Here's some images I've put together of Keyblades from Birth by Sleep. Surely someone who knows Japanese can translate them.
Nocturne there also the one you get after meeting Lea and Isa and it kinda resembles the Bond of Flame
Nocturne there also the one you get after meeting Lea and Isa and it kinda resembles the Bond of Flame
I didn't say I had them all, I only got what I could get right now.
Crystal Wax (???)
Kurisutaru Waakusu
The one resembling Bond of Flame I think you can only get on Roxas because he's the only one that encounters Lea and Isa.
??? Sleeper (I have no idea if this is even close)
Kao Suriipaa
I thought it looked like it was from Disney Town since the handle looked like Disney Castle. Besides, if it was "walks" wouldn't there be a "ru" in there somewhere?This is the keychain from Castle of Dreams, right? "Crystal Walks" would make more sense considering the whole glass slipper part of the story.
Chaos Reaper.