandoms in existence. xD And it's true! I don't think I've seen this much animosity in a fandom since Twilight.

Ah man. But you are absolutely right and I am glad you got that person to change their mind ;D

Nah, they backtracked. xD I doubt I really changed their mind, they were just trying to save face.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Whew! It's been awhile since I've visited this place; I've been busy with school, work, and other fandoms. (Bleach in particular has been on my mind.) How's everyone doing? I'd totally be up for the group fanfic if everyone else has time and interest. Has anyone checked out Tumblr recently? There's a rash of Xion White Knighting that's been going around recently, and it's quite annoying.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
United States
Whew! It's been awhile since I've visited this place; I've been busy with school, work, and other fandoms. (Bleach in particular has been on my mind.) How's everyone doing? I'd totally be up for the group fanfic if everyone else has time and interest. Has anyone checked out Tumblr recently? There's a rash of Xion White Knighting that's been going around recently, and it's quite annoying.

You mean like this?

Shota Fisting

It's funny, it's come to the point where I dislike these Xion fans more than Xion herself. The hypocrisy in posts like these is kind of amusing though :tongue:

I've been writing a boatload of papers, just finished my last final ever for college, and now its the terrifying reality of being out in the real world looking for a lifelong career :frown: Too bad there's only been a trickle of KH news lately, although I've been holding off with my love for Pokemon :wink:


New member
Apr 6, 2012
You mean like this?

Shota Fisting

It's funny, it's come to the point where I dislike these Xion fans more than Xion herself. The hypocrisy in posts like these is kind of amusing though :tongue:

I've been writing a boatload of papers, just finished my last final ever for college, and now its the terrifying reality of being out in the real world looking for a lifelong career :frown: Too bad there's only been a trickle of KH news lately, although I've been holding off with my love for Pokemon :wink:
Yep! I had to unfollow a bunch of people because they were spamming my dash with Xion and saying that anyone who hates her is a rabid yaoi fangirl. (Even though this club's existence shows that's not true.)

Ah, how exciting! I know the feeling; I have one semester left before I start grad school, so I'll have to get a real job soon. Have you seen the screenshots from the KH HD Remix? Someone posted side-by-side shots comparing the original with the remix, and the difference is astounding. I hope we actually get it; I've heard rumors it'll be Japan-exclusive. I've been kept busy with Bleach, Tales of the Abyss, and news about Lightning Returns. (Have you seen Lightning's new outfit? It's HIDEOUS.)

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
Good to see this club is somewhat active! compared to the others, at least. (hi guys)
Yep! I had to unfollow a bunch of people because they were spamming my dash with Xion and saying that anyone who hates her is a rabid yaoi fangirl. (Even though this club's existence shows that's not true.)
That's the reason why I decided to come here, actually... it's hard being a Xion hater on Tumblr because they're under the assumption all Xion haters dislike her for being a cockblock. The Tumblr KH fandom isn't exactly the brightest, but still.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
That's the reason why I decided to come here, actually... it's hard being a Xion hater on Tumblr because they're under the assumption all Xion haters dislike her for being a cockblock. The Tumblr KH fandom isn't exactly the brightest, but still.
The Tumblr KH fandom (or fandumb) is pretty much the same as TVTropes'. That's why I tend to avoid KH on both sites; too frustrating. :/
Just unfollowed another today! -_-; Seriously, it's one thing to like a character, but Xion fans on Tumblr and TV Tropes take it too far. I've noticed that fans of characters who've been the subject of bashing have a tendency to go overboard in their defense of the characters, to the point where they claim the characters have "no flaws", which is strange to me. I have my characters I adore, but I freely admit they have flaws. (Considering most of my favorite characters are villains, it's pretty much necessary.) What kills me is when Xion fans claim they're the minority. The fact that most of the Xion tag is full of love for the character and anyone who posts anything slightly negative gets dog-piled should be a clue that that's not true.


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
Just unfollowed another today! -_-; Seriously, it's one thing to like a character, but Xion fans on Tumblr and TV Tropes take it too far. I've noticed that fans of characters who've been the subject of bashing have a tendency to go overboard in their defense of the characters, to the point where they claim the characters have "no flaws", which is strange to me. I have my characters I adore, but I freely admit they have flaws. (Considering most of my favorite characters are villains, it's pretty much necessary.) What kills me is when Xion fans claim they're the minority. The fact that most of the Xion tag is full of love for the character and anyone who posts anything slightly negative gets dog-piled should be a clue that that's not true.

Flawed characters are awesome anyway. <3 They're more realistic and are easier to relate to (which is why Merida is my favorite Disney Princess; she's more flawed than any Disney Princess I've seen yet). I don't understand what's wrong with admitting your favorite character has flaws. :/
Yeah, there are more Xion fans than haters. And the other side of the spectrum isn't too peachy; I've seen people use this fact as a reason for why Xion is perfect and why all haters are all morons who have no idea what they're talking about.
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