Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
LOL. ^^ i have to say, u've been friends with me ever since that rp that solareon (or whatever the name is now... xD) had made about the city being locked down or whatnot... xD
Aww really, I'm sorry to hear that I really hope you'll feel better soon. Try getting some rest if you really feel sick, that's what I've mostly been doing. And sorry about my reply, I forgot to say I haven't been up to much, but I did start writing and posting my very first fanfic ^^
XD so they just missing? XD well, i know for a fact that KSX is uber busy with sig shop requests some times... >> other than that... i have no idea why he's so non talkative... ._.
and i've been good. been managing to survive the army life. but hey! want to join my rp? its called visionairies: knights of the magical light. ^^ would like u to check it out!! ^^
ahhh... XD that might explain it. LOL ^^ but YAY!! nice to hear from you again! ^^ i had thought those that i knew of the old blood lines were gone... xD
HOLY COW? XD when the heck did u become active again? XD and yes... im apart of that old bloodline that has dwindle down to one sole remaining heir... XD
i gave up on the ferno a while ago... i mean i'll play with it maybe but nothing permanent and i can do wahtever i please you have no control over me >