Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
~ pffft.
~ that's good. where do you work?
~ i stopped by your homepage. hm. is this site anything like tumblr? that's the site i have a page at. that place rox. i think that's the source of all those stupid memes that float around the internet (ex: forever alone, trollface, fffffuuuuu comics, etc).
D: Its more me that's been gone for a decade (or close enough) - and pm's? What PM's?
I left KHi like 2 years ago (bit more than that i think)
I only just came back - inactively a few weeks ago.
Just be careful. I would miss you (even if we're on twitter together)
Alright, I'm off. And the title has nothing to do with mages... it deals with Pirates. (It's an embarrassing story dealing with PotC and Yu-gi-oh. I really should change that sometime.)