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Aqua Chose Sora Theory

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Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Well, the Players in Chi also all have the same Keyblade (which is weird, it's definitely not your own Keyblade that represents your own heart) and they don't actually use that to attack, but external powers made in the future. If you don't equip medals, they always deal 1 and can't use a single skill.
I don't think we can use them as an example, I don't even think they are legit Keyblade wielders, more like a bunch of children forcefully made into Keyblade bearers by the Foretellers/MoM.
They are too abnormals to be a proof of anything.
Unless Ventus has some secret backstory, I think it's safe to say he had a Ceremony with Xehanort offscreen. I mean, I was his apprentice.

I find it funny people keep saying Sora it's a Keyblade candidate, when DDD basically screams at you he isn't.
"As if the Keyblade would choose you." - Braig
"I know the Keyblade didn't choose me, and I don't care" - Sora
"Yes. Tha dull, ordinary boy." - Master Xehanort

Sora it's not a Keyblade candidate. He's the underdog, the normal boy that will save everyone by doing things even better than a genius, that's obviously his thing. Nomura himself stated Sora was going to be the character that we the players could relate to the most. He is special by other means, like his ability to give everything a heart just like the children from the legend, but Keyblade speaking he's a candidate as much as Ursula.


Jul 7, 2016
Formerly Daybreak Town
Well, the Players in Chi also all have the same Keyblade (which is weird, it's definitely not your own Keyblade that represents your own heart) and they don't actually use that to attack, but external powers made in the future. If you don't equip medals, they always deal 1 and can't use a single skill.
I don't think we can use them as an example, I don't even think they are legit Keyblade wielders, more like a bunch of children forcefully made into Keyblade bearers by the Foretellers/MoM.
They are too abnormals to be a proof of anything.
Unless Ventus has some secret backstory, I think it's safe to say he had a Ceremony with Xehanort offscreen. I mean, I was his apprentice.

Can we get back on topic now?


Jul 7, 2016
Formerly Daybreak Town
Wait, you think the MoM is making Keyblades? Keyblades are artificially created (and I doubt that MoM is creating every keyblade).
What do you mean, he "copied" it? MoM is not a God or something (unless you mean, like, in the Book and stuff? I'm not sure)

I don't really have a clue myself anymore haha

I am talking about, using the Book to make many of the same Keyblade. The only ones he made true Keyblades for are the Foretellers, and perhaps after the Dandelions remade everything. The Realms began making Keyblades, and giving it to those it deems worthy. Unless after a while the Starlights began to develop their own traits?

But still, the MoM has shown some godly ability. Being able to create a whole new life form, and making copies of a magical book. As well as making a whole city (Unless Daybreak Town was already existing...)

Also, by the end of Season 2. I think the Daybreakers should get their own Keyblades!


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
There's hardly even a question that Aqua is a parallel to Sora more than Kairi.
If one gets out of the Naruto-ish "a woman can only be a parallel to another woman", it's pretty obvious:

The DDD glossaries mention twice that Aqua made (symbolically) with Sora what Terra made with Riku, appoint him as inheritor of her/his will; and the meeting itself was proof already.

Aqua and Kairi... Aqua never even wanted Kairi to get a Keyblade, she said she was someone needed of protection. The Ceremony was activated by chance, and Kingdom Hearts thaught me to look for what's really in one's heart.
So I weigh Aqua's intentions more than "who got the Keyblade".

I also made the semi-hilarious parallel that both Kairi and Ventus have a pure heart filled with Light, are used by a Xehanort as a vital keystone for his plan, and eventually drop into Sora's heart. So they should be put together.

(now THIS is the right thread. Answering Muke)
The way I see it, nearly everyone can be 'paralleled' with Aqua.
Even Riku -- In gameplay, he has many of her exclusive command styles and actions, and in storyline, he conquers his insecurities to become the only Keyblade master (so far) of his generation just as she did.

True, even though I see him more of a "successful" version of Terra now.
I wanna actually see his moveset now that we supposedly have more characters, with just him and Sora obviously the Osaka team wanted to recreate the BbS moves fro them, so they ended up putting multiple characters in one.


Nov 30, 2014
(now THIS is the right thread. Answering Muke)

True, even though I see him more of a "successful" version of Terra now.
I wanna actually see his moveset now that we supposedly have more characters, with just him and Sora obviously the Osaka team wanted to recreate the BbS moves fro them, so they ended up putting multiple characters in one.
I don't really think people should compare Terra and Riku, because they are vastly different.
Yes, they share the "same name" (Earth, Land) but other than that I see nothing the two share.

Yeah, both went a dark path, but people forget that Terra did it "willingly" (more or less), while Riku was forced/manipulated.
Don't quote me on the last part though


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
I don't really think people should compare Terra and Riku, because they are vastly different.
Yes, they share the "same name" (Earth, Land) but other than that I see nothing the two share.

Yeah, both went a dark path, but people forget that Terra did it "willingly" (more or less), while Riku was forced/manipulated.
Don't quote me on the last part though

That's the thing, that is their parallel.
The started almost the same, lusting for power initially with good intentions, then another entity made them steer off their paths. If Terra was willing, with who he believed was a wise Master constantly whispering sweet dark words at his ears, then surely Riku wasn't that forced. He too kept diving into the Darkness, pushed by jealousy and Maleficent/Ansem's advice.
He seemed more manipulated due to his young age, I believe. But they both were the strong, mature one of the trio that went of a dark path due to external influences and their inner doubts.

Then yes, Riku walks his own path and became what Terra hoped to be: someone who controlled the Darkness, a Master, a boy with an unbreakable will. The parallel ended, and Riku became a successful Terra.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
I wonder if Aqua is more like Sora than Kairi because Kairi simply has no relevant character development :)

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I wonder if Aqua is more like Sora than Kairi because Kairi simply has no relevant character development :)

No relevant character development yet... you see, Kingdom Hearts 3D's secret ending left us on a cliffhanger with Kairi. Clearly, Nomura is aware of Kairi's lack of spotlight in the series, and so, he's definitely going to do something about it in Kingdom Hearts III.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
No relevant character development yet... you see, Kingdom Hearts 3D's secret ending left us on a cliffhanger with Kairi. Clearly, Nomura is aware of Kairi's lack of spotlight in the series, and so, he's definitely going to do something about it in Kingdom Hearts III.

Your point?
That doesn't negate what I said at all. I simply stated that Aqua didn't have many possibilities to be more like Kairi than Sora up to this point.
And I'm actually betting that if we ever get to play as Kairi, she'll inherit some "Aqua-lines" in battle just like Riku inherited some Terra-lines just in case anyone had forgotten about their "kooool" connection.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
I wonder if Aqua is more like Sora than Kairi because Kairi simply has no relevant character development :)

Yeah, that was kinda the base for my half-joke "Kairi like Ventus"
It's difficult to build parallels around a character who's always in a coma or kidnapped. Or both.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Your point?
That doesn't negate what I said at all. I simply stated that Aqua didn't have many possibilities to be more like Kairi than Sora up to this point.
And I'm actually betting that if we ever get to play as Kairi, she'll inherit some "Aqua-lines" in battle just like Riku inherited some Terra-lines just in case anyone had forgotten about their "kooool" connection.

Your point about Kairi was that she had "No character development". That's far from the truth. It's been established that Kairi is a Princess of Heart, Sora's potential love interest, the somebody of Namine, the appearence that Xion was formed by, and a character that completes the Destiny Island trio. Sure, that's not much to go by in contrast to the other characters, however, that's development nevertheless.

And no, Kairi is Kairi. The only reason as to why Aqua is more like Sora than Kairi is to Sora is simply because Aqua's been playable in two separate Kingdom Hearts games whilst Aqua has been playable in none. Kairi isn't going to have Aqua parallels because there's no reason to. They've got two drastically different roles. One's a Princess of Heart and another is a Keyblade Master.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Yeah, that was kinda the base for my half-joke "Kairi like Ventus"
It's difficult to build parallels around a character who's always in a coma or kidnapped. Or both.

True, and even so I think for Ventus it's at least a little understandable. We didn't see much of him but BBS did at least show something.
Kairi on the other hand has been prominent in multiple games yet faild to develop character traits that don't revolve around Sora or her status as a PoH.

Your point about Kairi was that she had "No character development". That's far from the truth. It's been established that Kairi is a Princess of Heart, Sora's potential love interest, the somebody of Namine, the appearence that Xion was formed by, and a character that completes the Destiny Island trio. Sure, that's not much to go by in contrast to the other characters, however, that's development nevertheless.

That's barely more than stated facts. Being someones love interest or someones somebody...how is that development?
Besides, I said she had no RELEVANT development yet.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Your point about Kairi was that she had "No character development". That's far from the truth. It's been established that Kairi is a Princess of Heart, Sora's potential love interest, the somebody of Namine, the appearence that Xion was formed by, and a character that completes the Destiny Island trio. Sure, that's not much to go by in contrast to the other characters, however, that's development nevertheless.

No, that's actually not "development".
Those are just things she is.
It's like, I can introduce my own original character and spend half an hour naming its titles, like "King of the West" "Vanquisher of Toothbrushes" and so on, but that doesn't develop its character at all. They're just statements about it.


Nov 30, 2014
Kairi is a Princess of Heart, Sora's potential love interest, the somebody of Namine, the appearence that Xion was formed by, and a character that completes the Destiny Island trio.
And water is wet.

Everything you have stated are only facts, none of that is character development.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Not sure if I mentioned it already, but what I kinda loved about the BbS trio (other than their own merits that are unique to them), so how topsy turvey their parallel to the Destiny trio are.

I see Aqua's qualities in all three of the Destiny Trio. They hinted at she and Kairi being similar at the very beginning of BbS, mostly being watchful over her buds and never wanting to be apart. Making the wayfinders and teasing Ven about napping,. Kairi only made a wayfinder for Sora so the parallel is not 100%, which is fine, it's all about the implications.

Next, she kinda parallels Sora, chasing her friends into the darkest of depths (almost literally) to help them out and say "You're stupid! *voice crack*" The promise that Sora (didn't actually verbally agree to) to her was exactly what she wanted to do. Steer her friends off the dark path and keep them safe. Sora did that, he saved both of them and helped Riku off the dark path alone.

Lastly, as of DDD, she resembles Riku a little too. Like Aqua, Riku was the one that passed the test. Like Aqua, Riku jumped into the darkness to free its grip on Sora (and wake him up, though again, Aqua didn't succeed with this for Terra). It's kind of a small similarity, but still there none the less, which is why I kinda started this thread.

Had Riku not already been passed the power, are we positive that she would have chosen Sora? And what exactly made Terra choose Riku when it seems Sora had the same qualities?

(and I could go on about the parallels that Terra and Ven have to the trio, but that's for another day. I think we will see Kairi start to pick up qualities from the BbS trio just like Sora and Riku have.)


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
And water is wet.

Everything you have stated are only facts, none of that is character development.
This and that is what Nomura fails to realize, slapping on titles is not the same as character development.

She is the best friend of Riku and Sora, the most that ever got her were people fighting over her unconscious body and like two cutscenes dedicated to reminding us Riku and Kairi know each other. I mean I think Riku and Kairi have said like all of four sentences to one another across the 7 games. She also never got to leave on the raft but Sora and Riku did even though all three of them built it.

She is a princess of heart, great it was an excuse to make her a damsel in distress and when all the princesses of heart were free to work together to hold back the darkness guess which one princess didn't join in. It was Kairi, as soon as her title served the purpose of her being a damsel the plot basically ignored it from then on.

She he is a native of radiant garden with an actual on screen family member. What did that get her? Nothing she doesn't react or muse over the home she has been searching for. She doesn't get to speak with any of the inhabitants of Radiant Garden like the FF crew after she is with them. And her grandma's existence is for that single fairytale, serious that old woman's only appearance has been to tell that story.

She is the other half of Namine. Awesome unfortunately Namine and Kairi have near zero screen time together. They have no actual relationship, no conflict, no anything. Meanwhile Sora has not one but two fully fleshed out other halves in Roxas and Xion, even though they don't get much time to see or speak to him they have this entire lengthy arc each about finding their identity and how Sora affected them and how they affected Sora. Hell the series basically had ignored that Namine was inside Kairi and instead through heart BS she is in Sora in whatever way it actually matters. It's so telling when DDD says "hey we need to get all those guys Mickey found out about" and despite one of them being in Kairi she is the only one not summoned. It's not even like there was an excuse, Sora and Riku were being set back to zero with no more combat experience than Kairi. This would of been the perfect time to bring her up to speed but nope let's leave her completely out cause we can.

She is a keyblade wielder, oh lah Dee dah. Sora and Riku have this whole tug of war over the keyblade and this length arc about their own self worth and responsibility that is tied to to the keyblade. Roxas and Xion have huge identity crisis and self worth arcs all with big personal discovery because of their keyblades. Axel gets an entire friggen arc that spans across multiple games all of which he has major roles in and when he gets a keyblade its this huge symbol of rebirth, of him no longer fighting for his happiness but sharing the burden of his friends and fighting for them. But Kairi? She is just handed one literally the first time we she her keyblade it's in Riku's hands. After that no one questions or wonders what the heck is up with that, Kairi never summons the blade again and her optional dialogue makes it sound like she never had it, and hell even something as simple as joining in and opening that door to Xemnas she wasn't allowed to participate in. Oh and we can't forget Riku gets a keyblade from Terra because they are kindred spirits, Sora was recognized by Aqua as a perfect would-be apprentice, and gets this deep special bond with Ventus which is how he gains a second keyblade. But Kairi gets a blade by accident, while she is cowering in fear, and not even Master Aqua notices. It's so telling that Aqua and Terra talk about/consider/give Riku and Sora the power to protect themselves and others. While all Kairi gets is a spell to take her to others to be protected by.

She is Sora's special someone. Great that's net her numerous five second wordless cameos, multiple excuses for her to be ripped away/ignored/literally forgotten and replaced. She gets to play the role of a love interest who isn't allowed to be a love interest because the series tackles friendship and only friendship when it comes to the KH characters. There has been no development in this relationship, no expounding on what they actually like about one another, and next to no history between them shown. It's a hollow and stupid relationship that just highlights so hard on the issues with how they handled Kairi.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
They hinted at she and Kairi being similar at the very beginning of BbS, mostly being watchful over her buds and never wanting to be apart.

A bit of nitpicking, but Kairi never showed anything close to that. We assume that, but that's what it is: an assumption. If anything, she teases Sora to just take the raft for themselves and ditch Riku.
And later she actually doubts that things would ever be like before with Riku lost in the Darkness.

Had Riku not already been passed the power, are we positive that she would have chosen Sora? And what exactly made Terra choose Riku when it seems Sora had the same qualities?

Terra hardly even met Sora. Plus, I don't think he would've found him worthy: for the power-hungry, "I'm so strong I have to protect everyone" Terra, Sora would've passed for a normal kid in need of protection, kinda like Aqua with Kairi.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
A bit of nitpicking, but Kairi never showed anything close to that. We assume that, but that's what it is: an assumption. If anything, she teases Sora to just take the raft for themselves and ditch Riku.
And later she actually doubts that things would ever be like before with Riku lost in the Darkness.

I think enough evidence of this is shown (though this is why I mention she only made a charm for Sora). In KH2 when Riku tries to leave, she literally holds onto him and begs Sora to do something. Since we don't have much of Kairi so far, I'm willing to believe when faced with the actual realization that they'll be split up or separated, Kairi would care a lot about not being with her friends or them being in trouble, much like Aqua.

But I also think it's clear while Aqua doesn't really show favoritism towards Terra or Ven's friendship, Kairi seems to care a lot more about Sora than she does Riku. On purpose, or on accident? I don't know, but out of the three, Kairi's parallels to Aqua are not as strong or obvious.

Terra hardly even met Sora. Plus, I don't think he would've found him worthy: for the power-hungry, "I'm so strong I have to protect everyone" Terra, Sora would've passed for a normal kid in need of protection, kinda like Aqua with Kairi.

I mean, he hardly met Riku either before he gained an unusual amount of interest in him. He completely ignored Sora in fact, like his eyes zoomed in on Riku and nothing else. He didn't even turn around to greet a curious Sora, he only turned when Riku walked by.

So I guess Terra found Riku to be a kindred soul... even without speaking to him.


eien no chikai
Mar 3, 2015
So I guess Terra found Riku to be a kindred soul... even without speaking to him.

Could be, but I somehow feel that, knowing Terra, he just felt that Riku was stronger and that's all. He would probably value different kind of strength than Aqua, and notice Riku's power over Sora's welcoming and all-loving heart.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Terra felt a strong light coming from Riku. That's what guided him to the Destiny Islands in the first place. I'd say that's the main reason choosing Sora wasn't an option. Terra would've never found them if it hadn't been for Riku.
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