Roxas getting Xions plot would've honestly made more sense when you take his KH2 scenes into consideration. I also saw a good idea of Xion instead being some girl Roxas meets on a mission and befriends. A normal girl. Teaching him friendship and all that magic sh*t.
Its kinda sad how many much better fan ideas or fan fiction ideas I've seen work compared to the actual plots. lmao
I can ignore deep dive since its one of those concept videos and if only I could ignore Days.
lol Think so? Simplicity born out of a mind trying to dance around genderbending. lmao
lol It's weird but I consider it one of those disney magic things. It just does so I roll with it. haha
Solving mysteries does indeed take away magic. Nomura is answering things that dont need it and leaving things unanswered that do. If he's gonna take such an approach then he shouldn't answer things at all.
It saddens me every time I see that comment because KH2 gave reasons to those questions but they was simpler. Roxas was plagued by Sora dreams and the keyblade so sought him out. He longed for a normal life after being trapped in that virtual town, etc. THOSE were answers. Fans sadden me.
Another mystery that was overly done was Xehanort in KH2. He was introduced to show us Ansem & Xemnas' human form. He was a cliche amnesia yes but thats all we needed. What the character Xehanort turned into was just annoying as hell.
I preferred the "evil terra" theories of old. Terra is pulled to the dark, turns on Xehanort, loses memory, takes the name, then takes Ansems name. It was such a simpler route.
Thats just it though nothing was retconned because nothing was stated. The only retcon in the series was that KH1 Ansem wasn't actually Ansem. Retcons are alterations of established facts, not elaborations on ambiguous ones.
It's the same thing with the term "plothole". The only one of those so far is Sora's body after Roxas was made. You wouldn't believe how many times I've quoted the actual term for plothole because someone didn't know what it meant.
Actually Xion was never stated so she wasn't a fact to retcon thus adding further to her and days' filler feeling and superfluous story. They added nothing but contradicted nothing.
Xemnas is a muddled area because his plan was to absorb his kingdom hearts. That much was always true. Nomura just added to that plan rather than retconning the information.
From what I see of Sephiroth0812 posts the 7 PoH only open the Door to Darkness. I think this was even in KH1. They open the door too kingdom hearts but that stupid Xblade plot device just summons it to you. It doesn't retcon the 7 PoH it just makes them outright superfluous which is worse than retconning.
This may just be a topic of how you spin it however. How it is viewed in a sense. I only consider Ansem to be the only retcon because it's stated bluntly in the 1st game that he is.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Nomura trolls everyone with a reboot ending to KH3. haha A fresh start for the jaded fans like us.
Have I showed you my old threads on Xblade and Ceremonies?
I find such few agreement with people on these notions. ;-;