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  • Excellent! Please drop by Twilight Town, however, as otherwise Julian & co will likely be confused by your disappearance.

    And yes, I knew it! I quite enjoy the Leijonni, which was my main incentive to join the roleplay (along with the other roleplayers). I hope the activity picks up soon.
    Feel free to post in NoF anytime. It's no rush, and I suspect most people are still dealing with a new semester, but I want to make sure people know they don't have to wait on me to make an introductory post.
    I can definitely feel you on that one. Fall semester was interesting, to say the least.
    Thank you! I've been good. Dealing with school and the likeeee. Hopefully I can add another video to the channel this weekend :3
    That's fine, honestly confused as to what group he was going to. Feel free to utilize him however you need or wish.
    Are you fairly confident you can have the post up by sometime today? If not, I will go ahead and put up my own post.
    Ah, that's terrible (about the PS3, not the post). Let me know how that works out, and if you can't get a post in until late tonight or tomorrow, I understand.
    Excellent. And I'll have Alcaeus explain the Old-tech used when Christoph wakes up, though I get the feeling you may already have an idea what it is.
    And I have finished Alcaeus's entrance, so the roleplay is ready to start. Hopefully I didn't overstep my bounds, as I took the liberty of having Christoph fall unconscious after the fight to set the stage for everyone meeting. I figured him passing out would also be the most logical result in his prolonged upkeep of his ward.
    It's more me being anxious than anything, as I understand your current situation is limiting your activity, but should I simply go ahead and do the opening post myself (and hopefully not completely butcher Christoph's character)? If you're nearly done, then that's great. I just don't want this to get neglected, everyone lose interest, and it die before it can even bear fruit.
    My insides cry for the glory of the Sun, and for the aquiesence of the souls of mine enemies then, Elan Morin.
    My, my. Don't worry, though. I plan to use the Buddy system concept we plan to use in The Warlock (another project I need to get moving), so I'll have your back. I'm hoping, however, that this will garner enough attention to have two or three roleplays active during it. Would make the experience so much better.
    It's not that my interest has been diminished, simply diverted. I will get back to it in due time, once I finish a few other games.
    I've been terribly distracted by other games, with the current one being Assassin's Creed IV.
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