New2Ya said:Kyara means Character in the Japanese language of that scan.
O yeah I remember now! I learned that from a KH2 site thats offline. I new there was a catch but I couldn't remeber what it was. Thanx for reminding me.
New2Ya said:Kyara means Character in the Japanese language of that scan.
Noooo! wait hold on didn't Tetsuya say they were gonna reveal the kids name soon? yeah he did, well he might be called Ryo, or Hikaru. (Hikari is the femine version of Hikaru, then again, in Japan they have unisex names.)Daniel Curtis said:We probably wont find out until KH2 comes out.
New2Ya said:It is an interesting theory, kid. That you don't think so already shows how stupid you are, not me...
And they would have the same name becuz they are the same person. BHK is the nobody born when Sora became a heartless... The nobodies are controlled by the 13th Order, am I right?
And Mickey and Riku are also part of the 13th Order as we know, at least that is what they make us think...
Meaning that BHK may be "controlled" by Mickey and Riku...
I can call you kid if I want to. You're two years younger, I can do what I want...innerdarkness said:you really are a dumb ass! who thre hell ever said that BHK is a nobody?! no one has told us anything rock solid about him yet. all we know is he lives in twilight twon, he is connected to sora and or riku in SOME way, and that he has three friends of his own. that's it!! the nobodies are NOT controlled by the thirteennth order, the members of the thirteenth order ARE nobodies. they control the dusk, which are the white creatures. and mickey and Riku have not yet been confirmed to actually be in the thirteenth order, it is suspected they may be, but nomura said their connection with the order would be revealed when mickey removed his hood. and one last thing, don't call me kid.......![]()
They put in the wrong order: The Thirteenth Order control the Nobodies, who are born when someone with a strong heart become a Heartless...Sora: "The Thirteenth Order!"
Beast: "Who are they?"
Sora: "The Nobodies that are born when someone with a strong heart becomes a Heartless control (?) the Thirteenth Order."
WHOA!! My post number!!! I had more than 3000!!! Those filthy morrons!!!!innerdarkness said:no! they are saying that nobodies who had strong hearts are the ones that are in control!
I'm a year younger than you, I turn fifteen in less than two weeks.
Where is your proof that nomura said BHK ws the other side of sora? and if he had become a nobody wouldn't he be it? if he got his body back then the nobody that would have been made would dissapear. the nobody is the body and soul of it's previous host. when the heart is taken the heart becomes a heartless, the rest becomes the nobody. Sora got his body back so he can't be a nobody. you have ablutely no proof. all you do is listen to the absurb theories made by unreliable sources.
Ah you learned how to push the SHIFT button!! Now only the ENTER button and I can answer your questions.innerdarkness said:It's because you don't have any decent answers. If you had one then you would have said something.
I'm not gonna start reading that...Ok, so I had looked on Wikipedia again, and I was looking at the cast listing that they had said for KH2. (Excluding for now that they mentioned Yuna, and that made me wonder if she would be young or old, like tidus was young. Then that got me confused because Auron is old, in his FFX outfit and yet Tidus was young. So before my brain explodes on that one I'll stick to my point. ((Oh and I know that Wikipedia isn't a reliable source completely, but let's use it for my topic)) ) Cloud is in his AC outfit in KH2, right? Yes, we all know that. But when looking on Wikipedia, it said that the same guy who did the voice for Cloud in KH would be returning. And that's ok, I suppose. I mean, the guy didn't do too bad of a job, although it still made me want someone else to do it. But that made me think, "Wait, if he's gonna do it in KH2 in the FF7AC outfit, then will he be the actor in AC?" I mean, I guess he could be, but wouldn't THAT mean that for Sephiroth's voice in FF7AC, they would have to use LANCE BASS?!?!? God, I'm still ashamed to ever losing to that guy. Surely they wouldn't use him for AC, but doesn't that mean that they wouldn't have use that guy who did Cloud in KH for AC? I don't know, but all of these things just plain confuse me. That Square-Enix sure is a doozy of a company. Am I the only one who is confused on this, or can someone shed some light? Thanks
I can say the same about you now can I?innerdarkness said:Well if you didn't post insane theories and then get all ralled up when people shoot them down, acting like you have proof and are 100% right, then I wouldn't have to rant about your ignorance.
TheForgottenHeart said:I was looking up names and I really don't think these would b his name but i'm going by there meanings:
Mamoru - Guardian
Reiko- Gratitude
Kazou- Peace
Rin- Valiant
Isamu- Brave
Tomo- Friendly
Ryo- Good
Daichi-the earth
Keiko-adored one
Jiro-second male