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A Detailed Look and Analysis of MX's Power..

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Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
Most likely, except DS splitting from MX is most likely symbolism...

I wouldn't say we know that it becomes KH, as it could just as easily be summoning it...

I don't know... =/
It's possible, but if anything, I think he would have to do it manually, similar to how Xehanort collapsed the hearts of his subjects...

Except then it lacks what makes Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts: hearts...
If it's composed of just the darkness from people's hearts, it'd be a Kingdom Darkness, not hearts... =/

Like I said, without hearts, it really wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts...

As I said before, I don't know about MX being able to just pluck the darkness from someone's heart...


Like I said... =d

Well, since it has been said that those with yellow eyes are close to darkness, I'm sure he does...
If I had to guess, I'd say his Fatal Mode is closely connected to that darkness...

Hmm... I don't know about manipulating, but I have always thought MX gave Terra the power of darkness (his mistake?)...

I suppose it's possible, but I'm still thinking he's an unbirth...

Like I said at the begining, DS coming from within MX is most likely symbolism...

Well, there's nothing to dis/prove it...
But, like you said, it could be possible, but I doubt it's very likely...

All in all, not much can be proven or disproven, though logic does point out the unlikeliness of some things...

i hadnt even thought if the kingdom darkness type thing (neededing hearts for a kh - lol i have no idea how i completely disregarded that) .. so i guess your right .. lol this is why i asked youre opinion, youre able to point out the things i dont think of ..

..either way though it's ture that nothing can really be proven or disproven - thanks for the insight tho, i appreciate it

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Overall good theory, well thought with refreshing ideas. Omni pointed the issues, but I still think a "Kingdom darkness" is somehow possible, but don't know much for that one...
Also, I like a lot DS being MX's Darkness. I already theorized DS being kind of MX's Heartless (not a heartless but a being near of it) and it's actually what looks like making most sense I'd say.

Still, two point in the theory that I kinda disagree with, even though they're possible.

About MX being kinda obsessed toward Darkness and having power to control Darkness of the others... While I don't doubt of his control on Darkness, I think of MX more as a "Twilight" person... We had Ansem in the style obsessed by Darkness, and I imagine MX wouldn't be a repeat of Ansem on the ideological point of view... MX looks like one of the smarter and most knowledgeable character from KH also, and if he really is smart, I like to think he realized that Darkness are not the best subject of experiment, Darkness and Light together are...

The second point is about MX seeking more power to become invincible. While it's possible, I think MX is not interested much by this, for the reason that he is already nearly invincible. He is, actually, the most powerful characters having appeared in KH, wanting more power at his state would be... deceiving. I like to think there's more meaning behind his action.
I prefer to think he search immortality rather than power (because MX possibly is arriving in end of life and he fear to die) or even to change the world to what he considers to be better, and for this he needs KH power... Or even him not being evil, but the only reason as to why he looks "evil" is because his viewpoint are way different than those of Aqua & co, added to a sadistic side.


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
Overall good theory, well thought with refreshing ideas. Omni pointed the issues, but I still think a "Kingdom darkness" is somehow possible, but don't know much for that one...
Also, I like a lot DS being MX's Darkness. I already theorized DS being kind of MX's Heartless (not a heartless but a being near of it) and it's actually what looks like making most sense I'd say.

Still, two point in the theory that I kinda disagree with, even though they're possible.

About MX being kinda obsessed toward Darkness and having power to control Darkness of the others... While I don't doubt of his control on Darkness, I think of MX more as a "Twilight" person... We had Ansem in the style obsessed by Darkness, and I imagine MX wouldn't be a repeat of Ansem on the ideological point of view... MX looks like one of the smarter and most knowledgeable character from KH also, and if he really is smart, I like to think he realized that Darkness are not the best subject of experiment, Darkness and Light together are...

thats a good point .. however i think theres a possibility that darkness allows for more power than light (at least a different or more vast kind of power) .. and id like to point out that since its VERY likely MX will probly play a role in the present xehanorts creation ... it would make sense that MASTER XEHANORTS's original obsession of darkness would be passed on to present xehanort which it is (we see that in his study of the heart and darkness - as well as be passed on the xehanort's heartless - Ansem .. i think it is becuase of MX that ansem gets that obsession to begin with ..

either way tho .. i think you draw a good point about mX realizing the key to the most power would be a balance between light and dark

The second point is about MX seeking more power to become invincible. While it's possible, I think MX is not interested much by this, for the reason that he is already nearly invincible. He is, actually, the most powerful characters having appeared in KH, wanting more power at his state would be... deceiving. I like to think there's more meaning behind his action.

i dont think he is .. otherwise i dont think he would bother toying with aqua terra and ven .. i think he knows they pose a threat and does it as a means to make sure he can become invincible .. despite the fact taht hes clearly stronger than all of them

I prefer to think he search immortality rather than power (because MX possibly is arriving in end of life and he fear to die) or even to change the world to what he considers to be better, and for this he needs KH power... Or even him not being evil, but the only reason as to why he looks "evil" is because his viewpoint are way different than those of Aqua & co, added to a sadistic side.

lol you kinda contradicted yourself here .. with immortality he WOULD be invincible .. hence thats what hes striving for .. lol ...but i can agree to that last point .. whats evil to one person may not be evil to another .. its all a matter of perspective ..

and id also like to point out my point about the darkness - he clearly uses it to summon and/or manifest his KH .. whether that KH is made from it or not ..light cannot do the things that darkness can in the sense of power .. looking at all who are really strong with it .. Sora .. most importantly the princess of heart .. it doesnt actually give you the ability to do powerful things .. whereas darkness does - we see this through the progression of things that riku comes to do in KH1 .. such as the dark aura etc ..

so regardless of how MX views light ..i think that in order to obtain the goals he wants .. he uses darkness and his abilities given from it in order to reach them .. which kind of goes back to what you said above (best power coming from a balance between light and dark) .. i simple think darkness helps in a manner that light cannot

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
and id like to point out that since its VERY likely MX will probly play a role in the present xehanorts creation ... it would make sense that MASTER XEHANORTS's original obsession of darkness would be passed on to present xehanort which it is (we see that in his study of the heart and darkness - as well as be passed on the xehanort's heartless - Ansem .. i think it is becuase of MX that ansem gets that obsession to begin with ..

I think that's true. But considering MX's age, I think this obsession would have been when he was younger, since by being old he is sensed to be wiser, and I think it says people having amnesia have more tendency to remember things of when they were young, so it'd fit.

i dont think he is .. otherwise i dont think he would bother toying with aqua terra and ven .. i think he knows they pose a threat and does it as a means to make sure he can become invincible .. despite the fact taht hes clearly stronger than all of them

I don't think they're near of being a threat for him. If they became in some years Master and very skilled, then maybe. I think he is toying with them either because he has a sadistic/bored side and have fun looking them trying to get out of trouble, or because he manipulates them.
At the end, they fulfilled their purpose and MX dispose of them while allowing them to admire what they helped him to accomplish.

lol you kinda contradicted yourself here .. with immortality he WOULD be invincible .. hence thats what hes striving for .. lol ...but i can agree to that last point .. whats evil to one person may not be evil to another .. its all a matter of perspective ..

That's true, but in that case he'd be getting power for becoming immortal, and not for being invincible (what he already is I'd say). Someone invincible by definition cannot be harmed/killed by something exterior to himself, meaning dying by age is unavoidable even in being invincible... Immortality is not a condition to be invincible, it add a degree to the invincibility though.

and id also like to point out my point about the darkness - he clearly uses it to summon and/or manifest his KH .. whether that KH is made from it or not ..light cannot do the things that darkness can in the sense of power .. looking at all who are really strong with it .. Sora .. most importantly the princess of heart .. it doesnt actually give you the ability to do powerful things .. whereas darkness does - we see this through the progression of things that riku comes to do in KH1 .. such as the dark aura etc ..

so regardless of how MX views light ..i think that in order to obtain the goals he wants .. he uses darkness and his abilities given from it in order to reach them .. which kind of goes back to what you said above (best power coming from a balance between light and dark) .. i simple think darkness helps in a manner that light cannot

Well, there's indeed things that Darkness can do while Light can't (and it's also true the other way around), but I wouldn't go until saying it doesn't give the ability to do powerful thing. Let's take as example Holy, the spell is quite powerful and can be done by Minnie. Now, if Minnie can do this, then someone as MX with a Keyblade could do some horrible things using Light I think.


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
I think that's true. But considering MX's age, I think this obsession would have been when he was younger, since by being old he is sensed to be wiser, and I think it says people having amnesia have more tendency to remember things of when they were young, so it'd fit.

lol i agree i guess - either way, i think theres no denying that Present-Xehanort and Ansem's obsession with darkness most definitely stems from Master Xehanort himself

I don't think they're near of being a threat for him. If they became in some years Master and very skilled, then maybe. I think he is toying with them either because he has a sadistic/bored side and have fun looking them trying to get out of trouble, or because he manipulates them.
At the end, they fulfilled their purpose and MX dispose of them while allowing them to admire what they helped him to accomplish.

well this has yet to be seen .. we dont know the full extent of TAV's power (though i think its safe to assume that aqua and ven's are pretty feeble (as shown by the fm+ secret ending)) ..terra in the other hand is questionable .. i still think that in that secret ending ..terra was beginning some form of a "transformation" and that the extent of his true power has yet to be shown ..you may think what you want about this but i think there is more than enough evidence to prove that terra has been tainted by darkness (whether because of Mx's manipulation or not) and that he can uses its more to do a few thinks . . (winks haha)

but IF Mx were to dispose of them all .. he managed to dispose of himself in the process - which makes me believe happened as a result of something TAV possibly even mixckey had done - because why would he dispose of himself, lol he wouldnt?! ..i aslo dont think they admire MX very much or will ever come to - especially the things that he accomplishes

and finally i dont think hed bother toying with them for fun or boredom .. hes probly on the verge of immortality and i think that he would be wise enough to make sure that happens and not jeopardize it purely because of fun ..

That's true, but in that case he'd be getting power for becoming immortal, and not for being invincible (what he already is I'd say). Someone invincible by definition cannot be harmed/killed by something exterior to himself, meaning dying by age is unavoidable even in being invincible... Immortality is not a condition to be invincible, it add a degree to the invincibility though.

if you cannot no die, you are immortal .. that means that no matter what happens to him - enemy's trying to harm him, age catchin up - whatever the case may be .. it will not affect him .. that to me is the same as being invincible - nothing can harm him .. if you cannot die you are invcincible .. simple as that

i think me and you wont get anywhere with this tho because i believe them to be the same thing while you dont appear to ..

Well, there's indeed things that Darkness can do while Light can't (and it's also true the other way around), but I wouldn't go until saying it doesn't give the ability to do powerful thing. Let's take as example Holy, the spell is quite powerful and can be done by Minnie. Now, if Minnie can do this, then someone as MX with a Keyblade could do some horrible things using Light I think.

what have we seen light actually do tho?? .. the only thing i can think of is the PoH's creating a DARK keyblade, and kairi bringing sora back (which was due to the strength of the light within her heart) - other wise i cant think of a thing .. even though the power is there - it doesnt seem to be very excessable in the case of light .. whereas with darkness .. you can do some pretty dangerous and powerful stuff

but youre right about holy .. however neither sora, the princesses of heart - or any other person who uses light has done it thus far - so i personally wouldnt take minnie's case as a justifiable one ..

i mean i think that light COULD do many powerful things directly .. its just that it hasnt so far .. and what we see MX do with darkness is just completely superior in any way to something done with light - regardless of his experience - no one has used the abilities brought about by light and any way shape or form like how darkness has been used directly - i think it would be awesome if sora had been able to use a holy aura (like minnie) in the way that riku had used his dark aura when they fought .. the fact of the matter is that he didnt

who knows - maybe those things can be done from light but just havnt been thus far because the realization of its power hasnt been realized by anyone yet
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New member
Feb 11, 2008
no where
Either way this theory took time, and alot of effort -_- flaming like that is just rude lol
i stopped reading half way, too long


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
I don't think they're near of being a threat for him. If they became in some years Master and very skilled, then maybe. I think he is toying with them either because he has a sadistic/bored side and have fun looking them trying to get out of trouble, or because he manipulates them.
At the end, they fulfilled their purpose and MX dispose of them while allowing them to admire what they helped him to accomplish.

I completely agree with you here...
Throughout the whole secret ending he had that smirk on his face and held one hand behind his back for the majority of the time...

That alone is why I do not believe MX was defeated by VAT, Mickey or whoever...

That's true, but in that case he'd be getting power for becoming immortal, and not for being invincible (what he already is I'd say). Someone invincible by definition cannot be harmed/killed by something exterior to himself, meaning dying by age is unavoidable even in being invincible... Immortality is not a condition to be invincible, it add a degree to the invincibility though.

In a way, it goes hand in hand...
But I agree, I think immortality is his ultimate goal...

well this has yet to be seen .. we dont know the full extent of TAV's power (though i think its safe to assume that aqua and ven's are pretty feeble (as shown by the fm+ secret ending)) ..terra in the other hand is questionable ..

MX fought off Terra with one hand behind his back... =<
Terra may be the strongest of the group, but he still can't hold a candle to MX...

i still think that in that secret ending ..terra was beginning some form of a "transformation" and that the extent of his true power has yet to be shown ..

I still believe that it's just Terra using Fatal Mode...

but IF Mx were to dispose of them all .. he managed to dispose of himself in the process - which makes me believe happened as a result of something TAV possibly even mixckey had done - because why would he dispose of himself, lol he wouldnt?! ..i aslo dont think they admire MX very much or will ever come to - especially the things that he accomplishes

Which is why methinks the fusion between MX and Terra (and possibly DS, since those three were the "active" ones) was completely accidental, possibly caused by KH itself...

and finally i dont think hed bother toying with them for fun or boredom .. hes probly on the verge of immortality and i think that he would be wise enough to make sure that happens and not jeopardize it purely because of fun ..

Except he is obviously messing with them...
If he weren't, he would have simply taken them out quickly...

if you cannot no die, you are immortal .. that means that no matter what happens to him - enemy's trying to harm him, age catchin up - whatever the case may be .. it will not affect him .. that to me is the same as being invincible - nothing can harm him .. if you cannot die you are invcincible .. simple as that

i think me and you wont get anywhere with this tho because i believe them to be the same thing while you dont appear to ..

Invincible means that one cannot be defeated (and that alone)...
Immortal means that one cannot die; one would last forever...

There's a difference...


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
I completely agree with you here...
Throughout the whole secret ending he had that smirk on his face and held one hand behind his back for the majority of the time...

That alone is why I do not believe MX was defeated by VAT, Mickey or whoever...

lol i hate when youre right sometime

In a way, it goes hand in hand...
But I agree, I think immortality is his ultimate goal...

..mhm mhm

MX fought off Terra with one hand behind his back... =<
Terra may be the strongest of the group, but he still can't hold a candle to MX...

I still believe that it's just Terra using Fatal Mode...

i can understand that .. but to be honest - i dont even think fatal mode was created yet when this was actually made .. it was created during the development of the actual game - not the trailer?

and even if that isnt true - i disagree, i think theres more to it than just fatal mode and i dont think something so commonly used in gameplay would be incorperated in the ending like this ..

theres evidence to suggest Terra using the power of darkness - i respect your opinon .. but im sitll gonna stick with mine haha

Which is why methinks the fusion between MX and Terra (and possibly DS, since those three were the "active" ones) was completely accidental, possibly caused by KH itself...

i agree with yah here

Except he is obviously messing with them...
If he weren't, he would have simply taken them out quickly...

again .. i think he is spart enough to know that messing around isnt a good idea - and whether he meant for it to happen or not .. he goals were stopped dead in there tracks .. and i dont think hed chance that happening for fun

Invincible means that one cannot be defeated (and that alone)...
Immortal means that one cannot die; one would last forever...

There's a difference...

i see what youre saying .. but they still go hand in hand in regards to MX .. and both seem to be his overall goal (regardless of how invincible he appears to be now)


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
lol i hate when youre right sometime


i can understand that .. but to be honest - i dont even think fatal mode was created yet when this was actually made .. it was created during the development of the actual game - not the trailer?

And...? The entire idea of Fatal Mode could be from that moment...

and even if that isnt true - i disagree, i think theres more to it than just fatal mode and i dont think something so commonly used in gameplay would be incorperated in the ending like this ..

Even though it is still a concept video that was made before many things were created...?

theres evidence to suggest Terra using the power of darkness - i respect your opinon .. but im sitll gonna stick with mine haha

And who's saying that Fatal Mode isn't connected to darkness...?

again .. i think he is spart enough to know that messing around isnt a good idea - and whether he meant for it to happen or not .. he goals were stopped dead in there tracks .. and i dont think hed chance that happening for fun

Wait... You agreed with me on this at the top of your post... Make up your mind... =<
Regardless, the fact that MX did not seem to be using all of his power (and the fact that he held his hand behind his back) shows that he did not see them as much of a real threat...


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
And...? The entire idea of Fatal Mode could be from that moment...
Even though it is still a concept video that was made before many things were created...?
And who's saying that Fatal Mode isn't connected to darkness...?

well because correct me if im wrong? (isnt fatal mode incorporated into all 3 characters gameplay .. meaning aqau and ven have it to?) .. if they do then i think that goes out the window because otherwise aqua and ven would have done something similar to what terra is in the BBS movie before they got mangled and ven is frozen like that ..

and if im wrong .. i still dont believe that most so much emphasis or draw as much attention to terra doing something he can do at any given point - regularly throughout the game .. it kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me (which i know youll disagree with)

Wait... You agreed with me on this at the top of your post... Make up your mind... =<
Regardless, the fact that MX did not seem to be using all of his power (and the fact that he held his hand behind his back) shows that he did not see them as much of a real threat...

i currently dotn remember what i had agreed with since im responding to this a day later ..
and even if he is toying with them .. i would still say experience should show him its a bad idea ..


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
well because correct me if im wrong? (isnt fatal mode incorporated into all 3 characters gameplay .. meaning aqau and ven have it to?) .. if they do then i think that goes out the window because otherwise aqua and ven would have done something similar to what terra is in the BBS movie before they got mangled and ven is frozen like that ..

It's been a while since I last checked, but I believe Ven and Aqua have a powerful attack like that, but that it's not Fatal Mode...
Plus, like I said, that could have sparked the idea for Fatal Mode...

and if im wrong .. i still dont believe that most so much emphasis or draw as much attention to terra doing something he can do at any given point - regularly throughout the game .. it kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me (which i know youll disagree with)

And the secret ending was created before Terra could do Fatal Mode throughout the game...

i currently dotn remember what i had agreed with since im responding to this a day later ..
and even if he is toying with them .. i would still say experience should show him its a bad idea ..

OmniChaos said:
I completely agree with you here...
Throughout the whole secret ending he had that smirk on his face and held one hand behind his back for the majority of the time...

That alone is why I do not believe MX was defeated by VAT, Mickey or whoever...

Fatal Ascension said:
lol i hate when youre right sometime

OmniChaos said:
Except he is obviously messing with them...
If he weren't, he would have simply taken them out quickly...

Fatal Ascension said:
again .. i think he is spart enough to know that messing around isnt a good idea - and whether he meant for it to happen or not .. he goals were stopped dead in there tracks .. and i dont think hed chance that happening for fun

Both times I was talking about MX toying with VAT... The first time, you agreed with me, the second, disagreed...


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Alrite fist of I think the Kingdom hearts in this trailer is just a normal Kingdom hearts regardless of its hue.
I say that cause the kingdom hearts in Kh2 was formed from the hearts of other people.

If we go by your theory then we need to know why the kingdom hearts IN KH2 isn't blue..
Seeing as it was formed from hearts why would the darkness not prevail in that Kingdom hearts the one in KH2..

Also I think another thing that kind of fights this theory is, the fact that he is looking for the POH?
If he is going to do what the villians In Kh1 did why would this Kingdom hearts be diffrent?

Also where would he get these hearts of pure darkness, or hearts so corrupted by darkness that they cause a kingdom hearts to become solely darkness (please don't say the new enimies created them)

Finally I always thought the way you tell if someone is using darknes is by the black auras that generate from them..
Not the ones that are darker colored auras they have cause that would mean just about everybody In the Kh series is using darkness


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
It's been a while since I last checked, but I believe Ven and Aqua have a powerful attack like that, but that it's not Fatal Mode...
Plus, like I said, that could have sparked the idea for Fatal Mode...

And the secret ending was created before Terra could do Fatal Mode throughout the game...

lol i get yah ..

Both times I was talking about MX toying with VAT... The first time, you agreed with me, the second, disagreed...

i thought the first was regarding how much more powerful he was .. (you could say toying) .. but i took it as since he could do what he did with such little effort (hands behind his back) .. he is clearly MUCHHH more powerful then any of them - which is what led you to think that it wasnt becuase of TAV that he had ended up disposing of himself? ..thats what i agreed with hence the hate it when youre right comment

the second time i was saying that i find it unlikely that even though he is far more superior than them .. he would realize that toying with them would not benefit him in any way .. and possibly end up hurting him (which it did) .. and i think hed be smart enough to know that regardless of how much stronger he is - its still a posibility .. especially when KH is involved .. cause i dont think anyone truley knows the extent of its power - thats what i was iffy on .. hence the dissagreement

..two different points on my end but stemming from the same idea i suppose?? ..
think of it what you will?? =/
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The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
i thought the first was regarding how much more powerful he was .. (you could say toying) ..

The quote was in reply to this:

Lezard Valeth said:
I don't think they're near of being a threat for him. If they became in some years Master and very skilled, then maybe. I think he is toying with them either because he has a sadistic/bored side and have fun looking them trying to get out of trouble, or because he manipulates them.
At the end, they fulfilled their purpose and MX dispose of them while allowing them to admire what they helped him to accomplish.

but i took it as since he could do what he did with such little effort (hands behind his back) .. he is clearly MUCHHH more powerful then any of them - which is what led you to think that it wasnt becuase of TAV that he had ended up disposing of himself? ..thats what i agreed with hence the hate it when youre right comment


the second time i was saying that i find it unlikely that even though he is far more superior than them .. he would realize that toying with them would not benefit him in any way .. and possibly end up hurting him (which it did) .. and i think hed be smart enough to know that regardless of how much stronger he is - its still a posibility .. especially when KH is involved .. cause i dont think anyone truley knows the extent of its power - thats what i was iffy on .. hence the dissagreement

If he weren't toying with them, he would have straight out killed them...
Plus, we're talking about Xehanort here...

Rick got kh2fm+ said:
MX probably has just as much power as TAV, only combined

Probablly much, much more...


New member
Aug 21, 2008
bellvue WA
Well he maybe right.....

When in the wrold of chaos in Kh1 the Heartless symbol on the flor was that same shade (probably a bit darker) of blue.....riku wore blue and read when he was in his dark armour as well....so he MAY be right qbout this one.

Dude there is a coulour for that .....it;s called violet.

that makes sense actually


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
Alrite fist of I think the Kingdom hearts in this trailer is just a normal Kingdom hearts regardless of its hue.
I say that cause the kingdom hearts in Kh2 was formed from the hearts of other people.

that may very well be a possibility .. its more than liekly the case too - i was simply making a suggestion based on my thougts about MX .. might i remind you this is ten years in the past before that KH was created tho .. i dont think the same may neccessarily apply

If we go by your theory then we need to know why the kingdom hearts IN KH2 isn't blue..
Seeing as it was formed from hearts why would the darkness not prevail in that Kingdom hearts the one in KH2..

based on my suggestions - it would because it consists of PURELY darkness .. no light .. no nothing - just darkness ..

Also I think another thing that kind of fights this theory is, the fact that he is looking for the POH?
If he is going to do what the villians In Kh1 did why would this Kingdom hearts be diffrent?

i said that in my orignial post already dood?? ...
the reason for him to be looking for the POH would be so that they can open the keyhole and lead him to more darkness .. much like that of ansem? .. i really dont understand what you mean by this when i said that he would be looking for them for this reason - amung other things?

Also where would he get these hearts of pure darkness, or hearts so corrupted by darkness that they cause a kingdom hearts to become solely darkness (please don't say the new enimies created them)

again .. given my theory were true .. he can control darkness .. meaning that it came from him extracting the darkness himself .. the darkness exists noramlly as it always has in the hearts of people (with light inside them too) .. i suggested that he had taken it from within their heart and gathered it up forming the KH?

you dont seemed to heave read my original post in too much detail?

Finally I always thought the way you tell if someone is using darknes is by the black auras that generate from them..
Not the ones that are darker colored auras they have cause that would mean just about everybody In the Kh series is using darkness

what dark aura's are you talking about here?


New member
Jun 26, 2007
#2 The Dark Soldier
- I can't pretend to know the origins or nature of the DS .. or his/its connection to MX - however, i can use this theory to speculate ...this will sound very extreme or unlikely .. but PERHAPPPSS the DS is merely a manifestation of the darkness that MX has collected and controls from within his KH, possibly even from the darkness in MX's own heart (a dark entity regardless).. and acts as a guardian of darkness for him, if you will
- I think this would explain why the DS comes from within MX himself, why he has the armor similar to Riku's (which we know comes from darkness) ..and his keyblade (from darkness as well) ..my thought is that MX simply uses his power over the darkness to manifest into a physical from ..seems unlikely i know - but i could be possible, and again - there really isnt much to disprove it?

I think I've stated it on these forums before, but I personally think the Dark Soldier is the Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts I and II(in one of Ansem's reports, he states that he found Xehanort in bad health and with no memory - therefore he took the only name he could think of, 'Xehanort'). Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there for you to think about.

Furthermore, I find that your theory about MX's power being derived from darkness credible because he and the DS appear to be connected to darkness in more than one way(abilities, great strength, attire) and it would therefore only make sense. However, I do think Nomura has something unique up his sleeve.
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