Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
...The sky... what else?... LoL!! Sorry! It's somthing I just do!.... But Cool! I'm eating dinner.... and don't laugh at this!... watching tinker bell... SOOOOOOO BORED!!!
Well first you have to get to the social groups page by clicking "join user groups" or whatever it says in the group area of your profile. Once there scroll down to the bottom and in the blue bar at the bottom of the available groups section there will be a 'create new group' button on the left. The rest should be pretty easy.
Experience? You mean those colored bars Platinum and Premium users' have with their posts? They really serve no purpose other than to show how active you are on the forums. The bars increase with just about every action you make here.
I'll go and look! but in order to pass my standards... they have to have some blood and explosions!... stupid... I know... but still... I like those ones the most...