Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I saw your tag, looks cool and it's kinda funny because it made me think of Fran, and it made me think of something funny. "Viera, the playboy bunny of final fantasy."
you've never heard of king arthur and the round table? merlin? the sword in the stone?
the forum i frequent is nicknamed the asylum as well... for good reasons >.> on of the running jokes at that place involves staring at static and a cult like obsession with it XD
meh ill use what ever language i deem apropriate for my characters, but thanks for the heads up
its a retelling of the lion king, where the setting is the modern day world and elements of the arthurian legend and characters from my last story(I only did 1 chapter of it before losing interest in it -_-) are mixed in
this'll be my 2nd rp forum ill be joining, this'll be interesting >D