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About Kairi’s future role in the series



Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I'm sorry, but that really sounds like a pessimistic way of looking at it. So what if Aqua is 'the most popular female character', she still has faults, training Kairi is no way drags her down whatsoever.
I don't agree that Aqua has faults that need to be improved on... At least, not any more than all the non-Sora characters who act like they're in an anime? Part of what makes Aqua likable to me is that she's reserved and serene. I don't want Aqua to giggle and act flirtatious all the time the way Kairi does. I think the only thing that could be improved is the voice acting, but that's a flaw most of the characters have these days to the point I blame the direction more than anything else.

As an aside since I'm already in the Kairi thread, just wanted to say, having watched MoM's ending story content the other day, that I think Stoner has improved in her performance of Kairi versus KH3.
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Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
The issue with Kairi that MoM brought up was done with a single line: "you need to complete your training". It would have been accepted and believable that Kairi's training in The Secret Forest was enough and she was a competent keyblade wielder. They were going in the right direction having Master Xehanort acknowledge her skills in MoM.

Now Kairi's been backtracked to once again have "training". Fine. But either it happens off screen and when she returns she is confirmed to be "trained" and gets to have an adventure/be playable for a game OR there is heavy focus on the training (it's a game that you play as Kairi).

See, they could have easily written Riku into Quadratum alone WITHOUT belittling Kairi. They could have had the portal appear and Riku just sucked in and then it closes or anything that would send him alone. But MoM went out of its way to weaken Kairi. I like Kairi training under Aqua, but after what MoM did to set her back... they NEED to show Kairi training and/or going to find Sora and Riku. Kairi can't be offscreen anymore otherwise I will start to believe that Nomura is intentionally treated her like garbage.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
But yeah I've been wanting Kairi to team up with Pluto(or Minnie and Daisy) for so long.
The Days manga had some adorable scenes of Xion with Pluto, we need some of that in the games. Think Pluto could help Kairi through the upcoming training/adventures? Like a Jiminy role, non-violent support. Maybe even sniff out the occasional clue.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
The Days manga had some adorable scenes of Xion with Pluto, we need some of that in the games. Think Pluto could help Kairi through the upcoming training/adventures? Like a Jiminy role, non-violent support. Maybe even sniff out the occasional clue.
Kairi definitely needs some DISNEY companions. I don't think she's ever interacted with DISNEY characters besides Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. I'm trying to recall if she was with the other Princesses of Heart at Hollow Bastion when they were holding back darkness - but I'm drawing a blank.

I really wish Kairi would visit Agrabah, NeverLand, Atlantica, Halloween Town, Castle of Dreams, Land of Dragons, and Corona so that we can see her interaction with those characters. I feel like Sora really befriended them (minus Cinderella) and it'd be nice to see them acknowledge Kairi as the girl Sora was so focused on finding. For Cinderella, I think Kairi should interact with a Princess of Heart (I know there's Jasmine) and also it'd be a great opportunity to do A Twist In Time's storyline.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
Kairi definitely needs some DISNEY companions. I don't think she's ever interacted with DISNEY characters besides Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. I'm trying to recall if she was with the other Princesses of Heart at Hollow Bastion when they were holding back darkness - but I'm drawing a blank.
I think we're due for a Disney Town/Castle revisit. Imagine how bigger and better it could be made for a PS5 game. If stuff like Gizmo Gallery or time travel into other toons are expanded upon it could even work as a hub world that needs several visits to finish. Kairi would probably really enjoy interacting with Horace Horsecollar and the rest, I think that's the perfect world for her. We'd also get to see Aqua being able to leisurely interact with the cast of townies now that she's not in a rush to find Terra. ...but a new world theme, please! I usually mute the tv when Mickey Mouse March comes on.


Active member
Feb 10, 2018
Now Kairi's been backtracked to once again have "training". Fine. But either it happens off screen and when she returns she is confirmed to be "trained" and gets to have an adventure/be playable for a game OR there is heavy focus on the training (it's a game that you play as Kairi).
This is the worst kind of the story-process that you can give to any character. If all the character development happens off-screen. This is just lazy writing in my eyes and will show me that Nomura really has no clue what to do with Kairi.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I think we're due for a Disney Town/Castle revisit. Imagine how bigger and better it could be made for a PS5 game. If stuff like Gizmo Gallery or time travel into other toons are expanded upon it could even work as a hub world that needs several visits to finish. Kairi would probably really enjoy interacting with Horace Horsecollar and the rest, I think that's the perfect world for her. We'd also get to see Aqua being able to leisurely interact with the cast of townies now that she's not in a rush to find Terra. ...but a new world theme, please! I usually mute the tv when Mickey Mouse March comes on.
If they ever bring back Disney Town as an actual world to explore, I agree, they need to get rid of that theme or fix it. I mute my TV after 5 minutes of being in Disney Town. I think there would be an interesting hub world for Kairi. The game can probably start off there, like Traverse Town in KH1. The first boss can be Pete.
This is the worst kind of the story-process that you can give to any character. If all the character development happens off-screen. This is just lazy writing in my eyes and will show me that Nomura really has no clue what to do with Kairi.
I meant that Kairi's game starts with her final test or whatever, then Aqua says "your training is complete" and then Kairi moves on with her adventure. Unless her adventure IS the training, I don't really see the point of actually seeing Kairi fight orbs of light or those spinning things from Land of Departure in BbS. I wouldn't mind seeing her actually train as cutscenes in some other game, but I would rather get a game with Kairi that will confirm she is trained and let her actually be used. If they just say "Kairi's trained" and then never do anything with her, that would be horrible.


i remember the OLD khinsider
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
If Aqua is someone Kairi goes to for advice and combat tips as her master while she's actually on an adventure and doing things, I'm cool with it. If it's the more likely case that Kairi is put in a box with Aqua so they can both do nothing while other characters get shine, then it's dick.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Something just came to me. Aqua can give Kairi something to really set her apart from Sora/Riku: Kairi can get armor. Do you think that would be cool? ONCE IT'S NOT PINK. I would like to see something either white/dark purple or red.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
If you needed another sign of how much they dropped the ball with her: Pluto's the closest thing she's got to a Disney companion & the mutt wasn't even in KH3.

I think Kairi and Pluto would make for a fun character dynamic should Kairi have a leading or co-star role for a Kingdom Hearts entry that features her.


Active member
Aug 1, 2016
Something just came to me. Aqua can give Kairi something to really set her apart from Sora/Riku: Kairi can get armor. Do you think that would be cool? ONCE IT'S NOT PINK. I would like to see something either white/dark purple or red.
Actually instead of an armor I rather she gets her own fighting stance and maybe also new keyblade, and tbh maybe it’s just me but... keyblade armor doesn’t really suit kairi, since the current Kairi gives me a princess vibe type of character.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
I'm not big on Kairi getting Keyblade Armor, but with her studying under Aqua it would make sense. Personally I'd just like to see her develop more signature moves and maybe get a form of her own (Light Form?).

While I would like her relationship with Pluto to be expanded, but I don't think he alone would make for a good travel companion. I could see her and Daisy making an interesting duo, with Daisy's more abrasive personality contrasting Kairi's current more mild and friendly personality. Could be a way to reemphasize Kairi's spunky side, which has gone forgotten outside of the manga.