Haha, just trying to finish up the rest of my senior year in HS.
My mom and I are also grinding our asses to get me into a good art school over here. So, everything is pretty intense right now. I was a dummy for waiting until the last moment to finish up my personal statement/portfolio because I wanted everything to be perfect for my applications. But we're trying to see if we can get my foot in the door with a few of the schools. That's a primary reason why I loaded myself down with making my pro's look good, lmao.
Otherwise, I'm being drenched in doing these essays for some of my classes that are each 15 pages, icky.
But I'm just cruising along, trying to get everything done, really. Boys, class, design; the works.
I've also heard from a couple of people that you've gone into college for design..I think?
Any pointers or heads up you can give to me, other than meeting crucial deadlines? <3