KeybladeMaster1 said:Will every1 shut up? plz this is obviously startd by a n00b. bcuz any1 in there rite minds wud kno tht u cannot guess his name, okay it practically impossible, ok he has no name yet.
Maybe nomura san's reading all of the n00b threads and taking a poll and whichever name he sez ppl think it is thts ht hes gonna name himm.....pttf....NOT!!!!!!!!!
~~Holla Back~~
I guess I'm a n00b then......humph
Well maybe they don't have a name and if one of the Admin. reads and sends this, they'll pick out a name we'd suggested. Sora is sky.....Kai is has to be fire.......four elements: Wind *Sky* , Water, earth, fire.......I SAY IT"S KAJI!