I'm pretty pumped!!! In fact I'm pumped enough to revive some old conversations I haven't replied to since April (I am so sorry guys ahh)
You're a AkuRoku fan aren't you?If so, that's cool because I ship AkuRoku as well xD
Yes, I am ;D *high five*
Now that the impending reunion is relevant again...!! I am hoping even stronger that Xion won't be involved the whole time. A lot of my absolute favourite fan writers and artists dropped out of the series either just before or just after Days was released, which made me very sad, but I've seen some stirrings today that make me think there are a lot of old fans who might come back if KH3 inspires them. I sadly have my hopes up, haha. While I do love the games, I have always got most of my pleasure out of the Kingdom Hearts fandom (fanfic, fanart, forums, blogs, talking with friends etc) itself, and if the akuroku corner of the fandom got reignited I'd be so happy!!
I really wish Days didn't exist, at least then we could still make our own interpretation of their relationship. I still prefer to see Axel as the obnoxious, snarky, slightly goofy, douche. While Roxas is the slightly more mature and calm one who puts up with him and who acts happy-go-lucky occasionally xD I just wanted some development between them. I wanted to see them actually act like best friends. I'm not going to go into a whole rant about how I would have developed them though, don't worry xD
THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT!! People who interpret them this way have basically gone extinct thanks to Days, though, and all newcomers to the fandom in the past few years will never get it :C I miss the good old days in that regard, haha.
Guys, I feel like such a horrible hypocrite. I really want the girls in the trios to get more screentime and it bugs me how Kairi and Aqua are often overshadowed by the Amazing Epic Friendships of Sora/Riku and Terra/Ven- well, not Aqua so much, but MX's entire plan rested on Terra and Ven's bromance. But when it comes to RAX...ehhhhhhh. This is the ONE instance where I DO want the girl to get overshadowed, at least at first. If it was Namine or Demyx I wouldn't feel that way, but I really just want Lea and Roxas to reunite first and then reunite with Xion. With every other group of characters, I think, "Square, pay attention to the ladies too!" but when with RAX, it's "No! Stick to the bromance!" Ugh.
I agree :C And I think we wouldn't have to feel like a hypocrite if the other girls were written better, or if there were more girls in general, which isn't our fault imo.
I feel so torn about cute/adorable!Roxas.
You know what, when I feel torn about it, I remember that we already have Sora to be cute and adorable, and the entire point of Roxas is that he IS NOT a second Sora!!! Haha
Spoiler Show
WE SHOULD CELEBRATE WITH A ROXAS PARTY. Nobody forget the ice cream![/quote]
I want more girls in KH, but I also want them to be written well and I feel so hypocritical when I think about how I'd rather have had a game that was just the Org members that were already established.
Well, I actually wish a lot of the existing Org members had been done as women to begin with. I actually think the game would be super interesting if Sora had been a girl from the start! So yeah, I don't think it's my fault that there is a shitty range, just because the one girl they did put in there sucks doesn't mean I have to accept things >:3
WOW. That. Is. Perfect. It has ties to BBS without necessarily giving away what happened in that game because she would be a clone of Aqua, not the real thing. She'd be completely different from all the other KH girls we've seen too, even Larxene, and you've managed to come up with another clone character that doesn't retread the arcs of Repliku, Xion, Roxas, Namine, etc, etc. Plus, it has the potential to create a lot of tension for a game where we know how it's ultimately going to end. I like the idea of her being a scary competitor to Roxas and what the Organization wants from him. She'd have a lot of tension with Axel too.
Yep!! That's one reason I am done arguing with people who say 'BUT DAYS HAD TO HAPPEN THE WAY IT DID', because no, if you use your imagination there are quite a few ways that section of time could have been interpreted.
In any case, thank you for saying such a lovely thing about my idea haha <3
Also could we maybe please have some RAD?
YES. I do like the thought that he could play a good parallel there. In fact, I think Demyx's character deserved a lot more exploration in of itself. Pacifism, or just apathy? Did he begin that way, or is his attitude in KH2 something that developed due to a particular experience? Etc. :3
It's something I think I've always taken for granted with my friends and family, that I can talk to them about how my life's been going and they'll listen and respond, and vice versa. But for characters living in a world full of emotionless, apathetic people, that would be pretty huge, and I wondered if maybe that could have been what sparked their friendship. And then of course they could also be sent on missions together and be forced to help each other solve problems, which would strengthen the friendship all the more.
Yeah! I also like the thought of them sharing a sense of humour, and maybe both enjoying exciting stuff more than other Org members, too.
But that means this club and Xion have something in common: WE'RE BOTH FLAWLESS.
Bahahhaha :')
That last sentence is something that really bugs me about media. Okay, so the girl's going to be a love interest. That doesn't mean writers don't have to put in any effort to give her a personality or develop her relationship with the guy, any more than it would mean that writers should not put in any effort into developing the guy. Sure, it might be obvious that they'll end up together, but it's how they get there that can be interesting and well-written.
And the way to solve both these problems...? Write well-developed, interesting female characters, AND, write canon, well-developed interesting queer characters ;3 Then everyone would be happy!
Part of me feels really bad for wanting Kairi to get more exposure in her trio, while I don't want to see more RAX. Idk, I just really like Kairi better.
You know what, I agree, and I think I know why, too. I think Kairi really does feel like she has a lot of potential. Whenever she shows up, it's very interesting. She doesn't really act like a stereotypical anything, imo. She says weirdly snarky things sometimes, she's confident, but she's also very sweet. I really like her, she surprises me. Even when the narrative itself gives her pretty predictable 'Damsel' plotlines, her personality itself still manages to keep me entertained. Xion, on the other hand, we have seen all the cards in her hand. She's sweet, flawless, tragic... we know exactly what's going to happen if she enters a scene. It's boring as all hell. There's no potential, imo.
In Kingdom Hearts 2, SDG and the rest of the heroes are always talking about Organization XIII, but we don't see them very much.
You know what though, on one hand, that's something I found incredibly interesting about KH2. I really really liked the way it seemed to set up Nobodies as 'shades of grey', and while we were explicitly told by Yen Sid 'they are evil and have no emotions go kill them', we were given lots of reasons to doubt that message ourselves. Especially the fact that we start the game with a massive prologue with three Nobodies as the stars, even if Sora himself didn't really question it during the story. I remember some super interesting meta from back in the day, analysing the darkness animations and exactly what 'evil' we ever saw Nobodies doing in worlds and discussing the true motives of Yen Sid etc. Of course it didn't really mean much in the end considering how the series went, unless you count 'they were growing hearts back after all'. But if you take KH2 as a standalone game, I actually kind of like being able to make up my own ideas while I play :3
I think THAT is something that the series has slowly forgotten how to do, actually: giving the player space to fill in blanks with their imagination. I think the answer to the magic of the older games is there, in the places we were allowed to wonder and get excited. I mean, for a game that was meant to be dreamlike and kaleidoscopic, DDD was stuffed with long monologues and exposition that got pretty technical and narrow, I thought. Days, too, was very much about spelling things out explicitly and boringly.
We should celebrate Nostalgia Month here, too! We could relive some of our favorite old posts or pretend that Days hasn't come out yet and share what we thought it was going to be like- although I guess we've done a lot of the latter idea when we talk about why we felt disappointed.
We can always pretend that Days hasn't come out yet 8)
I will never buy RAX. I will never believe in RAX. I will never feel attached to RAX. I will never care for RAX. They feel so fake to me honestly, the fakest out of them all (quite ironic). No amount of sugarcoating and painting daisies will convince me that this was a great, sunny, happy, lovable friendship when there are things in context that indicated otherwise. There's just underhandedness and favoritism that...I don't see it as genuine. It's all covered up by the shove down your throat tragedy and drama. It hasn't changed despite me not logging in here for quite a long while.
I love you *TN* ;__; <3
I need to remember to NOT visit the TV Tropes page for Days. The annoyance levels it causes is just plain uncomfortable.
On the bright side, with a mod's help, I got the Deconstruction trope removed from the Days page. <3
Good on ya
I was on TV Tropes the other day, and I was kind of sad. I hadn't realised how weird that site had become. It seems like people there get really twisted up in the tropes themselves and lose sight of a lot of things...
Can I join? I hate Xion @_@
Of course you can!
Please excuse my lateness.... And feel free to post about why you hate Xion :3
Hating Xion is trendy with half the fandom, though, so people who hate her due to AkuRoku would be more accepted. Not to mention they've probably been accused of it at some point anyway, like all other Xion haters.
Trendy with me /shades
Oh, I agree. xD They've just admitted that the reason they lacked female main characters is because the staff is made up of men and don't know HOW to make one. We got Merida because one of the original directors (and story creator) is a woman. I'm going to go ahead and assume the same for the KH team.
There are loads of reasons why female main characters are few and far between, and in the end from what I've been reading about the industry lately, it has a lot less to do with the writing teams themselves and a lot more to do with marketing and the industry in general.
This is an interesting post from the perspective of someone in the industry, and this is a good article about the issue as well. This video is pretty great, too, if blunt.