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Fanfiction ► *~Accidentally In Love~*

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Good chapter!
Gem:I see that evil squid is back.
Thea:Don't you mean,"Octupos,"?
Gem:...Shut up >.<
Oh yeah, I'll only be here for awhile!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Thanks to PoL nagging at me...>_>...I bring you...<_< >_>

Me, Sora, Aozora:*large explosions* UPDATEDNESS!! \ (^o^) /

Kaze:*toots a horn* Yayness. >_>

~Sora's PoV~

{There is no way I'm letting that b*tch manipulate Ariel again!!! >_<} I swam quickly inside the cavern and rammed Ursula into the wall, gaining a gasp from Ariel. "Don't trust her!! She'll just go back on her word like last time!! Either that or-" I was interupted by Ursula's tenticles that wrapped themselves around me. {GET OFF ME!! >_<} One rested over my mouth, not letting me talk and another was wrapped around my arms. {...Maybe I shouldn't have rammed her into the wall....-_-;}

((Author's Note: Attention Sora Fangirls!!!!..........DON'T KILL ME!!! >_< *cowers*))

Megan, Kaze, Goofy, and Donald all got their weapons out and Ursula shook a finger at them. "Don't interfer or there'll be one less Keyblade Master in the universe." {I DON'T WANNA DIE!!! I'M SORRY I KILLED YOU!! DON'T HURT ME!! >_<} Ursula squeezed me harder for emphasis. {YOU QUIT THAT!! >_<} The Sea-Witch turned back to Ariel,"Now where were we?"

~Megan's PoV~

Sora, to say the least, looked pissed. Either that or scared. {-_-;} Ursula said,"Of coarse!! Now we have to talk about a fee." Ariel said,"But I don't have any-" She was interupted by the Sea-Witch,"I'm not asking much. Just a token, really. You'll hardly even miss it!! What I want from you is-"{Here it comes...>_>}-your voice."

Ariel delicately touched her throat,"M-my voice?" Ursula fiddled with a potion bottle,"You got it, sweet cakes." {o_O} Ariel protested,"But...with out my voice, how can I-" Ursula tossed the bottle into her cauldron,"You'll have your looks!! Your pretty face!!! And DON'T underestimate the importance of BODY LANGUAGE!!!" {.....EW!!!....>_<}

Ursula threw random bottles over her head and into the cauldron. One hit Sora upside the head. {XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD}

~Sora's PoV~

{OWCHIES!!! >_<}

~Megan's PoV~

The cauldron now glowed different colors and Ursula chanted some kind of spell. {Craaaaaaap.....>_<} The two golden, glowing hands snaked out of the cauldron. {NO!!! I can't let her get Ariel's voice!! OR ELSE WE'RE MORE SCREWED THAN USUAL!!! >_<} Ursula instructed,"Now...SING!!" I signaled to Ariel not to say anything. She looked at me confusedly but still obliged. {Alright stupid hands!! You want a voice? You got one!!} I opened my mouth and sang.

Me: DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! The plot thickens!!

Sora: WITH HAIR!! ^_^

Aozora & Kaze: -_-;...

Me:*cowers from the Sora Fangirls that are going to flame her* >_<


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
grrrrrr........grrrrr...GRRRRRRRR! I aint mad at K_K but I am througholy pissed with that sea cow! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN B*TCH AND SELL YOUR TENTACLES TO RED LOBSTER! I WILL TACK YOUR HIDE UP ON MY WALL! AND NOW I AM GOING TO BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA HER ON KH WITH A BIG KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hmmmmph -___- at least Eric kills her with a freakin boat. Odd she cnat be killed with anything....but then a boat is her undoing. It really annoys me. Those villanas flal in to the smokey sparkly clouds bUT DOES ANYONE EVER GO DOWN THERE TO CHECK IF THEYRE DEAD!!!?

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Me: Yeah! Chapter!
Jake: Yeah! Waffles!
Me: You're allergic to eggs....
Jake: I am not! *choking on waffles* I'm.. dying... save me....
Me: Don't think so. *whistles and walks away*
Jake: I feel all better now... more waffles!
Ebony: Idiot...
Me: GO AWAY! >_<
Me: Hey... I didn't talk to myself this time...
ME: Awesomeness!
Me: D'oh.. >_<

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Roaricki: *looks up from notepad, wearing glasses* Those were some good chaptersm Megan. I really liked them. But, some parts I just don't understand.

Sarbis: *whispers to Megan* Which are all of the funny parts!

Roaricki: *not hearing Sarabis* Anyways, I like to give compliments where they deserve to be, so those were some good chapters.

Sora: Hey! Then why do you never compliment me?!!!! o_O

Roaricki: *irritated* Do I really have to answer that? -_-

Sora: Hmph *goes over to Kaze* I don't understand it. Why's he always so monotone and irritated? And bossy too! Gosh, he's a lot of bad things rolled up into one big furry mess!

Roaricki: *fuming* I heard that!

Sarabis: *makes a clipboard appear, and he starts to take notes* Hmmm, that's odd. Normally you would chase after Sora and crush him into the puny, pathetic golb of goo he is..... Any comments?

Roaricki: For your information, the reason I didn't chase after Sora, or give Megan all the compliments she deserves, is because I'm helping KC write the next chapter to my fic, Their Story. *adjusts his spectacles, and goes back to writing*

Sarabis: *hands on hips* It's not just your fic! I play an important part in it too!

Sora: Hey yeah! And I'm the main character!

Roaricki: Quiet, everybody! I know you're all big fans, but I can't be disturbed right now. A master is at work.

Sarabis & Sora: -_-.............................



May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Quit nagging at me, everyone!!!! >_<

Sora: And quit spamming up her thread!! >_>

Kaze:*could care less*...........>_>

Aozora:.......UPDATEDNESS!!! \ (^o^) /

Ursula was too busy laughing maniacally to relize she was getting the wrong voice. And since my singing voice sorta sounded like Ariel's,((AN: It's true!!! >_<)) no one knew. {I think....o_O} The glowing hands mistook my voice for Ariel's and entered my throat. {O_O} They came back out holding a bright, fire-red and icy-blue light. {NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! >_<} Ariel was enclosed in a large orange bubble of magic, and her fins split into legs. {......Donald could've done that for free.....XDDD}

Ariel, no longer a mermaid, drowned in the waters. Ursula finally released Sora and we all swam to the surface. But not before Sora slapped the Sea-COW with his fin. The swim seemed to last forever, but we finally broke the sufrace. {.....How long has this town been here..? o_O} Donald changed us all back to our human forms and I sat on the beach, wringing out my hair. I watched Ariel have the time of her life, marveling at her new legs.

I heard a voice from above. "Well, look what the catfish dragged in!!" {Oh, God, no....-_-;} Scuttle the seagull landed next to Ariel, Sebastion, and Flounder. He gestured to Ariel,"Look at 'ya!! Look at 'ya!!.....There's somethin' different about 'ya!!" Ariel was about to say something, but Scuttle interuppted her,"No, wait. Don't tell me.......Uhhh....new...hairdo? You've been usin' the dinglehopper, right?" Ariel shook her head "No". {>_>}

Scuttle said,"No? Okay....ummm....new seashells?..." Ariel gave him "the look". "No new seashells,"he came to rest on Ariel's new legs,"well I can't see it right now but maybe if I just stand here long enough-" "SHE'S GOT LEGS, YOU IDIOT,"Sebastion exclaimed,"She traded her voice to the Sea-Witch and gots legs. Jeez, man!!" Ariel said."Well....actually....I still have my voice..." Sora looked at her in confusion. "But.....you have legs.....o_O" Kaze said,"Maybe Ursula got the wrong voice...." Goofy mused,"Garsh....but who's?"

Sora glanced at me and his eyes widened. "Megan.....you haven't said a word since we changed back...." Everyone looked at me. I looked at the ground. {V_V} Sora went over to me,"You didn't?!?" I smiled sheepishly at him. He glared at me,"You did, didn't you?!?! YOU IDIOT!!! >_<" { Takes one to know one, Sora...>_>} I traced my finger through the sand and wrote that in the sand.

He glared at me. I wrote,[How do we get my voice back?] Ariel suggested,"Maybe Eric still has to kiss me..." I wrote,[You wish...>_>] Ariel retorted,"That was the original deal!" I now wrote, [What'll happen when Ursula finds out? o_O] Sora glared at the ocean,"She'll be pissed. -_-;"

Sora, Kaze, Aozora:*throwing a "YAY, K_K CAN'T TALK!!" party* WOOOOOOO!!! \ (^o^) /

Me:.....*hits them with One-Winged Angel* >_>
Last edited:


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Alright, I think I've tortured you all enough.......

Me, Sora, Aozora: YAY, UPDATEDNESS!!! \ (^o^) /

Kaze:*waves flag, blowing horn* Yay. T_T

I now wrote in the sand [At least it'll be easier for Ariel to kiss Eric. Good thing she saved him during that storm...] Ariel laughed nervously,"Ummm....actually....I didn't save him from anything.....the storm subsided before anything bad happened." My jaw dropped and I tried to shout,"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU "didn't save him"?!?!? HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO RECONIZE YOU NOW!!! I LOST MY VOICE FOR NO REASON?!? >_<" They all stared at me. Sora said,"Ummm.....can you repeat that?....Or write it down?" My left eye twitched.

~~~~Meanwhile, in Ursula's Grotto~~~~

Ursula has been laughing maniacally ever since our "heroes" left. Her eels came up to her slowly. "Ummm.....We've got some good news.....and some bad news..." Ursula glared at them,"What?...... " They hesitated,"Well......you kinda.....sorta....got the wrong voice..." Ursula blinked several times,"Who's voice is this, then?" She held up the golden seashell pendent around her neck. "It sure sounds like the princesses'..." Flotsam and Jetsam shrugged,"That was the bad news. The good news is we just saved a bunch of money on Evil Insurance by switching to Geico!!" "....." ((haha just kidding!! XDDD)) "The good news is the voice you have now belongs a a Keyblade Master." "How is that good?" "Ummmm....I dunno...we thought you would like that...." "......."

~~~~Back at the beach thingy-majiger~~~~

I had written my outburst in the sand and now everyone was reading it. {>_>} Sora smiled at me,"Yeah. You lost your voice for NO REASON!!! ^_^" "....." {T_T} Ariel said,"Well......I can always just talk to him, get to know him.....an' stuff...." My left eye twitched at the word "talk". {>_>} I heard a dog barking a little way away. {Way away, away from here I'll be!!! ^_^....*cough* Sorry....-_-;}

Scuttle said,"Alright, Ariel, if ya' wanna be human, ya' gotta dress like one." He picked a nearby sail. {......} Ariel put it on as best she could. In a few moments, a large dog came bounding around the corner, followed by what I assumed to be the Prince Eric. Ariel climbed on a large rock to escape the hyperactive canine and I looked on with interest.

Eric calmed Max(the dog, people!! >_>). "Max?! What wrong?" He spotted Ariel. "Ohh....I see." He walked over to her and Ariel smiled at him. "Sorry if this rascal scared you, he's harmless, really." Ariel nodded, pretending to listen. But I could tell she was just staring at him longingly. {>_>} Eric continued,"So.....have you just recently come here?" Ariel hesitated,"Umm...yea...you could say that....we..washed up from a shipwreck.....uhhh....YEA!!" All the rest of us nodded in agreement.

Eric said,"Ohhh....well should get you all cleaned up, right?" I nodded happily. Ariel said,"That would be great, thanks!" Eric guided Ariel towards his castle and Sora, Kaze, Donald, Goofly and me all followed.
Sora: YES!!! Were gonna get the star treatment!! ^_^

Aozora:...I'm not....I'm not even in this story...*glares at me* >_>

Me:*smiles sheepishly*....<_< >_>

Kaze:......We all need therapy....-_-;


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Me: Oops hehe:D . oowit oowit. Updatednessism
Pop and lock. Worm Snake
Boukon: Don't mind him, he's stoopid. He even spelled it wrong.
Me: Back up son, you don't know me like that. [dances] You got served.
Boukon: Excuse us, I gotta beat his @$$. [drags me off screen]
[Ouchies are heard]
Boukon: [comes back on screen] Like the chap K_K its.... good.


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Someone's a stalker.
Me: good chaptterrrr megan *twitch twitch*

Patch: she's till a bit shocked from yesterday... at least I dont have kids!

Lucky: you probably shouldn't have said that.

Patch: yes i just realized that now... >_<


Me:I just got back! Bad chapters since you lost your voice! T_T But besides that, good! =^_^=
Gem:*eats popcorn*this should be interesting since Ariel can now talk!
Thea:.. where did you get popcorn?
Gem:umm...*hides it behind her back*No where paticulare!
Thea:...-_- first off, you spelled the last word wrong and how come I see someone yelling at you something about stealing his popcorn-_-
Gem:Oh crap, RUN!
me:ACK!... You say alot of foul language alot, you know?


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me, Sora, Aozora: YAY, UPDATEDNESS!!! \ (^o^) /

Kaze: Woot. >_>

~Megan's PoV~

We followed Eric to his castle, and when we entered, we were surrounded by 20-somethin' sevants. {Oh right....Star Treatment!! ^_^} Eric said,"Can you get these kids cleaned up?" Donald and Goofy were still on the beach. They were "patrolling" for Ursula. Some female maids led us up a long flight of stairs. And some male servants took Sora and Kaze up the opposite flight of stairs.

We reached our destination and soon Ariel and I found ourselves in a huge bath tub, filled to the brim with warm water. As Ariel discovered soap bubbles, I sunk myself deeper into the water, untill my chin rested on the surface of the water. {I can't wait to kick that sea-cow's @$$....REVENGE!! REEEEEVENGE!!! >_<} After my oh-so-wonderful bath Ariel and I got some clean clothes.

They gave Ariel the pink and white dress she wore in the movie. I reluctantly wore a dress that looked exactly like Ariel's, except everythaing that was pink on her's was baby blue on mine. {Meh....I'll live...>_>}The servants led us to the dining room, where all the guys were waiting. Ariel went in first followed by me. {I'm going to trip in these shoes........and if I don't, I'm definatly going to trip on this dress....-_-;}

~Kaze's PoV~*maniacal laughter*

Arms crossed I stood next to Sora. Eric had said that we can't sit untill the girls got here. {Well they need to HURRY UP!!! >_<} Ariel finally entered and I sighed with relief. I began to sit down but Eric grabbed my shoulder. "Ladies first." My left eye twitched and I waited again. That's when I saw Megan. {Why is she wearing a dress?....Her hair's down....for once...o_O..... *drool* CRAP!! I did it again, didn't I?!?! >_<}

Megan sat down and scowled. She was obviously HATING that dress. I sat on her right and Sora sat on her left. Eric gawked at Ariel and ummm...wht was his name again..?.....GRIMSBY!! yeah....He said,"Oh, Eric, isn't she a vision?" Eric was shook out of his own little world. "You look lovely." Ariel said,"Thank you."
Grismby helped Ariel to her seat,"Now take a seat, you must be famished." {No sh*t, Sherlock....>_>}

Eric pulled out her chair and Ariel delicatly sat in it. I watched Ariel pick up a fork and brush her hair with it. {o_O} We all gave her weird looks. She saw us and quickly put the fork down.
((I'll finish later))


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
oooohhhh. BATHTIME [runs around.]
Lovezh da chapsh

Boukon: Doesn't she look amazing in that dress?
Sora: I wouldn't know, dude, stop looking at my sister!
Boukon: [sigh...drool...wakes up] MWAHAHAHAA!! Look at that dress! [points to K_K]
Riku: [runs in. Looks left looks right] You guys didn't see me!
Sora: What was that all about?
Larxene is trying to hold Axel back
Larxene: I'm sorry, It was a long time ago! We we separated!
Axel: Let me go woman! I promise I won't hurt him [crosses figers]
Larxene: I can see you crossing your fingers.
K_K smacks Boukon: Keep the eyes above the neck!!:mad:
Sora stands up: I finally know who's in love!.... It's Riku!
Axel: You really are clueless aren't you.
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