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  • S
    Ehh...RokuOle is the most popular of the Olette ships in the Kh fandom anywho :D

    RokuXion's cute too but I like Roxas to be with someone...more normal and not having creepy powers
    Favorite couple besides RokuXion is RokuOle.

    I thought Olette was going to be how Kairi is to Sora in the Virtual Twilight Town but I got disappointed with RokuNami incest
    Mini fanfics of AU scenarios mixed in with some stuff that I worked on earlier.

    Look at the Zexion/Selphie one in Page 27!

    It's hilarious and the Roxas/Olette one I believe is gold
    Just La Compilation and I had this other one with a Ventus like character but it didnt get much feedback
    Eh. Never thought of it as a fanfic idea. I "might" do it only if people were interested in the idea besides you of course

    But I prefer to leave the idea out there for anyone to use it

    I dont like straying too far from the canon and want to know VAT's Master's name and appearance before doing it lol.
    lol you really thought my idea was good?
    i also put a whole fuck load of kh pics on ma new itouch
    and yea i agree, tfkh is the best section, plus the most active
    but ill end up to the point where there would be no reason to play any new kh games any more....
    well idk if u heard but i retired from the future of kh section
    too much bbs stuff goin on and ive Alfred spoiled myself enough on that game...
    so ive moved down to kh2 and kh2 help(i have done evrything humanly possible in kh2, i know EVERYTHING about it...)
    so yea....
    but i said that if there is a thread that has nothing to do with bbs, contact me and ill go take a look at it
    Great. It's good to have dreams.

    That is a good thing. Writing is a good exercise for the mind. It helps creativity. What kind of stories do you write?
    Sorry, I guess the fates have something else in mind for you.
    Well that's good to hear. I'm optimistic now.
    I would be surprised if I did anything exciting this summer. Nothing major, visiting my sister who just got her Masters. I have military meetings to go to as well. That's about it though.
    Not much just wondering how things were going with you.
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