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7/6 Union χ JP Update: Revival Draws, Reprint HSC

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
★1500-Jewel draws with a medal guarantee appear!
 Multiple Revival Draw deals open at once!

【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

Revival draws will be held during this campaign period. You can check the details of each draw below.

*Links lead to the original JP reports.

Revival Draw 1
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

★Guarantees one featured medal!
 A great 5-draw deal appeared!

■Draw Details
・Each draw guarantees one of the six reprint medals, which will arrive with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.

※Medals may reappear in the future.

■About Status Bonuses
・The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack, Defense +1000… "World of Chaos"
Attack+1000…"Key Art #3", "Sora Illust Ver B","Key Art #1", "Marluxia Boss Ver", "Sora & Donald & Goofy"

※Status Bonuses are displayed with yellow numbers on the medal's detail screen.
※Fusing a medal with a Status Bonus into another medal without a Status Bonus will cause the Status Bonus to be lost. To preserve the bonus, fuse medals into the Status Bonus medal instead.
※Medals with a Status Bonus can still be strengthened normally by Chip and Dale medals.
■About the Medals
Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
World of Chaos 【AoE】M atk+2 for two turns. 7 hits. 3 ×7.75
Key Art #3 【AoE】Enemy def-1 for one turn. Stronger with more HP. 5 hits. 2 ×3.98~7.81
Sora Illust Ver B 【AoE】S atk+2 for two turns. 13 hits. 3 ×7.75
Key Art #1 【AoE】Enemy M def-2 for one turn. 4 hits. 2 ×7.35
Marluxia Boss Ver 【Random-target】Attacks without PSM attribute effect. 13 hits. 3 ×12.01
Sora & Donald & Goofy 【AoE】Enemy PSM def-1 for one turn. 3 hits. 2 ×5.08

Revival Draw 2
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST
■Draw Details
・Each draw guarantees one of the six reprint medals, which will arrive with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.

※Medals may reappear in the future.

■About Status Bonuses
The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack, Defense +1000… "Aqua KH0.2 Ver", "Roxas Illust Ver", "Key Art #7", "Key Art #6"
Attack +1000… "The King Black Coat Illust Ver", "Ventus Illust Ver"
■About the Medals
Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Aqua KH0.2 Ver 【AoE】Enemy M def-2 for two turns.Stronger with more HP. 11 hits. 4 ×5.33~8.98
Roxas Illust Ver 【AoE】S atk+3 for one turn. Stronger with more SP. 5 hits. 4 ×6.67~8.75
Key Art #7 【AoE】Enemy def-1 for two turns. Stronger if set earlier in deck. 7 hits. 4 ×6.50~9.82
Key Art #6 【AoE】P atk+3 for one turn. Stronger with more SP. 5 hits. 4 ×6.67~8.75
The King Black Coat Illust Ver 【AoE】PSM atk+2 for two turns. Stronger with more HP. 4 hits. 1 ×3.47~7.08
Ventus Illust Ver 【Single-target】Enemy S def-1 for one turn. 13 hits. 3 ×9.20

Revival Draw 3
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

■Draw Details
・Each draw guarantees one of the six reprint medals, which will arrive with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.

※Medals may reappear in the future.

■About Status Bonuses
The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack, Defense +1000… "Key Art #8", "The King KH0.2 Ver"
Attack +1000, Guilt 5… "Sora HT Illust Ver"
Attack +1000… "Ursula HD Ver", "Riku Illust Ver B", "Axel HD Ver"
■About the Medals
Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Key Art #8 【AoE】M atk+2 for one turn. Enemy M def-2 for one turn. Stronger if set earlier in deck. 8 hits. 3 ×6.50~8.65
The King KH0.2 Ver 【AoE】Enemy P def-2 for two turns. Stronger with more HP. 9 hits. 4 ×5.33~8.98
Ursula HD Ver 【Single-target】M atk+3 for one turn. 5 powerful hits. 3 ×11.50
Sora HT Illust Ver ※ 【AoE】7 powerful hits. 3 Tier 5 Guilt …×9.12
Tier 4 Guilt …×8.39
Riku Illust Ver B 【AoE】P atk+2 for two turns. 11 hits. 3 ×7.75
Axel HD Ver 【AoE】Enemy def-1 for one turn. Stronger with more SP. 13 hits. 2 ×5.89~7.44
※Normally Guilt Tier 4, Guilt 5 with a Status Bonus.

Revival Draw 4
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

■Draw Details
・Each draw guarantees one of the six reprint medals, which will arrive with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.

※Medals may reappear in the future.

■About Status Bonuses
・The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack +1000…"Roxas Casual Ver", "Riku HD Ver", "Terra Illust Ver", "Ansem Illust Ver", "Axel SP Ver", "Pooh & Piglet"

■About the Medals
Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Roxas Casual Ver 【AoE】Enemy S def-2 for one turn. 13 hits. 2 ×6.76
Riku HD Ver 【Single-target】P atk+2 for one turn. Stronger if more enemies have been defeated in the stage. 11 hits.  3 ×7.77~11.55
Terra Illust Ver 【AoE】M atk+2 for one turn. 13 hits. 2 ×6.76
Ansem Illust Ver 【Single-target】Enemy def-1 for one turn, HP Sacrifice. 13 hits. 2 ×5.20~7.70
Axel SP Ver 【AoE】Stronger with more HP. 8 hits. 1 ×3.01~6.15
Pooh & Piglet 【Single-target】Atk+2 for one turn, Cura. 2 ×3.34

Revival Draw 5
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

■Draw Details
・Each draw guarantees one of the six reprint medals, which will arrive with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.
※Medals may reappear in the future.

■About Status Bonuses
・The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack, Defense +1000… "Terranort", "Dragon Maleficent"
Attack +1000… "Roxas HD Ver", "Kairi Illust Ver", "Sora Illust Ver", "Xion SP Ver"
■About the Medals
Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Terranort 【AoE】M atk+3 for one turn. Stronger with more SP. 8 hits. 4 ×6.67~8.75
Dragon Maleficent 【AoE】Enemy def-2 for one turn, HP Sacrifice. 11 hits. 3 ×5.75~8.57
Roxas HD Ver 【AoE】Enemy P def-2 for one turn. 8 hits. 2 ×7.35
Kairi Illust Ver 【Single-target】Atk+3 for one turn, Curaga. 3 ×3.84
Sora Illust Ver 【AoE】P atk+2 for one turn. 11 hits. 2 ×5.88
Xion SP Ver 【単体】Deals damage in exchange for defense. 15 hits. 1 ×6.16~7.60

WOFF Revival Draw
【Campaign Period】
7/6(Thurs) 18:00 ~ 7/14(Fri) 23:59 JST

★Guarantees 1 WOFF medal!
 A great 5-draw revival deal!

■About the draw
・Each draw guarantees one of the nine WOFF medals, which will come with 1-3 ability dots filled.
・Each draw also guarantees 5 VIP Coins as an extra reward.


■About the WOFF Medals
★Greatly strengthen your Burst level!
・WOFF medals increase Burst level more than usual.
・When Guilted for the first time, Burst level increases by +2 instead of the normal +1.
・When Guilt reaches max, Burst level increases by +10 instead of +5.
・"Lann", "Reynn", and "Sora WOFF Ver" have Tier 5 Guilt, the rest have Tier 4 Guilt.

■About Status Bonuses
・The following medals may appear with a Status Bonus.

Attack, Defense +1000… "Lann", "Reynn", "Sora WOFF Ver"
Attack +1000…the rest of the WOFF medals

Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Lann 【AoE】PSM atk +1 and enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 8 powerful hits. 5 ×9.95
Reynn 【AoE】PSM atk +1 and enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 8 powerful hits. 5 ×9.95
Sora WOFF Ver 【AoE】PSM atk +1 and enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 8 powerful hits. 5 ×9.95
Tama 【AoE】Enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 3 hits. 1 ×6.85
Squall WOFF Ver 【AoE】Enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 3 hits. 1 ×6.85
Sephiroth WOFF Ver 【AoE】Enemy PSM def-1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 3 hits. 1 ×6.85
Cloud WOFF Ver 【AoE】PSM atk+1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 13 hits. 1 ×6.85
Yuna WOFF Ver 【AoE】PSM atk+1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 13 hits. 1 ×6.85
Lightning WOFF Ver 【AoE】PSM atk+1 for three turns. PSM advantage on all enemies. 13 hits. 1 ×6.85

※WOFF medals may reappear in the future.


[Update 7/7 JST] Reprint HSC

img【Campaign Period】
7/7(Fri) 0:00 ~ 7/13(Thurs) 23:59 JST

★Many past HSC medals reappear!
 Reprint Highscore Event, start!
■Event details
Equip as many bonus medals as you can for the highest score bonus percentage and defeat as many enemies as you can for a score. Earn a high score and compete for a high ranking for the best rewards! This event's bonus medals include the reprint medals available in the ongoing Revival Draws.
Ranking rewards feature the reprint medals shown in the image above. Individual score rewards include the 5* reprint HSC medals shown above.

■About the Reprint Medals
・Guilt tiers and ability awakening slots are as follows:

★Guilt Tier 5, two ability awakening slots:
"Donald Illust Ver", "Terra & Ventus KH0.2 Ver", "Sora SP Ver", "Man in a Black Coat", "Vanitas Remnant"

★Guilt Tier 3, one ability awakening slot:
"Donald & Daisy", "Devil's Tower", "Donald & Goofy SP Ver"

※These medals will not have a Status Bonus.

Medal Ability SP Cost Max Ability Multiplier (includes Guilt)
Donald Illust Ver 【Single-target】Enemy def-2 for one turn. Stronger if set in slot 4. 8 hits. 2 ×7.70~10.33
Terra & Ventus KH0.2 Ver 【Single-target】P atk+2 and S atk+2 for two turns. 13 powerful hits. 2 ×9.75
Sora SP Ver 【Single-target】Enemy def-2 for one turn. Stronger if set in slot 4. 8 hits. 2 ×7.70~10.33
Man in a Black Coat 【AoE】Removes all buffs and debuffs from the player and enemies, HP recovery. Fixed damage, 11 hits. 1 79750 (fixed value)
Vanitas Remnant 【AoE】Atk+3 for one turn. Stronger if set earlier in deck. 5 hits. 4 ×5.20~8.23
Donald & Daisy 【Single-target】S atk+2 and M atk+2 for one turn. 13 powerful hits. 4 ×7.20
Devil's Tower 【Single-target】5 powerful hits. 5 ×9.16
Donald & Goofy SP Ver 【Random-target】6 powerful hits. 3 ×8.50


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws

Wow. Didn't realize that Illustrated Halloween Sora was/is a pull medal in JP. Must be nice.


Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws

Updated OP with the Reprint HSC!

You still have to rank for the 6* HSC medals, unfortunately, but it's nice that they came back.


Jun 29, 2017
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws, Reprint HSC

When new Medals?
Hoping tomorrow.. but I think we have to wait monday.


Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws, Reprint HSC

When new Medals?
Hoping tomorrow.. but I think we have to wait monday.
i think we wont new meda until the thurdady before the d23 event happens

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws, Reprint HSC

When's the new story update coming? Because we've already received the NA story update.


Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
Re: 7/6 Union ? JP Update: Revival Draws, Reprint HSC

When's the new story update coming? Because we've already received the NA story update.
next week probally unless they upade it tomorow before the final concert
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